Except for the time when he first arrived at Dragonstone, Renly never lived in Dragonstone, but his room was always clean and tidy, because the servants in the castle came to clean it every day.

The sea breeze kept blowing in from the open window, but it did not bring much dampness. Dragonstone was a place where no one lived, that is, poor and desolate, but this castle was a treasure. Apart from anything else, the people living in it had never been harassed by moisture and some mosquitoes.

This situation was very strange, and coupled with the mysterious appearance of the castle, it was no wonder that there were always rumors that the castle was built by magic.

There was a breeze outside the window, and a black crow suddenly rushed in, and landed on the desk with several piles of books in the room.

After tilting its head to look around, the small eyes of this strange crow stared at a feather pen inserted in the ink bottle.

Then it took out the feather pen and placed it on the table, then began to peck at it. The continuous creaking sound of the feather pen colliding with the table sounded very regular, and the delicate feather pen also moved with the collision.

A crow pecking feathers, all of which seemed a little strange, but not special. However, gradually, as the crow continued to peck, the feather pen that should have been ordinary underwent an unusual change -

It began to emit a unique fragrance.

If Renly was here, he would find that this fragrance was exactly the same as that emitted by several copy media he had once owned!

After settling in Haijiang City, Renly had not moved, only because the Iron Throne sent a message requiring him to stay here.

However, Renly had not interfered with the Ironmen except for necessary matters, allowing them to act on their own. All he did was write a few letters to explain the situation of the Ironmen to the lords of the riverlands.

However, ignoring the military does not mean that he has nothing to do. He needs to understand the current situation in the Riverlands, and he also needs to remind the follow-up support of the Iron Islands. He also needs to continue to explore the special world of death.

As for Renly's golden finger, or the ability to shuttle through historical copies, he has not paid attention to it for a long time.

The main reason is that he can't find a new medium.

This situation is very unusual, completely different from the progress he once made in obtaining three mediums within a year. At first, Renly thought it might be his bad luck, but when he failed to use the power of the old gods to supplement the dagger medium, Renly had some guesses.

The medium is obviously related to the old gods, and the old gods are called the controllers of the old days in the mouths of the seven gods. If he can no longer feel the breath of the medium, does it mean that it is caused by the interference of the old gods? Rather than the existence of the medium?

This possibility is very high. Since other gods have learned about the changes that have taken place in this world, how could the old gods not know?

And if he does not stop himself from continuing to dig deeper into the historical copies, what will the world "collapse" into?

After entering only three copies, Westeros has been stirred up so much chaos. What will happen if there are more?

This question obviously won't have an answer before the fact happens, but Renly feels that if he keeps traveling into history without scruples, there will probably be no good results in the end, whether for this world or for himself.

So if the old gods really make a move in secret, he won't feel any surprise.

The only thing he is curious about is what the power of the old gods has to do with his golden finger.

Therefore, Renly's intention to go to the north has never faded, but he is also vigilant. The previous trick to lead the disciples to the north was a pathfinder he threw out, and Renly will think about it carefully later.

Of course, it's still a little early for this matter. Renly won't run around before the war is over.

"Maybe it will take the initiative to find it."

Watching a raven leave from the top of a tower outside the window, Renly was thoughtful, but then he threw this idea behind him.

He raised his left hand and grabbed it, and a black scepter appeared in his hand. Then he exerted force on his hand, and the surrounding environment changed dramatically in an instant.

The rolling dark clouds were steaming from the top of his head, and the turbulent sea was turbulent under his feet. Regardless of whether it was above or below, countless ghosts were either shuttling through the ocean clouds or in strange buildings. It seemed very chaotic, but in fact, the order was restrained.

After taking a look at everything that was becoming more and more familiar, Renly closed his eyes and began to feel it.

The scepter in his hand was magical, but at present, Renly only had the ability to dispatch the undead up and down, which was useful to him, but not very useful.

Fortunately, when he held the scepter tightly, he always had a feeling of "not enough", and this feeling seemed to prove that the ability of the scepter was more than that.

Therefore, Renly never gave up studying it.

And after this period of hard work, he has made some progress.

As the invisible sea breeze blew, the dark clouds in the sky and the deep sea beneath the feet suddenly burst into thousands of light spots, as if countless fireflies were ignited at once, and then these fireflies suddenly began to move, flying from bottom to top, like a large number of bright blue meteors, or falling from top to bottom, as if countless blood-colored rocks fell from the sky.

The blue and red torrents quickly crossed in the air, continuously, making the surrounding environment gorgeous, but this was not fireworks, but a process of countless souls going from heaven to hell, or from hell to heaven.

The person manipulating this process ignored it, but the ethereal wailing of the soul became more and more intense, but after a certain moment, this situation stopped instantly.

Under the control of the mind, the invisible rules of this place instantly corrected all the chaos, and the countless "fireworks" around were suddenly condensed.

However, there were still some fish that slipped through the net.

On the sea, an old iron man with a hazy body was standing in front of Renly in a daze, turning his head and looking around, as if he had not figured out his own situation, and it seemed that he had not seen Renly's existence at all.

"What's your name?"

The voice was kind, but it sounded like thunder in the "ears" of the dead soul, which scared him. Then he looked around and didn't see anyone, so he panicked and answered to the "air".

"Great Drowned God, my name is Tim."

He obviously misunderstood something, but Renly didn't mean to explain, but continued to ask.

"How old are you?"

"Great Drowned God, Tim died at the age of 54."

"Do you know you're dead?"

"I just found out a while ago. Someone told me..."


As the question and answer went on, it seemed like a normal conversation. Finally, Renly's mind moved, and the translucent figure instantly fell into the depths of the sea. Then, the ghost named Tim appeared in front of him again.

Renly breathed a sigh of relief, and then he had an idea and thought of more.

So he dispersed the special environment around him, making it return to the original appearance of the room, but the scepter in his hand did not dissipate with it. Instead, after holding it tightly, a ray of bright blue light suddenly burst out, and then the light swept across the ground, and a translucent ghost appeared in front of Renly.

But the appearance was completely different from before.

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