The conversation in the garden of Dragonstone Castle lasted for a long time. Finally, at dusk, the silver-haired "man" hurriedly said goodbye and left, ready to implement Renly's plan.

Watching the other party's back as he left, Renly squinted unconsciously.

Driven by the common enemy, he persuaded the other party to do this for him without much effort, but in fact, he didn't need to do it in his original idea.

Renly believed that even if there was no such thing as finding a door, the cooperation between the pagans and Targaryen was enough to arouse the church's suspicion. However, Renly found that they had exposed the cooperation between the disciples and Targaryen for several months, and there was no response from the church.

In other words, the archbishop of the church did not respond.

Renly did not think that the church would make concessions on this issue of faith. He believed that there were two reasons for the lack of response.

First, unlike the church in its heyday, which had armed forces and could call on believers across the continent to resist the tyrant Maegor with just a piece of paper, the organizational structure of the Church of the Seven Gods is now too loose, like a disintegrating behemoth.

Second, the current archbishop of the church is a fool.

This made him think more about the deal that had not yet been reached with the Seven Gods, but the most important thing at this time was not to think about the deal, but how to make the church aware of the problem and then mobilize.

A behemoth is a behemoth after all. Although it has no power itself, its influence is comparable to that of an invincible army. Civilians, knights, nobles, except for Dorne and the North, basically everyone in Westeros believes in the Seven Gods.

So if the church really wants to be dragged out to call on everyone to be hostile to Targaryen and the pagan disciples, then even if many lords in Westeros have different intentions, they must consider the consequences of this choice-

Some lords and nobles may not pay much attention to faith, but most ordinary people are very pious. So for an ordinary farmer, is his own lord more important or is faith more important?

This question needs to be verified, but when the time comes, the lords themselves cannot help but think about it.

Therefore, Renly believes that the cooperation between Targaryen and those pagans is a failure.

In other words, the moment they started to cooperate, they naturally stood on the opposite side of the people of Westeros.

Renly didn't know why Targaryen made this choice. Maybe he had no choice, or he was short-sighted, or he felt that this matter was not a big deal.

But no matter what Targaryen thought, when he found out about their cooperation, Renly naturally couldn't help but take advantage of it.

Originally, his idea was to wait and see. He thought that the church would definitely be aware of the existence of this religious invasion without him doing anything. But at the moment, he seemed to have overestimated those people in the church.

Thousands of years have passed since the last time the Seven Gods Church launched a war of faith. The battle between the ancient Seven Gods and the old gods has long become an ancient history that has been covered in dust and ignored by the books. The "invincible" situation for countless years has made the church seem a little slow to react.

So Renly thought it was necessary to remind them.

But he didn't want to go down in person, or negotiate with the church through Baratheon, because that would seem a bit deliberate, and the church might seize the opportunity to get involved with the royal family, so he hoped to achieve this through Maegor in front of him and the team behind him.

The solution is not difficult, just ask them to publicize this matter everywhere, and then let the church realize this problem.

To resist foreign aggression, you must first stabilize the country. This is one of his ways to stabilize the country, but Renly did not put all his hopes on it, because this kind of thing is still a bit illusory. Before it is really achieved, no one knows what the specific effect will be, so in addition to this, he has other plans.

Targeting the Vale and the Riverlands.

The overthrow of Targaryen and the creation of the Baratheon dynasty benefited from the alliance of the four families of Osprey, Wolf, Eagle and Deer, but this alliance was not so solid. In other words, the dukes who formed an alliance with Baratheon did not necessarily have strong control over their vassals.

Take the Tully family in the Riverlands for example. There are many troublemakers in the Riverlands, and many lords do not take the Tully family seriously.

Although the duke and the king have formed an alliance, the duke's vassals are not puppets who follow what the lord says. They have their own ideas and interests, and they are not fools who follow what the lord says.

Renly believes that the Riverlands is the most chaotic place, and he should also pay special attention to the lords there. Secondly, in this alliance of Osprey, Wolf, Eagle and Deer, the second most unstable is the Vale.

