The shrill screams of monkeys came from not far away, attracting the attention of the girl by the pond in the forest garden. She looked sideways and saw two golden monkeys fighting each other on a tall elm tree not far away. One of them was pulling the tail of the other monkey hard, while the other monkey poked its finger into its nostril.

The two little guys kept rolling and jumping on the tree, fighting endlessly, accompanied by bursts of screams. Several times they looked like they were about to fall, but they never landed.

Sometimes they can even use their tails to hang their bodies and swing back and forth, which seems very agile.

The Zoo is really an interesting place. It seems that I will come here often in the future. The girl by the pond blinked and thought, and her depression was somewhat dispelled.

"Miss Renis, it's lunch time." A voice whispered beside her, causing the girl in a warm yellow dress to divert her attention, but after looking at the maid next to her, she just shook her head.

"I won't eat lunch. I have no appetite."

"But the lady is still waiting for you." The maid said embarrassedly.

"Just say I've eaten it." The girl answered perfunctorily.

"But..." The maid hesitated, but in the end she didn't say anything, just nodded, and then hurried away to inform the lady she mentioned.

The girl sighed at this.

Although more than ten years have passed, I'm still not used to it...

Thinking of this, she looked back at the pool in front of her. There were several chubby white fish swimming in the clear spring water. The girl poked it with her finger casually, and one of the fish suddenly swelled into a ball that was more than ten times larger. The bulging "cheeks" and the pouting of small eyes and small mouth seemed to be very angry, but it made people feel very funny.

This inflatable fish is really interesting.

The girl couldn't help but smile, but then the depressed mood emerged again in her heart.

The plan was not foolproof, but it was very sure. After all, the Faceless Men of Braavos had almost never failed to assassinate their targets. Even if the opponent was the king of another continent, it was difficult to guard against assassins who changed their identities at will.

However, the news that came back a while ago was like a blow to her head, which made her a little confused-

The three Faceless Men were caught and hanged by the man named Renly!

They were discovered before they took action...

I feel so sad.

Why did this happen?

Not only did the girl not understand this, but the Thousand-Faced God priest who contacted her also had no clue. But whether they could figure it out or not, it was a fact that the Faceless Men suffered heavy losses.

This matter alone gave the girl a headache-the Faceless Men had a deep relationship with the ruling class of Braavos, but they were not completely vassals, or even if they were vassals, they were not something that a Sea King could fully control, not to mention that she was just the daughter of the Sea King.

At the beginning, she was able to mobilize the Faceless Men to assassinate the king because of her convenient identity, and because the Faceless Men were also looking for a way out. Finally, and most importantly, she also took out a very important secret message from the Targaryen family in exchange for the implementation of this plan.

However, it failed so completely now...

The House of Black and White (the headquarters of the Faceless Men) had already notified them to give up the deal beforehand, and claimed that they would no longer cooperate with the girl, which made the girl quite angry, because those people could not complete the tasks they were supposed to complete, and they actually blamed her?

What's the reason.

"Sooner or later, I will completely control you." Crouching by the pool and constantly poking the fish with her fingers, the girl muttered, but she couldn't help but think of a name in her mind-Renli.

The first plan failed at this guy's head, and now the second time it fell into his hands, which made the girl secretly hate it, and she was even so angry that she couldn't sleep at night. But it's obvious that the enemy can't be solved by anger, and it seems that this matter can only be blamed on myself for not understanding the enemy situation?

But she thought she had figured it out very clearly, her origin, her upbringing, what she learned... She even knew that Renly liked to read history -

But after all the research, that person was still a mystery.

It would be fine if it was just that, but more importantly, every time the girl thought of that person's name, she felt familiar, and even had the inexplicable urge to run over to find him.

This urge came for no reason, and the familiarity also made the girl often think that she had a problem with her brain.

In fact, she now tends to think that she seems to have some disease, because she feels that there are many strange things in her life.

For example, she likes to grow flowers and garden, but she searched through the memories of her previous life and didn't figure out how she liked such boring things. She should like singing and dancing, right?

At the same time, she still couldn't figure out how she made up her mind to run outside Westeros in her previous life, mix in various mysterious circles, and become a faceless man.

I remember correctly, she and her family have always had a good relationship, why did they break up?

And most importantly, she had no memory of how she escaped from Dorne.

According to the history of this world, she died in Dorne, but she knew clearly that she was not dead.

Why was she not dead?

She couldn't remember.

"Maybe this kind of thing will happen after changing the body?" The girl guessed.

Obviously, there are gaps in the memory of the previous life, but what exactly is the gap? She couldn't figure it out, but she just felt vaguely that it seemed very important to her, very, very important, but...

A hurried sound of footsteps interrupted the girl's thoughts. After concentrating on the little fish in the pool in front of her that was staring at her angrily, she sighed, then turned her head and looked in the direction of the footsteps, and found that it was her trusted butler who came over.

"Is it the red monk who sent a letter again?"

The girl asked, "Or is it the group of bald heads?"

"It's a letter from Dorne, Miss Rhaenys." The butler handed the letter in his hand to the girl while speaking. The sun lance mark on the envelope clearly showed that the letter was sent by the Martell family who ruled Dorne.

"It's really strange. The timid Prince Doran actually took the initiative to write a letter." Seeing this, the girl curled her lips, then opened the letter and took a look, her face gradually darkened.

"Is there anything wrong, Miss?"

The butler with a wheel mark on his face asked cautiously.

"It's no big deal." The girl answered lightly, but she tore the letter in her hand into pieces with her little hands, and then threw it into the pool fiercely.

"You still have the nerve to say that you are unyielding, I think they are just a bunch of turtles!"

After gritting her teeth, the girl stood up and paced back and forth several times, and finally couldn't help cursing, and then hurriedly stepped away.

The neatly dressed housekeeper was a little dumbfounded.

Didn't hear it wrong, Miss Renis, who was always gentle and polite, just cursed...Fuck your mother?

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