The fight between the man and the wild dog had just ended, and another fight suddenly started.

Many people gathered around again. Renly, who was on the second floor of the tavern and looking down at everything, was speechless, especially the middle-aged monk who was wearing a monk's robe and kicked people very hard, which made his eyelids jump.

Renly felt that the man recommended by his intelligence chief Wenda was not very reliable, but he didn't plan to make a wasted trip. So when he saw that the fight below was over and those people were still walking out of the tavern, he raised his hand and waved. Tob, who was sitting at another table behind him, stood up and ran down. Not long after, he came up with someone.

The man with a vicissitudes of life, gray hair, a slightly messy linen robe, and a trace of fatigue from physical labor on his face was the one who kicked people just now.

"The gods arranged for us to meet here." He took a deep breath after he came over, then bowed and saluted, "Nice to meet you, Lord Renly."

"What the monk did really opened my eyes." Renly responded with a smile.

"Power can protect us from harm, sir."

After hearing this, Brother Gore did not feel embarrassed at all, but gathered his sleeves and sat opposite Renly in a familiar manner, "The Virgin Mary taught us mercy, but the warriors also guided us to show our fists, because not everyone can be influenced by mercy."

Renly laughed when he heard this, but he did not intend to continue the topic, but changed the subject, "Okay, Brother Gore, let's not talk about this for now, I think we should talk about business."

Brother Gore did not speak, but put on an attitude of listening attentively, and his solemn and humble appearance did not show the violent temperament before.

Renly didn't pay much attention to the man's temperament, but went straight to the point and asked: "If you were the Archbishop, what would you do?"

This made Goyle stunned for a moment. He couldn't help but look up and look at Renly's expression again and again, and finally couldn't help but say: "God bless you, Lord Renly, am I right that this is the first time we meet?"

"Of course." Renly nodded: "But I know you, and you know me, so that's enough."

"Do you want to change the Archbishop?"

"I have this idea."

"But the current Archbishop is still--"

He suddenly stopped talking halfway, as if he had figured it out all of a sudden, and then under Renly's interested gaze, he said decisively: "If I were the Archbishop, I would naturally do the opposite of the current Archbishop."

"How to be the opposite?"

"He is greedy, I am honest, he is lazy, I am hardworking, he does nothing, I want to do something." As he said, he sat opposite Brother Gower bowed slightly to Renly: "I will also be your good helper."

This sentence was concise and there was nothing to hide, which surprised Renly. "You don't seem to have any position?"

"My position is very clear, my lord, that is to serve the gods in heaven."

The monk said: "How to serve? The gods never asked, and I can only do it in a favorable way. When I was in Flea Bottom, I needed to use gangs and factions to preach, because the poor people in Flea Bottom needed not only faith, but also food, clothing and safety. You have to know that sometimes a piece of bread is more effective than a hundred words, so why should I waste my breath on such useless work?"

"So what do you think?" Renly asked: "I mean, if you become the High Septon, what do you want to do?"

"Follow the pace of the Iron Throne." Brother Gower answered immediately.

"What about governing the church?"

"I don't know."

"I don't know?" Renly raised his eyebrows.

"I've never been a high bishop." Brother Gore said, "I never thought I would be a high bishop. I was a little confused for a while, so I don't know."

"Don't you have any ideas?"

"Yes." Gore replied, "Follow the pace of the Iron Throne and then do things."

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I have to think about it carefully."

"For example, let the believers have enough food and clothing?"

"This is what I do now, but my identity at this time is an ordinary monk. If I were a high bishop, then I would have to consider things from the standpoint of the high bishop. Maybe at that time, keeping the believers well fed and clothed is not the most important thing."

Ren Li was speechless. But inexplicably, he felt that the person in front of him was very reliable, so he stretched out his left hand to shake hands. The monk felt very strange about this, but he did not refuse to shake hands with Ren Li.

"Go back and listen to the letter." Ren Li then spoke.

"Okay." Brother Gore nodded, without asking if he could do it or whether Renly was joking with him. After bowing, he turned around and left. Renly couldn't help but sigh at his straightforward appearance, thinking that this man was a weirdo.

Then he touched his left wrist, and after a hazy thought, Renly heard a crisp word.

"The gods have just traced Gore's life, and the gods think that he can be considered."

Renly breathed a sigh of relief, "Then what about repairing the dagger?"

"The gods can repair the dagger for you, but you still need to help the gods control Gore. If his behavior after becoming the archbishop is not in line with the gods' wishes, then you need to help the gods find other suitable candidates."

"It's okay for a short period of time. I can't always supervise him, right?"

"The term is one year."

"No problem."

Renly agreed, then let go to end the conversation, and stood up and took a breath.

The dagger has been obtained for more than ten years, but it has never been used. Now that everything is put on hold, it is time to deal with this matter.


Can it be connected to the last copy?

On the way back to the Red Castle, Renly pondered this question.

Experience has shown that copies can be connected to each other, but it is also possible that they cannot be connected at all. And the last copy has undergone such a big change after the end. If it can really be connected to the dagger copy, what kind of world will he enter?

If it cannot be connected, then wouldn’t the clue be broken?

He frowned because of this.

Because of the changes in this world, Renly vaguely had the idea of ​​not wanting to enter the copy, because he was not sure whether the world would "collapse" if he entered too many times. If it really collapsed, wouldn’t he also die?

Although he pursued those supernatural powers, this pursuit was not more cautious than his caution for life. In addition, he was not facing any dangerous situations at this time, so frequent pursuit of power was actually useless-

Unless it could increase combat effectiveness and cross over to the ranks of inhumans.

So Renly's goal in entering the dungeon is not to pursue power, but to find out the truth.

Find out the truth about Raya, and also find out the truth about his golden finger.

However, he cannot guarantee what world he can enter.

"I hope it goes well."

Praying silently, Renly walked towards the Godswood in the castle after entering the Red Castle -

The Seven Gods claimed that they could repair the dagger by plundering the power of the old gods, and the location must be in the Godswood, because the Godswood is the "temple" of the old gods.


Just as Renly was focusing on the dungeon, a meeting closely related to him, or Baratheon, was taking place outside Westeros.

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