The drizzle of rain kept hitting the carved glass window, making crisp sounds. Lying on the window, looking at the blurred and hazy city scenery outside the window, Rhaenys's face was melancholy.

It has been raining outside in recent days. She usually likes it because it always makes her feel a sense of tranquility when it rains, but today, she doesn't know what happened. She always feels uneasy, as if something bad is about to happen.

But after thinking carefully, she can't figure out what it will be.

"Is it a war? But the army has only set sail for a few days..."

Mumbling, the girl has no clue in her heart.

The nine free trade cities launched a war in the name of Targaryen. Braavos, where she is, is one of the main forces participating in the war. It is responsible for capturing the Bay of Cailin in the North and the area where the North and the Riverlands meet, preparing for the landing of the Dothraki.

This was not difficult for the girl. Although the northerners in Westeros were tough, they were generally poor. Some lords could not even afford plate armor, let alone ordinary soldiers' equipment. How could they resist the invincible fleet of Braavos?

"Is Dany sick?"

She thought of a possibility.

Although there was a big difference in generation, Rhaenys became good friends with the poor little girl whose mother died at birth. Maybe because she became younger after reincarnation, she lived a carefree and free life, and she didn't feel anything awkward.

She didn't have many friends. Daenerys was one of them. Because they were "about the same age", she was considered her best friend. It was just because she was going to hold an engagement ceremony with a Dothraki, Dany, who had been living in Braavos, was sent to Pentos a while ago, which made Rhaenys miss her for a long time.

In fact, she did not approve of this kind of marriage. She thought that those Dothraki were no different from barbarians and were not worthy of the Targaryen blood. It was just that she was not a Targaryen family member in name, so she could not intervene too much.

Thinking of this, the girl could not help but frown, and thought of Dorne again.

After the Iron Throne was usurped, only Daenerys and her brother Viserys survived the Targaryen family, and Viserys's marriage partner was Dorne.

Normally, Dorne could not fail to support the Targaryen war, because as long as the war was won, Princess Arianne of Dorne would be able to become the queen who was second only to the emperor.

But Dorne refused to send troops at this time and began to wait and see.

Rhaenys could not understand what the Dornish people were thinking. After being angry at first, she thought carefully but could not figure it out. In the end, she could only attribute it to the fact that Prince Doran of Dorne was too timid.

"They are far from your ancestors."

Muttering secretly, the girl lying in front of the window looked at the rain outside the window, her face gradually becoming dazed.

The experience in her previous life was colorful enough, so she didn't have any other ideas after coming to this era. Even if she found that the dragons were inexplicably extinct, even if there were many puzzles before her death in her previous life, she didn't want to study.

At first, she was ready to eat and wait for death. Later, when she heard that Targaryen was overthrown, she found her goal and decided to help Targaryen fight back to Westeros--

After all, the Targaryen dynasty was founded by her, so it was naturally impossible for her to let it be overthrown by any random cat or dog. Of course, that Baratheon was not a random cat or dog. After carefully looking through the family tree, she could even be sure that the current Baratheons were also of her own bloodline.

But Rhaenys didn't really care about bloodline. After more than three hundred years, she thought that even the direct descendants of Targaryen were too far away from her. What she cared about was the name.

The owner of the Iron Throne can only be Targaryen, an ancient family that existed before the destruction of Valyria civilization. It cannot be replaced by any hybrid family.

So she began to work hard for this.

Because of her physical limitations, she couldn't do anything obvious at first, but it was not a difficult task. She was very familiar with the city of Braavos, especially the various temples here. She just raised the banner of a god and slowly guided him. After a while, she became a child prodigy. Then she kept giving advice to her father, the Sea King, and her family status gradually improved.

Then after the "Old Gate" incident, she found a rare opportunity. After some efforts, the alliance army to counterattack Targaryen was formed.

The process was not very troublesome. It was probably just taking advantage of the situation. Religious forces wanted to spread their beliefs, merchants wanted to make a profit, and politicians naturally had ambitions to expand their territory. With the "Oracle" incident, everyone found that it seemed very powerful to join forces, and the benefits of a continent were really tempting. What could they hesitate about?

