The smell came from a towering hill called Rhaenys Hill, which was surrounded by dense brick and stone buildings, and a ruined circular building stood on the top.

The sunlight in the sky was blocked by the hill, and the shadows covered the buildings and flat streets below, slightly dispelling the stuffiness after entering the city.

A group of people were passing by here, and the unique smell unconsciously replaced the surrounding stench, attracting Renly to look at the top of the hill.

He thought that the huge King's Landing might have what he wanted, but when this thing really appeared, he still couldn't help but his heartbeat quickened.

Unfortunately, the team's destination was the Red Castle deep in King's Landing. He didn't think he could leave the team at will, nor did he think that asking the team to change the route would get a positive response.

So Renly just took a deep look at that direction, remembered the location, and didn't pay much attention to it.

The team slowly passed through the crowded streets. In front of them was a young man wearing a golden velvet tights and a neat green cloak, leading the way on horseback. The servants beside him kept shouting at the pedestrians on the street to get out of the way.

The people of King's Landing responded with resentment, but because there were teams of golden-cloaked soldiers on both sides of the team to lead the way, they could only hide on both sides of the street and stare unwillingly.

The residents here did not welcome their group of people.

Renly found this out easily.

He saw a middle-aged fishmonger with a headscarf on the side of the road shouting and selling while staring at the team moving forward, and he also saw a passing woman hugging a naked dirty child who was wandering around and turned around and ran away, and even saw a sloppy old beggar sitting against the wall of a brown brick house spitting in their direction.

And this kind of scene can be seen frequently after entering the city.

"I heard that the Lannisters looted King's Landing before offering it to Lord Robert." Davos, who was riding a horse on the side of the carriage, explained.

The Lannister family, the Lord of the West, had been choosing to wait and see when the rebellion broke out. It was not until Robert Baratheon hammered Prince Rhaegar, the heir of the Targaryen dynasty, to death with a hammer in the Trident that they decided to join the rebels.

But the way they joined was very special - pretending to be royal reinforcements, tricking the gates of King's Landing open, and after the army entered the city, they immediately started burning, killing and looting in the name of the rebel leader Robert, and finally surrendered the city.

So it was obvious that the people here also regarded Baratheon as a bird of a feather.

Davos's expression was a little strange when he talked about this matter. Renly, who saw something, asked: "Are you from King's Landing?"

"I was born in Flea Bottom."

When the other party spoke, he unconsciously pinched a small bag hanging on his chest, which contained his five cut knuckles, which seemed to be regarded as some kind of comfort by him at this time.

"Flea Bottom is where the poor people of King's Landing gather. The noble Lord Lannister probably doesn't like it."

He might have expected this, but when the team passed by the so-called flea bottom, they saw a large number of collapsed sheds and buildings, so the former smuggler didn't speak again during the rest of the journey.

King's Landing is a large medieval city with a dense population and densely packed buildings. The traces of war have not yet disappeared from here.

The charred ruins of the houses after the fire, the blood stains on the streets that have not been cleaned up, etc., even the nearest gate when they entered the city before has been damaged and renovated, and they don't know why the gate is broken when there is no siege.

The people here also seem particularly gloomy and angry, so the atmosphere of the whole city can be imagined. What I saw along the way always seemed dull and quiet, without much prosperity and noise.

In addition, a fishy smell similar to a stinking ditch mixed with rotten meat always lingered around his nose, so Renly finally withdrew his sight from the ancient city and hid in the carriage to think about how to get the source of the smell on the hill.

This is simple. After settling down, just find a reason to hang out and go up the hill. That place is a ruin. Renly guessed that there could be no one in it, so his target is likely to be an ownerless object.

The initial idea was quickly finalized, but not long after, he suddenly wrinkled his nose.

"Is it an illusion? Or... another one?"

The special smell that had quietly dissipated as he hurried away from the hills came back at this moment. After noticing this, Renly looked out and found that they had arrived in front of a castle gate built of light red stone bricks.

This is a towering castle with high walls and bronze gates, standing quietly in the depths of the city.

Now its gate is open, the sharp iron gate has been raised, and the shadow of the heavy wall covers the open space in front. Under the silent watch of two rows of guards, the team enters through the entrance.

As they move forward, the strange smell becomes stronger, making Renly feel as if he has fallen into a treasure land, and he has completely forgotten all his previous dislikes.

However, after entering the castle, he needs to get off the carriage and walk. There are many people around, and he can't tell where the source of the smell is. He can only ignore the smell temporarily and pay attention to the front.

Red Castle.

The royal castle in this city has been inhabited by the kings and royal children of the Targaryen dynasty for generations, but now it has opened its doors to the families of the rebels.

But despite being the king's residence, it didn't look much different from Storm's End. It was just a little more spacious, the ground was cleaner, and the courtyards and columns were more beautiful and neat.

Renly lost interest.

The escorting gold-cloaked soldiers stopped at the castle gate behind them, and some other soldiers were also led elsewhere. Under the guidance of the guide, the few remaining people went straight along the brick road, passing several tall towers and some fortress courtyards, and finally came to a hall with an open oak door.

The hall was magnificent, deep and wide, with two rows of carved stone pillars standing tall. Between each pillar stood noble men and women dressed in solemn and exquisite clothes. The floor of the hall was paved with latticed marble, and the surrounding walls were covered with exquisite hunting tapestries.

At the end of the hall, a dark, hideous black iron chair stood quietly high up. It was obviously the throne here, but it didn't look like a chair at all. Instead, it looked like an iron lump covered with spikes, sharp corners and twisted metal.

Now the iron chair was empty, no one was sitting on it, but under the throne there were four people of different heights and ages sitting around a long table.

After a glance, Renly looked directly at the sturdy young man with short black hair and a neat and handsome face. However, the hall was wide and there were many people, so the other party did not notice the people at the door at the moment. He was listening quietly to the speech of a fat man in silk clothes not far away with the three people next to him - although he looked a little bored.

"This is the rule, my lords, after the owner dies, his widow must either remain a widow or marry someone in the same industry, and is absolutely not allowed to marry an outsider. My lords, she violated the rules, so our guild has the right to confiscate her late husband's shop."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged blond fat man wearing a light blue satin robe and a wealthy face. At this time, his expression was full of matter-of-factness.

"What kind of damn broken rule is this? Let me tell you--" The young man under the throne opened his mouth, and a white-haired old man next to him signaled with his eyes, so the young man snorted and closed his mouth.

Then the old man said to the petitioner expressionlessly: "We respect the rules of your guild, but whether the matter is really as you said, we still need to verify it carefully. Go back and wait for news first."

So the fat merchant bowed and left.

Seeing this, the green cloaked young man who was waiting at the door stepped forward and reported loudly.

"Lord Robert, I am honored to bring you Lord Stannis and your little brother Renly, as well as Mace Tyrell, the captive of Highgarden!"

Before he finished speaking, everyone looked over.

Thank you for the 100 rewards from the book friends of Otaku Magic and Monster Party~ I also recommend a book-I am Louis XIV, Jiuyu's new book. You can know what it is about from the name, but there are werewolves, witches, magic, etc. in it. I am looking forward to what he will write next. I had been keeping Jiuyu's previous book, Servant of Servants, on my bookshelf to increase the word count, but it was deleted two days ago. What a pity...

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