Similar to Renly's treatment in the Iron Islands, and even more obvious, in Qohor, one of the nine free trade cities, the belief in the Black Goat God is unique, supreme, and inviolable.

This is because the Black Goat God can indeed show his holiness in front of people and create all kinds of miracles classified as black magic.

In this case, its reputation is not comparable to that of the people of Westeros, or the believers of the Old Gods and the Seven Gods. Even the most devout believers in the Seven Kingdoms may not be as good as the ordinary people of Qohor.

Because the Old Gods or the Seven Gods have basically never shown miracles in front of believers.

And because the establishment of the city of Qohor is rooted in faith, those who climb to high positions and can participate in expeditions are basically the most devout among the believers there.

Therefore, the notes thrown in from outside the Sea Frontier City are tantamount to the most serious insult to the people of Qohor, and they are even more annoyed than threatening their own lives.

In this situation, the people of Qohor in the castle were not threatened, but decided to defend the sea city with all their might. If there was no fleet, they would have thought of going out to sea to defend against the enemy.

However, this kind of common hatred against the enemy quietly showed a crack on the second day.

The custom of the Qohor people is to sacrifice to the Black Goat God every day. In the past, the sacrifices were chickens, ducks, cows and other livestock. After coming to Westeros, the conditions were relaxed and they became humans.

Before the threat, their Black Goat God liked the current treatment very much and responded actively to every sacrifice. However, in the sacrifice on the second day after the threat, the black cloaks recited it several times in a row before they felt the divine will coming, which was completely different from the previous speed.

This made the black cloaks in charge of the sacrifice at a loss. Although their god did not explain anything, these people vaguely guessed some truths.

"Is the great black goat god really injured?"

"Impossible, how could a god be injured? Do you think it's us humans?"

"But I feel something is wrong, and yesterday..."

"Maybe we heard it wrong yesterday."



In the dark hall, the priests looked at each other and felt that something was obviously wrong.

However, they tended to think that something unknown had happened that they didn't understand. No one believed that the abnormality of their gods was related to the iron people outside the city who were said to be very barbaric, and they thought that the threatening note was a coincidence.

However, the sacrifice on the third day had a new change.

During the sacrificial ceremony, they specially offered a baby sacrifice because of suspicion, and they heard a short and sharp weird scream again!

This sound was sharp and piercing, and it was not human or any creature that could make it. It was faintly similar to the sound of a goat, but it was as strange as the cold wind from the abyss blowing into the cracks of the rocks, revealing mystery and horror.

In the past, the priests rarely heard the voices of the gods, but seldom does not mean no, and therefore they were able to identify the source of the screams the day before yesterday, and now they can naturally do so.

"It's really our god!"

"What happened?"

"Will it be related to the sacrifice?"


The sacrifice had to be stopped because of the screams, and the black cloaks were very panicked.

The prosperity of Cohor was entirely dependent on their belief in the Black Goat God and the power borrowed to perform black magic, but now, their foundation seemed to be damaged, but they couldn't even figure out the general situation!

This kind of thing has never happened since the establishment of Cohor, or since the birth of the belief in the Black Goat God, and no one has heard of anything similar -

The gods were injured?

This kind of thing has never happened to anyone, and it has not even been recorded in their legends!

The people of Cohor in Haijiang City could no longer remain calm, and without any other clues, they naturally thought of the note shot in by the arrow.

However, the people of Qohor did not want to surrender, because they were not sure that the note had anything to do with the incident. At the same time, they could not give up the military operations in Westeros, nor could they betray their allies and leave alone.

There was no solution, and they could not even figure out what happened. They could only send messengers out of the city, urgently contacted their allies for implicit consultation and help, and offered more sacrifices in the hope that the great black goat could recover.

However, these measures were useless. When a bearded monk ally hurried from the nearby Twins City, as they offered sacrifices of different ages one after another, the third scream suddenly came!

This time the sound was sharper than the last time, and even made the black cloaks who were performing the sacrifice have a splitting headache after hearing it, holding their heads and howling. At the same time, they seemed to hear the rich emotions contained in the screams - anger, confusion, anxiety, exasperation...

So the great black goat god didn't know what happened?

This thought came to the mind of Prut, the leader of the Kohor people, and it frightened him, because in his cognition, the great black goat god was omnipotent and omniscient, and was one of the few true gods in the world. How could he not even be able to figure out his own situation?

Even the word "incompetent" was blasphemous!

Prut was filled with guilt.

In the dark hall, the bearded monk who came to help did not feel the corresponding situation, because he came from Norvos, one of the nine free trade cities, and did not believe in the black goat, so he could not feel any traces of the black goat god, and naturally could not hear any screams.

But when the priest of the black goat god told the details, the bearded monk was also at a loss.

Obviously, this must be the black goat god that these people believe in who was seriously injured, but the gods were injured and felt by believers... There is no precedent at all! ?

The nine free trade cities inherited from the ancient Valyrian civilization have a much deeper understanding of the gods than the Westeros people, because the Valyrian Free Fortress had accommodated hundreds of god sects before it was destroyed, just like today's Braavos, which is very tolerant of various beliefs in gods.

Correspondingly, the children of Valyria in the nine free trade cities also inherited this kind of legacy, and even the establishment of some free trade cities was completely driven by the corresponding beliefs.

So they vaguely understood what the war between gods was like, but that kind of war was a battle between believers, or in other words, the power of various gods could only be released through the hands of believers, and the attacks were only on their own believers.

I have never heard that gods can be injured... except for the gods with entities born in ancient times.

However, although the name and the statue of the Black Goat God are the appearance of a black goat, it has no entity...

In Haijiang City, neither the Kohor people nor the foreign aid they invited could figure out the truth of the matter, and they could not even be called half-understood, so that they could not take any countermeasures at all.

And in this situation, the second arrow flew in from outside the city!

[Eternal death is one step closer to your god. ]


The content of the note made Prut, the leader of the Kohor people, furious, and other senior officials in the castle also gnashed their teeth.

"It's fake, it's all fake!"

"The people of Qohor will never surrender!"

"How could the great black goat be injured? Someone must be deceiving us!"


The black cloaks in the dark hall were angry about this, but they had a faint crack in their faith in the black goat god.

However, they still did not intend to surrender. Instead, after some discussion, they gritted their teeth and decided to use sacrificial means to contact the great black goat god.

Regardless of whether the god was injured or not, it was very presumptuous and disrespectful to rashly inquire about his condition, and even actively asking the god seemed very blasphemous, but now there seemed to be no other way.

So another sacrifice began, and the sacrificial spell was mixed with some syllables that were not in the previous times.

The reply of the god is incomprehensible to ordinary people, and it is not something that can be described by language. It can even be called obscure and messy, just because the god is not a living being, and his thinking and will are different from those of humans.

In the past, every time the priests of Qohor received an oracle, they would gather together to carefully discuss and ponder, and then hesitantly come to the result, and they were afraid that they would make a mistake.

However, the meaning of the reply they received this time was very clear, but after "translating" it, they couldn't help but look at each other in bewilderment -

To fight back?

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