With a nickname like Red Viper, Oberon cannot be a good-tempered person, and his sister Ilia is even more of a contradiction to him. However, the black-haired young man in front of him has always been full of mystery. And the methods are confusing.

Even if he was angry, Oberon did not show it. Instead, he said with a smile after hearing the words: "Dorne has not formed an alliance with Targaryen. Lord Renly, please don't slander us casually." ”

"Your sister's death was because of the war, so let's talk about the cause of the war first."

Renly ignored the other party's quibbles and sat behind the desk, minding his own business: "The former Prince Rhaegar fell in love with Lyanna, the youngest daughter of the previous generation of Duke Stark in the North, at the tourney. Soon after, he ignored himself. Already having a wife and a pair of children, he directly led people to kidnap the wolf girl of the Stark family and disappeared. Brandon, the then heir of the Stark family, was angry that his sister was kidnapped, and went to King's Landing with his companions. With the Mad King's important people on the Iron Throne, they were detained by the Mad King. Later, the fathers of several of the captors, including the old Duke in the North, were summoned to King's Landing by the Mad King, and then burned alive. Also dying are Brandon and his gang.”

"It was that bitch of the Stark family who seduced Rhaegar." Oberon retorted.

"What does it matter?" Renly chuckled: "One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. No matter what the truth is, it is always a fact that your sister was disliked and thrown aside by Rhaegar."

Oberon said nothing, his face was very gloomy.

Seeing this, Renly continued: "After burning the Duke of the North, the Duke's heir, the Vale heir, and many other members of the family, large and small, the Mad King ordered Jon Arryn, Duke of the Vale, to behead his two adopted sons. I offered my head to the Iron Throne. One of these two adopted sons is Eddard Stark, the new Duke of the North, whose father and brother are dead, and the other is my brother Robert. For various reasons, Jon Arryn refused. Following the Mad King’s orders, war broke out.”

These are facts and there is nothing to refute, so Oberon nodded.

"The North, the Valley, the River, the Storm, and soon after the war started, most of Westeros began to rebel against the Mad King. It was unclear at the beginning, but as the war continued, the situation became clearer."

"At that time, you Dornish people were allies of Targaryen. In order to prevent your ally from becoming disloyal, the Mad King detained your sister and your sister's children in King's Landing and took personal care of them. The purpose was to restrain Dorne's army. At the same time, he He was also afraid that something might happen to King's Landing, so for safety reasons, the Mad King sent his wife and children to Dragonstone. Sure enough, when the Lannister pretended to be a Targaryen ally and successfully opened the door of King's Landing, accidents and tragedy happened. ”

Having said this, Renly paused and looked at the gloomy Dornish man in front of him. He said in a sarcastic tone: "Your sister was left in King's Landing and died tragically under the slaughter of the Lannister. The Mad King's The children were sent to a safe place to escape, and those who were sent to Dragonstone are your allies at the moment."

"I said that Dorne is not allied with the Targaryens." Oberon said with a sneer, "At the same time, I know the inside story better than you about my sister's death, and I don't need you to repeat it."


Renly was unmoved, "Then who do you think you can blame for this matter? The Lannister is the executioner and tortured and killed your family with his own hands, but if it wasn't for the Mad King to coerce Dorne, how could your sisters and the others do it? Faced with such a disaster. Or, in other words, if your brother-in-law hadn't had an extramarital affair and betrayed your sister, which then triggered the war, how could your sister have died? "

Oberon narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Renly with hostility, as if he was furious because Renly was exposing his scars one after another.

However, he did not get angry. Instead, after a moment of silence, he suddenly laughed.

"So what are you trying to say? Baratheon is innocent and an ally we should unite with?"

"Of course." Renly nodded, "I don't deny that Baratheon is responsible for this matter, but it is obvious that Baratheon is the party with the least responsibility. When Lannister deceived King's Landing and started to carry out massacres, , they took the initiative to kill the Targaryen family without siding with Baratheon or communicating with us in advance.”

"So you decided to trade Lannister for Dorne?"

Oberon, who was crossing his legs, shook the note in his hand and changed the topic to business.

"If I had a choice, I would side with Lannister, because Lannister is stronger than Dorne." Renly said frankly: "But what happened was unpredictable and impossible to reconcile, so Baila Theon and the Lannister can no longer maintain an alliance, at least not for a long time, so why should we drag them to become enemies of Dorne? "

"You just trust me that I won't tell anyone about this."

Oberon seemed to have regained his senses and asked with interest, "If this is true, it would be a big deal. Think about it, sitting back and watching you Baratheons and Lannisters fighting among themselves, how many people would be affected?" Well, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.”

"Even if you say it, no one will believe it." Renly said calmly, "Because you have no evidence, others will just think you are just sowing discord."

"Do you have evidence?"

"I have it, but I can't show it to you just yet," Renly replied.

In fact, he has no evidence, but he can catch the rapist in bed anytime and anywhere, and "interrogate" the truth. However, this cannot be done casually, at least not currently.

"Then how can I be sure that you are telling the truth?"

Oberon asked: "Perhaps your purpose is to deceive us?"

"I don't say this with the expectation that Dorne will directly side with us." Renly said: "But I hope you can think carefully. Lannister is your enemy, so is Targaryen, and Baratheon En may become your ally, so why can't you remain neutral in future wars?"

These words made Oberon narrow his eyes, and Renly said meaningfully: "Stay neutral and wait for the end of the war. In this way, no matter who wins, Dorne's strength will not be damaged at all. And you and I both know that in this world, It makes sense to fight whoever has the bigger fist. At that time, your Dorne might have the biggest fist, and it would be very simple to find out the truth. "

Oberon didn't speak, and Renly continued: "You have seen everything outside. Targaryen is very unpopular here. In other words, when Targaryen unites those heretics, they are destined to be unable to return. Rule Westeros. So why stand on the side that is destined to lose? If you don’t want to side with Baratheon, then just run aside and watch the show. What do you have to lose?”

"No loss, but no gain either," Oberon said.

Renly said it so straightforwardly that he no longer needed to hide anything at this time.

"Even if you side with the Targaryens, what will you gain?"

Renly asked back: "Maybe after you support Targaryen to take the throne, the next generation of kings will have Dornish blood, but in the end, what is the use? There is no way that Targaryen will take the throne. Even if they defeat Baratheon, they It's impossible to sit on the Iron Throne - that doesn't change when they unite with the heretics, unless you believe that the heretics help the Targaryens without asking for anything in return."

Oberon didn't speak, and the expression on his face remained unchanged, but Renly could find that the other person's mood was completely different from the first.

So he changed the topic and said: "In this war, we don't mind Dorne watching the show, because Baratheon is confident and capable of defeating Targaryen. And I can guarantee that after dealing with Targaryen, , the next one will be the Lannister, then you and I can form an alliance, and even my brother’s second queen can also consider the Dornish woman, what do you think?”

Oberon didn't speak, and was silent for a moment. He finally took a deep look at Renly.

"I'm going back to discuss with my brother, but I can't give you any guarantees."


Renly nodded, "I trust Prince Doran to make a wise choice."

There will be another chapter later~

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