While someone was deep in thought in the shadow of the ship, in the captain's room of the pirate ship, seven or eight pirates in various costumes were sitting around the navigation table and complaining.

"More than 10,000 people want us to capture the capitals of the seven countries. It's a big joke."

An old pirate with messy gray hair said in a sarcastic tone, "I heard that there are seven or eight thousand people in golden robes over there alone. Plus the army that gathered there - and attack the city? We are sent to die, right?" ?”

"We might not even be able to get into Blackwater Bay."

Another pirate echoed: "There are quite a few royal fleets in King's Landing."

"They decided to attack the North. Isn't it obvious why we are left here?" The middle-aged pirate, who was neatly dressed and looked like a butler in a noble family, sneered: "Attack King's Landing? Don't think too much, that's not what we are doing. Fighting in King's Landing."

"Those profiteers obviously want us to die."

The gray-haired old man who spoke first spat on the ground, "Tell them to fight on their own, we don't want to go!"

These words aroused a chorus of agreement in the captain's room. The pirates were obviously dissatisfied with this, but some people also spoke to refute.

"Why panic? Even if we lose this battle, we will not be in danger."

The person who spoke had an ordinary appearance and a calm tone, "We will follow behind. If the situation is bad, we will leave immediately. Then King's Landing's fleet will not pursue them too closely."

"Can you guarantee that they won't chase too closely?" the gray-haired old pirate retorted.

"Otherwise, what do you want to do? We have received money, how can we just say we don't want to do it?"

"So what if we take the money? We are pirates, not mercenaries!"

"Yes, we are pirates!"

"It's normal to receive money but not do anything."

The captain's room was in a mess, and there were many people who were in favor of quitting the job. Even Shan Ligu, a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance, couldn't stand up to the words of his colleagues after retorting a few words. In the end, he had to look at the navigation table. Then there was the bald man who had been sitting there listening silently.

"Leader Regnar, what do you think?"

These words quickly silenced the noisy captain's room, and everyone looked at the bald man.

The bald man named Regnar just shook his head when he heard this and said nothing. A scar-filled cheek was showing his thoughts at this time.

The pirates were not opposed to moving forward because they were worried about their own safety. The reason for their opposition was actually very simple - there was no profit in attacking King's Landing.

The armies of the nine Free Trade Cities were divided into two groups, one going south of Westeros to contain the naval power of the Arbor Island in the Reach, and the other heading north, preparing to capture the northern entrances and exits, as well as in the Riverlands. Official login.

But obviously Westeros cannot allow them to deploy their forces at will, so it is essential to use a "small number" of troops to contain and attract the navy of Westeros.

This group of them was assigned to the diversionary task——

Feigning an attack on King's Landing with some other troops.

A feint attack is not as troublesome as a normal siege. There is no need to actually build siege equipment, and there is no need to fight desperately to deal with the opponent's maritime armed forces. If the situation is not good, they can just walk away. There is not much danger, but the same There is no possibility of gaining anything.

Regnar, as the leader of the pirates, was very angry that his side was assigned to such a mission. Although he received commissions from the city-state, he was still unsatisfied and wanted more. Originally, he was planning to follow the large army and make a fuss. War fortune, but now there is basically no hope...

"Is there any news from the Iron Islands?" Thinking about it, Regnar suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"No, Greyjoy is still unwilling to send troops now." A pirate replied.

"He has lost his blood and is no longer worthy of being the leader of the Iron Islands' predators." The gray-haired old pirate from the Iron Islands snorted coldly.

"That's right, Greyjoy has been frightened!" someone echoed loudly.

"Captain Regnar is the best person to lead the Iron Islands!"

The support from his subordinates made Regnar feel proud, and the anger in his heart also subsided a lot unconsciously.

At that time, he was just an ordinary ironman, and he even survived the illness. But now, he is a pirate leader who controls a team of thousands.

For more than ten years, Regnar has been traveling around, plundering countless treasures and making a name for himself.

This relies on his ferocious fighting ability and excellent hunting vision. More importantly, he is the person chosen by the Son of God!

"The Son of the Drowned God chose me, not Greyjoy. The position of leader of the Iron Islands should be mine." The growing ambition in his heart made him already eyeing the originally unattainable position, and what happened now The war made Regnar see the possibility of ascending to power.

It's just that I'm not from a noble family...

Ignoring the surrounding subordinates who were quarreling again, Regnar was thinking to himself, but he didn't want the ship beneath him to shake violently.

The pirates in the room were all stunned.

"Are you hungry?" someone said strangely.

"It seems that I was fed not long ago."

