Renly wasn't quite sure what was going on outside. He was in the room and felt the ship under his feet getting more and more swaying, while the dazzling lightning in front of him became more powerful.

And the sound like birdsong also made him feel a faint throbbing in his body, as if something was being continuously pulled away, giving him a vague feeling of emptiness.

If Renly could see his attribute bar at this time, he would find that the cursed properties of the ember he possesses have become thinner and thinner, and eventually completely dissipated.

However, just when this characteristic disappeared, when the birdsong was loud enough, a blue flame suddenly ignited on Renly's left wrist, and it suddenly rushed towards the bird skull floating in the air!

This change caught Renly off guard. What was even more shocking was what happened next——

After being affected by the thunder and lightning, the flame turned into a blue "snake shadow". At the same time, a black bird shadow suddenly emerged from the bird's skull, blocking the rushing snake shadow, and then the two became entangled. Together!

The shadow of the bird is like black smoke, and the shadow of the snake is like blue smoke. The two are mixed and entangled, causing waves of smoke to ripple, as if two natural enemies are fighting to the death.

There were faint roars and screams in the ears, and the smoky shadows of snakes and birds were within the thunder and lightning. One moment they appeared in the eye sockets of the bird's skull, and the next they appeared on the bird's beak. They were erratic, as if they could teleport.

They were obviously fighting, which also made the increasingly powerful electric light become trembling and extremely unstable.

However, changes came and went quickly. Within a few rounds, the "Snake Shadow" entangled Bird Shadow, suddenly broke away from the lightning ball, and appeared on Renly's left wrist, which was stunned, and ignored the Bird Shadow's scream. ", took it and plunged back into the Naga mark on the wrist!

The bright and even dazzling light in the room instantly dissipated, the thunder and lightning dissipated, and the bird skull floating in the air instantly turned into a handful of black dust and fell on the wooden table.

In the outside world, the violent storm that was supposed to be raging suddenly slowed down and quickly dissipated under everyone's blank gaze.

It seemed that only more than ten minutes had passed, the surrounding rain stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky slowly dispersed. The not-so-bright but warm sunshine broke through the clouds and made everyone on the deck look like drowned rats. The sailors' faces were filled with excitement, thankful that they had escaped.

In the sea far away from the ship, the people of the Iron Islands who witnessed this magical change were speechless.

As senior sailors, they clearly understand that this storm is strange in coming and dispersing in an unusual way.

Coupled with the characters existing in that ship, it seems self-evident what the truth is——

I'm afraid the people in the boat are really their sons of the Drowned God.

Such a spectacle is naturally unusual, and in their understanding, only the Son of the Drowned God more than ten years ago could have caused such a scene. Coupled with some news they had learned before, the people of the Iron Islands who came to greet him could no longer Skepticism.

Even people who originally dismissed this became in awe at this time, and those who were devout believers even shouted loudly, believing that the evil God of Storms could not compete with the power of the great Drowned God after all. Some even knelt down and prostrated in the direction of the ship that was faintly visible under the sun, chanting some prayer words feverishly.

Next to him, Uncle Ellen was praying silently with a face full of joy, but at this time, the black-haired girl Asha no longer hesitated before, and immediately ordered the sailors to set sail, and immediately moved over to greet the Son of God.

Their speed was very fast, even impatient, and the distance was not too far. Even before the envoy ships had finished sorting out the ships that were messed up by the storm, they were already "surrounded" by the Iron Islands' fleet.

After some negotiation, the leader of the team, the black-haired girl Asha, and her uncle Iron, led by the captain, stepped into the cabin to meet their son of God.

At this time, Renly was studying the new changes on his wrist, but he did not expect that the people from the Iron Islands would come so quickly. The excited look on the face of the Drowned Priest Aeron, who was thin and had long dark hair, made him even more uncomfortable.

"Lord Son of God, you are finally back! We have been waiting for you for ten years, ten years!"

"How can you be Baratheon? No, no, no, it's not important. I mean, you won't leave when you come back this time, right?"

“I can’t wait to hear your teachings!”

When he saw Renly, he immediately knelt on the ground. His expression seemed to be even more excited than when he saw him. However, as a relatively experienced "false magician", Renly was actually quite familiar with such things. At the same time, This mission to the Iron Islands was originally intended to be carried out as the "Son of the Drowned God", and he would certainly not deny anything.

However, compared to the brainless priest who was so excited that he seemed to faint after seeing him, he was more willing to talk to another leader of the Iron Islands, not because the other person was a pretty girl, but mainly because she could act normally His eyes were not so hot when he spoke.

"My father is ill and his legs and feet are inconvenient, so he sent me to greet you."

"Yes, he has not been in good health these years."

"Confirm your identity? We have confirmed that you are indeed the son of the Drowned God. There is no need to confirm anything else."

During the conversation, a large group of people gathered outside the cabin, but no one dared to go over and disturb them. Because they had not yet arrived at the Iron Islands, Renly did not mention anything serious, and the other party also did not ask.

It may be that Renly's appearance is very recognizable, or that the previous situation made the people of the Iron Islands certain of something. In short, Renly's identity was not questioned.

After some negotiations, he led the diplomatic team to the fleet of the Iron Islands, and the escorting Lannister ship was driven back to Westeros by the captain's eagerness-

There are storms and gods, but not everyone is chasing or fanatical about it. If you don't know the details, you will be afraid or even retreat.

So after some twists and turns, the diplomatic team continued to move towards the Iron Islands.

After the initial contact with the people of the Iron Islands, Renly could find that these people did not all welcome his visit, but had three different emotions.

One is a warm and even fanatical welcome, believing that his return (they think it is a return) will definitely bring new hope to the Iron Islands.

The other is resistance. Although it is not shown on the surface, Renly can clearly sense the emotions. Some people are not devout about his identity as the Son of the Drowned God. Instead, they care more about his current Baratheon origin and are more worried that Renly will force the Iron Islands to make a choice.

The last type is naturally neither fanatical nor worried, and maintains a neutral wait-and-see attitude.

Renly actually expected this. In fact, he thought that his identity as the Son of the Drowned God would be questioned, and he never thought that it would be recognized so easily.

Because in his mind, those who do not want to participate in the war will inevitably question his identity as the Son of the Drowned God, because only doubts can more easily dispel the purpose of Renly's visit.

Maybe someone will jump out after arriving in the Iron Islands?

He thought secretly and made preparations silently.

However, the second half of the journey did not seem to be peaceful. When the delegation was transferred to the ship of the Iron Islands on the morning of the second day, an unexpected situation occurred.

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