A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 261: Changes in the King's Landing

The crunching sound of wheels crushing the dirt floor kept coming from the front, and at the same time, there was also the fresh smell of piles of cabbage wafting in the wind, which was the smell coming from the carriage in front.

Sitting on horseback and observing, the soldiers guarding both sides of the city gate looked meticulous. When their eyes glanced over, Tyrion actually felt like an elite soldier.

"The Lions Gate has changed its defense captain?"

With a hint of concern rising in his heart, the dwarf on horseback turned his head and looked at James, who was wearing light brown leather armor.

"Who was guarding here last time you came here?" James asked.

"It's Balmain Bage," Tyrion answered.

"It's still him."

"I see that Balmain Baich doesn't seem to have such ability?" Tyrion said while looking at the orderly security situation inside the city gate. At this time, they had entered the city on horseback, but as far as they could see, the chaos at the city gate that used to be there was no longer visible at all. The various stalls were neatly arranged, and pedestrians were not walking around randomly.

"The new capital defense captain's name is Samwell." James answered his brother's question sideways, "He is a very capable man."

"Samwell?" Tyrion raised his eyebrows upon hearing this, "From the Tully family?"

The name Samwell is not very common. Generally, the Tully family in Reach Point Hill has the most people with this name, because the Tully family once produced a powerful figure named Samwell in ancient times. Later, many Tully family heads in the past generations will be called Samwell. My son chose this name in order to gain some glory from his ancestors.

"He's a civilian."

James, who was dressed like an ordinary nobleman, replied, as if he didn't want to discuss this topic in depth, so he changed the topic, "Father asked you to come to King's Landing to find a position for you?"

"Our Lord Tywin is looking forward to my becoming a royal accountant."

Tyrion replied absently, his eyes never leaving the surrounding city.

The last time he came to King's Landing was four years ago to congratulate the birth of his nephew Tommen. At that time, Tyrion did not realize that the order in King's Landing was as good as it is now.

Not only was the gate of the city well behaved, but when you looked deeper, other places were also obviously different from before. The patrolling teams of golden-robed guards walked past with their heads held high. They looked in high spirits and were clearly intimidating to the surrounding civilians. force.

However, if I remember correctly, those golden robes seemed to be full of rotten fish and shrimps...

"How could my brother only be an accountant?" James, who was standing beside him, didn't notice that Tyrion was no longer focused on the conversation. After hearing this, he chuckled and said, "At least he should be a treasury keeper or a harbor master."

"As far as I know, those are important positions under Lord Tyrell." Tyrion said as he looked sideways at his brother who came to greet him. "I didn't expect that Lord to be kind and let me This Lannister went to serve under him."

Originally, he turned around just to talk, but Tyrion suddenly saw another special situation, that is, a thin dwarf on the roadside. At this time, he was holding a money bag and stuffing it into the arms of an old man, saying " He kept saying some words of apology, but the distance was not very close. He vaguely heard some strange words, such as breaking the rules, begging for forgiveness, stealing, etc.

"What's going on?" he couldn't help but ask.

James glanced at the words, then shrugged and replied: "A knight named Davos has recently dealt with the thieves in the city very honestly, and also set many rules, such as not stealing from the poor, not hurting people at will, etc. ——No matter how many rules he has, he is still a thief? That knight really has nothing to do."

"Can a single knight do this?" Tyrion was surprised when he heard this.

"It's not just him."

James said and frowned again unconsciously, "He has gathered many people under his command, and the golden robes are also very cooperative with him."

This man seemed to have something in his words. Tyrion saw that his expression was unnatural, and he couldn't help but be even more surprised. He just asked carefully, and found that the brother in front of him always ignored him and was unwilling to answer the questions directly. He was obviously worried about something.

Tyrion did not ask further questions, but kept this discovery in his heart silently, preparing to focus on "investigating" it in the future. Then he began to focus on the surrounding cityscape.

The war is coming. It is actually not appropriate to come to King's Landing from the safety of the West at this time, but this war is very important to the Lannister. Although no one cares what he, a dwarf, thinks, as a member of the Lannister , Tyrion naturally wants to do his part.