There is no other reason. Jon Arryn, the Duke of the Vale who strongly supports King Robert, is already very old. He might die suddenly one day. That's fine. The only heir of the Duke of the Vale is a sickly kid. He might die earlier than Jon Arryn.

This is a very serious problem.

Even though the Arryn family of Silvermoon Eagle is deeply rooted in the Vale and has a far-reaching influence, when the crisis of heirs arises, the lords of the Vale will inevitably have all kinds of small thoughts.

At the same time, the Duke of the Vale after Jon Arryn may not always stand on the side of Baratheon.

That's why Renly turned his attention to the Vale after the River Bend.

In addition, the Deer Family, that is, Renly's family, is not so complicated. The lords of the Stormlands do not like their new king Stannis very much, but they love King Robert very much. At the same time, they are also the direct descendants, so basically there will be no trouble.

Renly also thinks that the Wolf Family in the north, that is, the Stark family, is relatively stable.

The current Duke Stark is in his prime and has two legitimate sons and two daughters. It is said that Lady Stark is pregnant again and may give birth to a son.

There is no problem of heirs. In terms of family prestige, the Starks are much stronger than the Tully family in the Riverlands-

The Tully family in the Riverlands has only been in power for three hundred years, and the Stark family claims to have a history of nine thousand years. It is not known whether it is true or not, but at least the Stark family has ruled the North for no less than a thousand years.

For such a long time, they have already infiltrated the concept that the Stark family is equal to the leader of the North into every corner of the North. So even though the Stark family's direct territory and conscripted soldiers may not be that strong, their prestige among the northerners is irreplaceable, and their rule is very stable.

So as long as the Starks don't do anything serious, they will be fine.

The problems within the alliance are roughly like this, and as for the other areas of the Seven Kingdoms outside the alliance, Renly thinks that the Reach is safer. After all, he has personally met with all the main lords of the Reach and has a clear control over that area. He believes that apart from anything else, the Reach will not have any trouble in the battle between Targaryen and Baratheon.

Not to mention the Westerlands, the Lannister family has a very strong control over the Westerlands, and Lannister was the number one executioner who captured King's Landing and slaughtered Targaryen. Not to mention that the next generation of kings of the Baratheon dynasty are connected with them by blood, even if this did not happen, Lannister would not run to the Targaryen side -

In a sense, Lannister is Baratheon's most solid ally.

The most serious problem is in Dorne.

The Church of the Seven has little influence in Dorne. At the same time, Dorne was married to Targaryen, and the royal family members slaughtered by Lannister included the Dorne princess and her two children.

This has basically pushed Dorne to the opposite side of Baratheon.

If there were no Targaryen, Dorne might not have so many troubles, but now Targaryen has already shown signs of a comeback, so it is impossible for that place to continue to be honest.

Renly believes that the reason why it is so quiet there is very simple. Targaryen, who is in exile overseas, is not ready for a real counterattack. They can only choose to remain dormant, but when the day comes when Targaryen is ready, Dorne will definitely respond first.

Of course, all this is still his speculation. Maybe Dorne will really be a Baratheon minister, but this possibility is very small.

So during this period, in addition to studying the Vale and the Riverlands, he also focused on thinking about how to solve the problem of Dorne before the war broke out.

Renly has not thought of a solution for the time being, after all, the Dornish are notoriously difficult to deal with, but he is not anxious about this matter, after all, it is useless to be anxious about such things, and he does not put too much thought on Dorne, the destined enemy.

For the time being, his main concern is still how the Earl of Gulltown in the Vale will react, and how to stimulate the church.

However, Renly has no mind to think about Dorne, but Dorne has set its sights on him.

Just as the Earl of Gulltown was summoned and set out on the road to King's Landing, Renly, who was in Dragonstone, received a letter from King's Landing——

The Martell family, which rules Dorne, hopes to reach a marriage with Renly, and King Robert summons Renly to King's Landing to discuss this matter.

There is another chapter in the evening~

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