The only thing that went wrong was that they failed to do something secretly in Westeros. The mistakes one after another completely disrupted their original plan and forced the war to be brought forward. Otherwise, the Alliance Army would have prepared to start the war in two years, not now.

"It will go well..."

Muttering, the girl lying on the window found that she was getting more and more irritated, so she frowned and turned back to lie on the bed to sleep, but she couldn't sleep at all. After thinking about it, she simply put on her clothes, stepped on soft slippers with her white and delicate feet, walked out of the room and decided to take a walk in the palace.

As a result, even the walk was not very peaceful.

"How to prove that I am not dead? This lord, are you kidding?"

A cold and hard voice sounded from the hall, attracting the girl's attention.

"I'm referring to Jon Connington, not you." Another voice responded. It sounded very familiar. It was one of his father's staff.

"I am Jon Clinton!" replied a cold voice.

The girl was a little curious when she heard this, so she leaned over and lay down at the door to take a look. She found that in addition to the familiar figures in the bright hall, there were three strangers standing in the center of the hall.

One man and two women. The speaker was a red-haired man with a resolute face. Next to him were a silver-haired boy and a brown-haired woman in a white robe.

"How can you prove that you are Jon Clinton?"

"I can answer any questions about my identity, and this gentleman can ask as many questions as he likes!"

"I'm not familiar with Jon Clinton, how can I ask a question?"


"What's going on inside?" After taking a few glances, the girl looked at a guard guarding the door beside her.

"The man claimed that he was Jon Connington, and also said that the boy next to him was Aegon Targaryen?" the guard replied.


The girl frowned when she heard this, "How is this possible?"

"You adults also think it is impossible." The guard said: "Then Aegon was thrown to death more than ten years ago. Everyone knows that Miss Daenerys also said this."

He's talking about Rhaegar's son Aegon.

Rhaenys was stunned when she heard this, but then she became very interested.

The name Jon Clinton was not unfamiliar to her. He was a former lord of the Seven Stormlands and one of the prime ministers appointed by the Mad King Targaryen. When Baratheon launched a rebellion, he led his army to expel him. The leader of the rebellion, Robert Baratheon, hid under the skirt of a prostitute, but failed to find Robert, which indirectly led to the success of the Baratheon rebellion and the demise of the Targaryen dynasty.

Later, this Jon Clinton came to the Free Trade City and joined a mercenary organization called the Golden Company to make a living. Finally, I heard that he was exiled for stealing, and then died of drunkenness.

Now he is actually "alive" again and claims to have brought a Targaryen prince...

"Governor Illyrio of Pentos can testify for us that Prince Aegon was able to escape from the murderous hands of the Lannister precisely because Governor Illyrio and Varys, the intelligence chief of Westeros, worked well secretly - they had The baby who fell to death was just a farmer’s son!”

"How does it work? As far as I know, all of King's Landing was occupied by Lannister at that time, and all it took was one eunuch and one—"

"There is a secret passage in the Red Keep of King's Landing. You should have heard about this news..."

Rhaenys did not continue to listen, but turned and walked away.

She was actually very interested in this, but the irritability in her heart made her want to find a place to be quiet. Unfortunately, she walked around and couldn't find a truly quiet place——

It wasn't that there was no quiet place, but that her heart couldn't calm down.

"What's wrong with me?"

After returning to the room, the girl lay on the big feather bed and pulled the blue velvet quilt over her head. Her body curled up near the pillow, her little face wrinkled into a ball, thinking hard and hoping to find out the real reason for her inner irritability.

At first she was at a loss, but gradually she gained some insights.

Because of the war.

But it's not because they are worried that they will fail.


Worried about enemies?

The thought made her stick out her tongue as soon as it appeared, feeling a little funny, but then she couldn't laugh anymore, because after covering her head with the quilt, a sentence appeared in her mind for no reason -

"Wrap it around your head and you'll look just like a Dornish woman."

It took me six hours to write two chapters, and I was totally confused...

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