"I'll feed it!" The gray-haired old pirate volunteered and stood up and walked to the captain's room, and no one else paid much attention to him.

As a result, a familiar scream came from outside after a while.

This shocked everyone in the captain's room, and then they all stood up and ran out the door.

Big Head is a terrifying sea monster adopted by their leader. He has been with the pirate group for more than ten years. Relying on its existence, their pirates can rise rapidly and have many followers.

It's just that Datou usually lives in harmony with the pirate group and has never caused any trouble. Why is he suddenly hurting people now?

Even the pirate leader Regnar was at a loss and thought something unexpected had happened. However, when he walked out and took a look, he was slightly relieved.

The big sea monster that should have stayed quietly under the sea was now using two tentacles to reach out from both sides of the ship and entangled on the deck mast. The gray-haired old pirate who had walked out before was now rolling on the deck with his chest covered. Rolling back and forth, grinning with pain on his face.

The sea monster's two thick tentacles covered with ferocious spikes were quite ferocious, but they did not move at all. Although the old pirate seemed to be injured, the injury was obviously not serious, and it was probably just an accident.

Regnar felt a little relieved because of this, and then walked over and raised his hand to touch the sea monster's tentacles to comfort him.

Due to some similarities, he usually got a friendly response when he touched the sea monster, but he didn't expect that after he touched it, the tentacles suddenly swept back and wrapped it tightly, and then on the deck. Under the exclamations of many pirates, the pirate leader was immediately dragged out of the deck area.

The thumping sound was accompanied by a rapid scream, which quickly attracted the pirates to the edge of the deck to watch. Then some people hurriedly shouted to the sailors to come and help, while others ran towards the direction of the boat on the deck, preparing to go down to respond.

The person involved, Regnar, was caught off guard and was filled with panic. He couldn't imagine why his pet that he had kept for many years suddenly became violent, and he had no time to think about it.

After being suddenly pulled into the sea, a large amount of sea water came up instantly. Relying on the superb water properties, Regnar managed to remain calm and did not get choked. However, the tentacles tightly entangled around his body made his body and mind tremble. sink.

He looked down with a bulging face. Under the turbid water, the messy tentacles like a group of pythons were stretched out and swayed at will. In the deep seabed, a huge brown-black octopus could be seen standing upside down. The terrifying appearance should give him peace of mind. At this time, But it made his heart beat fast.

What happened next made Regnar's heart beat even faster. As the terrifying tentacles around him were shaking messily, a long and narrow silver swordfish suddenly rushed over quickly, and under Regnar's stunned gaze, it suddenly turned into a... one person!

This man had black hair and blue eyes. After appearing, he looked at Regnar quietly for a few times, then raised his hand and pressed his forehead.

The cold touch made Regnar tremble all over, and then the words that came from his heart made his eyes widen, and the panic in his heart quickly turned into surprise.

Unfortunately, before he could think too much, an irresistible force suddenly came from the tentacles wrapped around his body, and he was instantly thrown out of the ocean.

The crashing sound of breaking out of the sea made the pirates who were busy on the deck stunned for a moment. After seeing the situation clearly, they quickly put down the boat and stepped forward to provide support, and finally successfully rescued the pirate leader back to the deck.

The terrifying sea monster's tentacles all retracted and entered the deep sea. No shadow could be seen. Regnar, who was trembling and wrapped in a woolen cloak, became excited after landing ashore, which made the pirates surrounding him unable to help themselves. Looking at each other.

"Leader Regnar, what happened?" someone asked, but received no response, so he continued to raise his voice and asked a few more questions, which finally calmed down Regnar, who was in a daze.

"Son of God, I saw Lord Son of God!" He said tremblingly.

"Son of God?" The pirates around him were all stunned.

These people have followed Regnar for as little as two or three years, or as long as seven or eight years. Everyone clearly understands why the great Captain Regnar has many abilities that are beyond ordinary people——

Because the Son of the Drowned God gave him power.

Of course, this was not what the pirates guessed themselves, but what Regnar said himself.

There is indeed news about the Son of God in the Iron Islands, and it is very influential. Pirates from the Iron Islands are very envious of this, but many people who are not from the Iron Islands are dubious, thinking that this is just Captain Regnar covering up his true identity. An excuse for secrecy.

However, now the sea monster suddenly reacted abnormally, which is obviously not normal and cannot be explained.

"What did the Son of God say?" A pirate who didn't believe this in the past asked quickly, with a faint expression of awe.

"He said--"

Regnar was about to say the words he had "heard" casually, but then he shut his mouth tightly, glanced at the questioning pirate, and said vaguely: "You will know then."

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