When changes occurred outside, the same situation also occurred in the room where Renly was, but Renly did not pay attention to it, but kept staring at his left wrist in confusion.

He didn't even know when the strange phenomena around him dissipated.

Just because the changes on my wrist are really amazing——

Under the sudden change in the environment, the Naga mark that was previously fused has disappeared, but this is not the most obvious change, because the chaos mark has also disappeared without a trace!

Looking at the wrist at this moment, apart from the mark of the seven gods that looks like a seven-pointed star, there is only the trace of a scepter that appears quietly. The others, whether it is the mark of chaos, the Naga fire seed, or even the seed of the ancient path, are all gone. There was no trace of it, as if it had never appeared before.

Renly looked dazed at this.

During this period of time, the Naga mark that was integrated with the power of the Storm God was constantly changing, while the others remained silent. Why did the other marks also disappear when this change completely occurred?

"Has it been absorbed?" he secretly guessed.

He has no regrets about the disappearance of the Chaos Mark, because this thing cannot be said to be completely under control.

The chaos mark was a trouble for him at first. Later, the trouble changed with the ancient path seeds, but the ancient path seeds were also useless to him.

Only the seeds of power derived from it are considered treasures.

At present, he still has more than a hundred power seeds, which he has never used. He has accumulated a lot, so even if he loses the source of successors, Renly does not feel the painful feeling——

He had discovered that the number of episodes of chaos mark was getting less and less, and he was actually prepared for its complete disappearance.

But why does it disappear in this case?

Looking at the mark of the scepter standing in the center of his wrist, Renly pondered.

Whether it was absorbed or something else, it was obvious that the disappearance of the mark was related to the trace of the scepter.

He reached out to touch it, but he didn't get any feedback. However, Renly had a special feeling, as if he could manifest something as long as he thought about it.

So Renly raised his left hand and held it empty. A cold feeling suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. As he saw it, a black scepter gradually appeared.

The scepter is slightly heavy after being completely taken in. It feels moist in the hand, like holding a wet stick, but it also has a strange tingling feeling. If you look closely, you can find that its dark and slender surface is faintly engraved with many twisted crows and lightning patterns, and in The top of the scepter is entangled like a vine with a dark blue crystal ball crystal.

On the whole, it is not very eye-catching like the scepter, but holding it has a very special impulse. When Renly's mind moves, this impulse suddenly turns into reality.

I saw that the room under my feet and above my head, which had been restored to its original state, suddenly transformed into the vast environment where the sea and dark clouds coexisted before. The water vapor under me was steaming, the surrounding wind was blowing, and the roar of thunder came from the dome. , the manic buzzing is endless.

Looking down, he saw that the palace in the depths of the turbulent water was still majestic and sacred, but Renly's eyes were able to see through the exterior of the building and found that there were countless figures dressed as Ironborn inside!

They were in the middle of a banquet with endless decorations. There seemed to be laughter spreading in the hazy moment. At the same time, graceful figures with human heads and fish bodies could be seen wandering through the huge banquet, like attendants rushing to serve.

Looking up to the sky again, the gloomy building in the rolling dark clouds was filled with lightning and thunder, but Renly could also see the internal situation through its surface——

Relatively below, a larger number of ironmen are in the cloud building - a small closed dark room like a secret room. The space is narrow, and there is a large amount of black water, submerging half the height of the body. What is even more terrifying is that there are channels. Lightning emerged from the top of each small black roof out of thin air and struck down continuously.

So even though the ironborn in many small dark rooms were not restrained, they could not escape the torture of the thunder. What Renly saw was a large number of embarrassed figures running around, and what he heard was countless cries for father and mother. A shrill scream.

Obviously, the one below is the Water Palace of the Drowned God, while the one above is the Cloud Hall of the Storm God.

Or is it the Drowned God's version of heaven and hell?

Holding the scepter in his hand, some things can be "learned by himself" without anyone explaining them. As soon as Renly's mind moved, he saw a strong man eating and drinking in the Flowing Water Palace below suddenly turned into a stream of blue light and rushed into the gloomy sky. Within the building, like the other figures here, he was finally placed in a small, small dark room.

So the strong man who was laughing and eating and drinking before suddenly turned into crying and howling. He was imprisoned in a narrow space, his whole body was shaking constantly from the stimulation of thunder and lightning, and while he was scurrying away with his head in his arms, his expression was full of sadness and anger, but also confusion and confusion. Wronged--

Although it seems far away, Renly has a special perspective at this time, which can not only see through, but also "zoom in".

So he clearly saw this person's transformation from heaven to hell.

"The soul of the dead ironborn? Keeping the thoughts of his life?"

He vaguely understood, and wanted to try to summon the big man in front of him, but found that he could not do it. It was as if there was a wall that separated his position from the two places above and below.

"But I can obviously make them exchange back and forth, so why can't I call in the middle?"

Renly was puzzled by this, but no matter what he tried, nothing worked, so he gave up.

He felt that he was not incapable of doing it, but that it was not the right time. However, he could not know when he could summon those "ghosts". He just felt this way when he held the scepter.

That's right, Renly thought that these figures were all ghosts, and they were all ghosts from the Iron Islands, because they were dressed very recognizable, and most of them had old faces, and a few were middle-aged or other age groups.

But what surprised Renly was that whether it was the people eating at the banquet below or the people struck by lightning above, as time passed, their "bodies" seemed to be constantly changing.

Changes that could not be seen, but could be felt.

At the same time, Renly also found that the number of ghosts in the upper and lower places was not fixed, and new ghosts were constantly emerging from the sea or in the dark clouds, and were eventually absorbed by the two buildings.

"In general, this is a world of the dead."

Muttering, Renly held the scepter tightly, and the sky and the vast environment under his feet suddenly disappeared like smoke and clouds, and the surroundings returned to the appearance of ordinary tower houses.

Looking down at the scepter in his hand, Renly was thoughtful.

He lost the existence of the Chaos Mark, but gained this scepter and the strange "world" behind the scepter. He didn't know whether he was losing or not.

He felt that this scepter had great potential, but it was hard to say what it would become.

"Maybe one day I can summon those undead spirits to reality?"

This idea made him a little excited, but it seemed to be a wild card, so Renly didn't think much about it, but put more thoughts on the present.

Obviously, this scepter, or the world behind this scepter, belongs to the "heaven and hell" in the Ironborn belief. The dead souls of the Ironborn kept entering it and were automatically distributed under a strange law.

But Renly can interfere with this distribution, or in other words, whoever he wants to go to heaven can go to heaven, and vice versa.

At first glance, this seems useless, just fiddling with the dead, but thinking deeper, Renly suddenly has some clues about the mission of this trip.

"What if you value power and wealth? Who can avoid death?" Thinking about it, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "And I control the world after your death."

Thanks to Heath Ice Tea book friend for the 10,000 rewards! Thank you xiaotang246 and Chen Tiandao book friends for the 100 rewards~

In addition, let me talk about some of the chapters I owe now. According to the last calculation, I still owe ten chapters after paying off this chapter, but the rewards and monthly tickets added two chapters, so I still owe twelve chapters~

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