The intelligence chief, Wallis, was a eunuch, and he always spoke in a soft voice. However, there were only seven people at the royal conference table, and if they were gathered together, no one could hear clearly.

At this time, King Robert was sitting in the first place. Because he disliked the blond hair and suspected that there might be some witchcraft power in it, he shaved off his hair directly. The bald forehead was in harmony with the tiles beside him. Rhys is a perfect match.

"Can he still think that those wolves can run into the Twins and bite Old Frey to death?" After listening to Varys's words, the bald king said angrily: "Old Frey, who has difficulty walking, suddenly thought You want to go out for a walk, but you are attacked by those wolves? "

Robert suddenly caught a cold in the past two days, his nose was stuffy, and his voice sounded strange, which he regarded as one of the symptoms of being infected.

"We have no way of knowing the specifics, Your Majesty."

Varys replied softly: "Duke Tully is investigating the matter."

Robert waved his hand with no interest after hearing this, so Varys closed his mouth clearly. Duke Mace on the other side took the opportunity to speak: "The envoy from the Braavos Iron Treasury came to collect debts. Your Majesty, you you want to see him?"

"As long as you, the Chancellor of the Finance, come forward." Robert said without hesitation after hearing this, and without waiting for the Duke of Mace to respond, he continued to say to Varys: "Quickly investigate whether Braavos is really related to Targaryen. There is collusion, and I look forward to settling the account with them carefully.”

"We currently only know that the remnants of the Targaryen have lived in Braavos for a few years." Varys heard this: "But this is not enough evidence that they reached cooperation."

"Then continue the investigation." Robert ordered.

"Dorne replied and stated that he could send envoys to discuss the marriage, Your Majesty." Prime Minister Jon Arryn said at this time: "They seem to be very sincere."

Hearing this, the bald king glanced at the black-haired young man at the end of the long table who was listening silently, and said, "Then let them come. I want to see if those Dornish people are really sincere or are they up to something."

The Prime Minister nodded after hearing this, and then said: "Earl Gerald Grafson of Seagull Town will arrive in King's Landing tomorrow, Your Majesty."

"You should contact him first, and then let him come to see me if you think there is no problem." Robert replied.

Renly, who had been listening silently, suddenly said: "I hope to be with Prime Minister Jon. Your Majesty, as the accuser, I think he will want to see me."

Upon hearing this, Robert glanced at the bald old man specifically, and when he saw that he had no comment, he said to Renly: "You and Jon will go directly to see him tomorrow."

Renly nodded and said nothing more.

Then the meeting continued, and the people at the table talked about many things related to the Seven Kingdoms, but only two of them could attract Renly.

The so-called wolf plague mentioned before is one, and the church-related issue mentioned later is another.

There have been rumors of wild wolves attacking peasant knights in the Riverlands in the past two years. They are mainly concentrated in the Frey family territory of Twin River City. It seems that the trouble is serious.

Renly knew this before, but due to the rudimentary intelligence system of his, he didn't know the details. When he heard this, he knew that the cunning old Marquis of the Twins was actually dead.

This thing surprised him, because he was deeply impressed by the cunning old man who could still marry a young wife even in his seventies or eighties. However, there were not many clues about the death, so he didn't think much about it.

Relatively speaking, the church matter discussed at the imperial conference table concerned him more.

"Even the people of King's Landing have learned that the remnants of the Targaryens want to use pagan forces to counterattack the Iron Throne, but the High Bishop still pretends to be ignorant. Your Majesty, I think we need to talk to the High Bishop."

"That fat man is greedy. Maybe he wants to get some benefits from us."

"This matter is not just about the Iron Throne. What reason does he have to benefit from it?"

"Perhaps he thinks that foreign pagans will not impact the status of the church?"

Obviously, the previous cooperation between Renly and Maegor had achieved initial results, but the effect seemed not to be strong. After listening silently for a while, Renly couldn't help but think of the unreached deal with the Seven Gods on his wrist.

So after the meeting ended, he left the Red Keep with a group of guards and headed towards the Steel Street of King's Landing.

The sound of horse hooves hitting the ground was clear and loud. The group of ten people riding horses was not very eye-catching, but it also caused many pedestrians on the road to avoid it. Renly, who was leading the way, wore a dark blue velvet jacket with gold trim and slim-fitting breeches. The short black hair is neat and shiny, and the handsome face still shows its youthfulness when you look carefully. It looks like there are more playboys in some family than important officials in the kingdom.

More than half a month after arriving in King's Landing, Renly had basically not stepped out of the Red Keep, so no one knew him, let alone the personnel appointments in the Red Keep. However, as he walked, Renly could still feel that there was something wrong with him. Some eyes were staring specifically at him.

He didn't really care about it.

King's Landing is no different than the Reach. The forces on all sides are complex, and it is normal to have many spies behind the scenes.

It's just normal, but Renly can't let them stare at him all the time, and he also has the ability to feel who these people are who are paying special attention to him.

So after walking for a while, he called the guards around him and whispered a few instructions, and the guards immediately turned their horses' heads and approached some special beings in the crowd.

"Sir, would you like to listen to a song?" One of the men, a man with a mustache disguised as a sloppy bard, smiled at a sturdy guard approaching him. As a result, he was hit by a whip and covered his face and wailed. Several screams suddenly sounded around him, attracting the attention of many people on the street.

However, the guards ignored the gazes of these people and continued to whip them with whips in their hands until the targets lay on the ground, rolling and wailing, not daring to get up. Then they turned around and escorted Renly to ride away.

So there was no more eyeliner to watch them.

This behavior aroused the indignation of many people who did not know the situation, and also caused some people who knew the situation to be secretly astonished, but the person involved did not take it to heart. After taking the guards to take a seemingly casual tour in King's Landing, he went back to the Red Castle directly, as if he was just going out for a casual stroll.

However, in fact, Renly was contacting his own people in the city.

With limited manpower, he only brought 20 Dragonstone guards to King's Landing from Dragonstone.

However, this does not mean that Renly has no other manpower in King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. In fact, the intelligence system he has built in the past nine years is mainly concentrated in this city.

Westeros is very large and transportation is inconvenient. It is very difficult to create an intelligence system with a wide coverage, but it is much easier to attack the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

After nearly ten years of frugality and active participation in the tournaments held in various places in the River Bay, Renly's money has basically been spent in the city of King's Landing.

I don't know how strong the effect will be, but at least he wants to understand the situation of some people in King's Landing and the forces of all parties.

So on the night after returning to the Red Castle, some information about the church was directly placed on the desk in Renly's bedroom.

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