He believed that he was familiar with various military classics and thought that he could make a corresponding contribution when defending the city. He even thought of ways to contribute - not to use his sister and brother's status in King's Landing to seek positions, but to seek positions in King's Landing. Go find a childhood friend.

Although his sister Cersei is the queen, Tyrion has had a bad relationship with Cersei since he was a child. His brother is a Kingsguard, but the Kingsguard is usually only responsible for protecting the king. If you want to be a royal accountant, you can do it casually. Yes, but Tyrion never thought that he would actually become an accountant.

What he wanted was to be able to speak out in this war.

This is actually difficult because he has just arrived, but when he was in the West, Tyrion heard that his childhood friend Renly had become the Minister of Justice at this time, and the Minister of Justice was one of the seven members of the Royal Council, so he could naturally participate in various Go to state affairs.

Although they have not been in contact for many years, Tyrion thinks that he has a good relationship with Renly. At the same time, he has never forgotten that Renly once said that he was very optimistic about him.

Then as long as Renly can listen to him, instead of perfunctorily responding like his father, Lord Tywin, Tyrion will be sure to gain his attention.

Everything for Lannister.

Tyrion has always held this idea, not greed for power.

Lannister and Baratheon are closely connected. The massacre that year made Lannister and Targaryen have an irreconcilable hatred. If Targaryen really wins this war, then Lannister will be worse than Baratheon. Maybe the tragedy in the Red Castle will be repeated...

A commotion interrupted Tyrion's thoughts. Looking up, he found that he and his party had arrived not far from the entrance of the Red Castle, and the commotion came from under the Red Castle wall. Looking carefully, he found that there were several plain-clothed civilians who were loudly accusing something over there, but it was not yet time for the king to start a court trial, and the guards stopped them from entering.

He heard some unique words, which made Tyrion more interested. "Is Renly so popular?"

The common people kept asking the Minister of Justice to make the decision, as if they had more confidence in him than in the king. Of course, a king who likes to visit prostitutes obviously won't give people much confidence, but officials of the Iron Throne have never been so popular before, right?

Jaime beside him looked very strange again after hearing this, "Lord Renly is very good at judging cases."

As he said this, seeing that Tyrion looked quite interested, Jaime couldn't help but say another sentence.

"Be careful when you come into contact with him."

"Be careful about what?"

"Be careful anyway." Jaime answered vaguely.

Tyrion felt that his brother was very strange, especially when he found that Jaime's expression was not natural when he mentioned things related to his childhood friend. This was the case before with the topic of the gold cloak, and it was the case now.

He suspected that his brother had a grudge against Renly, but after careful observation, it seemed that this was not the case, which made him feel that there must be a secret.

And everything he saw afterwards made him more certain about it.

Tyrion had a bad relationship with his sister Cersei, but he still got to meet her after arriving in King's Landing. During the meeting, he mentioned Renly intentionally or unintentionally, and then found that like his brother Jaime, his sister Cersei's reaction to hearing this name was also not normal. On the contrary, his nephew Joffrey's tone was full of admiration for his childhood friend.

When he was in the West, Tyrion heard some things about Renly, mainly about the River Bay and Crabclaw Peninsula. His father, Duke Tywin, once commented on this, thinking that Renly was good at grasping the situation, and at the same time, his strategies were changeable and unpredictable. He was a rare smart man in the Baratheon family and worthy of making friends.

Everything he saw after arriving in King's Landing made Tyrion full of interest, so after a little settlement, he directly asked his reluctant brother Jaime to take him to find Renly and prepare to have a good chat with him.

But when they ran over to ask, they suddenly learned that the man had temporarily returned to the territory of Dragonstone and would return to King's Landing in a few days. This made Tyrion quite regretful, and then curiosity replaced it.

As one of the important officials of the kingdom, the Minister of Justice is busy with daily official duties and it is difficult to get away. Now that the situation is turbulent, what is the man doing back at Dragonstone?

Kawenka is so ecstatic that there is only one update today. I will try my best to make up for it tomorrow...

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