The biting cold wind blew on the tattered white bear cloak on her body, making a rustling sound. There was heavy snow in front of her, mixed with wind and frost, and it looked white and messy. Every time she stepped, her ankles would sink deeply into the snow shell, and then it would be like falling into a quagmire, and it would be particularly difficult to pull them out again.

But this could not hinder Melisandre's pace forward. Even though she was already exhausted at this time, and she couldn't help staggering every time she walked, she kept moving forward. She looked like a candle in the wind, shaky, but strangely strong, and she didn't collapse to the ground for a long time.

If someone was observing from the side, they would find that it was impossible for a normal person to continue to be active in a blizzard of this degree, and they would even freeze to death in a short time.

However, she always looked like this, walking with difficulty, but always tenacious.

In fact, Melisandre could no longer feel anything at this time. It was not that her whole body was numb from the cold, but that she really did not feel much. She could not feel the cold, nor the pain. Her control over her body was a little obscure while walking, and she was a little unable to withstand the cold wind.

She thought she was dead. Or rather, she clearly remembered that she was dead, dead in that trap, dead under the spear thrown by the pale monster.

After the severe pain, there was darkness, but the darkness did not last long, and it quietly converged and dissipated. When she opened her eyes again, the world was white. When she struggled to sit up, she found that she was still in the original position, but there was no one around except the mountains and snow.

Only the pools of blood and broken meat around proved what had happened here.

Everyone was dead, but she was still alive, but this state seemed to be no different from death. She did not feel tired or painful, and her skin was pale and dull, as if it had lost all its blood color.

Melisandre thought she had become a moving corpse, but why was the corpse not controlled by the power of the ancient alien god, and why could she still maintain her sanity?

She hoped that this was because of the blessing of Allah R'hllor, but she knew in her heart that this was not the case - Allah had no power in this land of eternal winter, otherwise they would not have been defeated so miserably.

Melisandre actually had some guesses about what made her "resurrect from the dead", but she did not dare or want to admit it, because that thing was obviously a blasphemous thing, full of evil and ominous.

However, if this thing did not exist, how could she still be "alive"?

She wanted to laugh, but her mouth seemed to have frozen, or she had lost her vitality after losing blood, so much so that she spent a long time trying but only had a slight twitch at the corner of her mouth.

But it didn't matter. Compared with the changes in her body, there was something more important at the moment, that was to report everything she saw -

The legend and prophecy had become a reality, the White Walkers had revived, and the long night was about to come. In the face of such a disaster, humans must unite, otherwise there would only be destruction!

So, they must know that they must prepare in advance!

With this belief, Melisandre has walked in the blizzard for five days and five nights. Fortunately, she didn't feel hungry or tired at this time, otherwise she really couldn't hold on for so long.

In fact, she did meet humans along the way. The direction of the White Walker group was different from hers. These days, she could still see many free people villages that were closed and isolated due to lack of information. It's just that she didn't trust those humans who called themselves free people but were actually no different from wild people.

Because she knew that the wild people believed in the old gods, and the old gods were inextricably linked to the ancient foreign gods!

Yes, she thought so, and the reason for this conclusion was very simple, that is, she stepped into a trap!

At that time, they were going to find the green prophet among the old gods. Because of the power of Allah, they knew where the green prophet was, but when they were about to arrive, they were attacked by the White Walkers...

Such a coincidence made it difficult for her not to doubt the connection between the old gods and the ancient foreign gods. At the same time, she had foreseen in the flames that the breath of the old gods in the north was extremely dark.

So she must not pass this news to the wildlings, or expose herself to the power of the old gods.

Melisandre planned to walk all the way to the Wall, because the night watchmen there came from all over the world, and they could also take a ship back to the south of Westeros, or directly return to the Free Trade Cities.

She believed that she had the ability to walk all the way back, because she did not need to eat or drink water, and she did not know fatigue. As long as she did not encounter any accidents, there would be no "accidents".

Unfortunately, on the seventh day of her journey, an accident happened.

"Wild woman!?"

When walking in the Sentinel Woods covered with snow, a question suddenly came from the sky above her head. Looking up, she happened to see a black robe figure wearing a thick cotton jacket and leather armor.

"Night Watch?" Melisandre's voice was hoarse but she could not hide her joy. However, the other party's expression changed after seeing her face, "Are you the priest of the Lord of Light?"

"May Allah bless you." Melisandre responded like this, but the other party sneered when he heard it, jumped down, raised the bow and arrow in his hand, and aimed at her under the stunned eyes of the red-robed woman.

"I want you to die with a clear mind. My name is Ron Glover, and I come from more than two hundred years ago."

Ancient people.

Melisandre was relieved when she heard it.

These are the years when they have killed many ancient people who came to the modern era...

Thinking like this, without any resistance, Melisandre was shot in the chest by an arrow from the other party, and then collapsed to the ground.

The young man named Ron Glover stepped forward and prepared to retract the arrow.

However, his face suddenly changed after he approached, because he did not find any blood stains on the dead man's wound.

"Is he frozen?"

Thinking like this, Ron Glover stopped with vigilance, then raised the bow in his hand and carefully prepared to make up a few arrows.

However, just as he did this, the red-haired woman lying motionless on the ground suddenly turned her head to face him, her eyes closed, but a strange ice-blue eye opened on her forehead at some point!

A sense of trembling immediately emerged from Ron Glover's heart, making his face terrified and sluggish. He wanted to turn around and run, but found that he couldn't make any movement at all! Instead, a dizziness emerged in her mind, and it became stronger and stronger...

Ron Glover, who was wearing a black robe of the Night's Watch, finally collapsed to the ground with his whole body weak, his eyes staring at the sky, breathing instinctively, but without any spirituality.

Melisandre, who was pierced by an arrow, got up instead, her eyes on her forehead quietly closed, and a unique sense of coldness emerged between her eyebrows, making her tired mind unconsciously relaxed a lot.

After taking a look at the black-robed figure who seemed to be still alive, Melisandre ignored him, but turned around and continued on her way, pulling out the arrows on her body while walking.

The metal arrowhead was stained with broken meat, but there was no trace of blood. Looking down at the object in her hand that seemed to have proved that she was a dead person, Melisandre was thinking about something else.

After a long summer, when the stars weep blood and the cold covers the earth, Azor Ahai will be reborn from the Land of Smoke and Salt, holding the burning sword Lightbringer, fighting against the White Walkers, the enemies of R'hllor, and saving the world.

The Land of Smoke and Salt, the Land of Smoke and Salt...

The eye on her forehead came from the room of the Duke of Dragonstone, and Dragonstone is the Land of Smoke and Salt.

At the same time, it has been proven that this thing can resist the power of the ancient alien gods, otherwise she would have become a mindless dead corpse at this moment.


Silently chanting this name, Melisandre secretly made a decision.

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