Outside the room, the rumbling sound of stones hitting the city wall continued. It was the prelude to the enemy attacking again. If nothing unexpected happened, there would be a rain of arrows, followed by chaotic shouts and screams.

This happened almost every day during this period, so much so that the two people in the tower room could completely ignore it.

"I call this method meditation. It refers to the way that today's mages believe in gods to gain power. However, the purpose is not to borrow power from any god, but to strengthen one's own spiritual will."


"In my opinion, the process of you mages believing in gods is a process of getting your soul closer and closer, actively being assimilated by the gods, and finally becoming one with them. The higher the degree of assimilation, the more powerful power you can naturally borrow. But meditation is different. It is not assimilation, but imitation, or simulation, and strengthening yourself in the process."


"I don't know how to use other gods for meditation. I can only use the Drowned God to teach you now. Maybe you will gain something, or maybe you will feel nothing..."


The words were finally ended by a finger, and Renly raised his hand to touch the girl's forehead. A touch of blue was then smeared on it. Then his finger separated, and the blue on the forehead slowly dissipated like fading, and the shining spirit in the girl's eyes also dissipated.

She just opened her eyes blankly and fell into a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness.

The room was thus quiet. Renly waited silently, watching the dazed look of the girl in front of him.

A few days ago, because of the Drowned God's belief field, he thought about whether the power of human will could be strengthened, and then he could cast spells by himself, and then he began to study it.

For the natives of this world, it seems difficult to have any clues, after all, they have never had such thoughts, but Renly, who has the memory of his previous life, directly set his goal on meditation, which can be thought of by the way when thinking of a mage.

A mage who does not meditate and does not strengthen his own spiritual power does not seem to be a qualified mage.

So how to meditate?

Empty the brain and expand the thinking?

After various attempts, he meditated and meditated, but he did not see any gains except being more energetic, and even felt a headache after a long time.

So Renly vaguely realized that the invisible will in the body has an upper limit, and emptying the brain and thinking about nothing may restore the spirit, but there is no way to increase this upper limit.

Therefore, Renly came to visualization.

Visualization and meditation are only one word apart. He didn't know what the difference was between the two in his previous life, but when he thought of the word visualization, the cognition in his mind was completely different from meditation, so Renly began to try.

Visualization visualization, observation thinking, Renly began to visualize everything in his mind.

The target of the attempt was naturally not any random table, chair, chicken, duck, etc., but the sea, the sky, etc., but after thinking about it, there was still no effect. Finally, he had an idea and thought of the death world behind the scepter.

It seems that the right way to use supernatural things as the target for supernatural attempts. Because he has the ability of "magnifying perspective" in the death world, Renly found that it was very suitable for him to visualize.

So he began to visualize the cloud hall of the storm god.

Then, it may be an accident, or it may be that the spiritual characteristics have already laid the foundation for this. In short, after visualizing the cloud hall, Renly felt that he was more "spiritual".

He therefore determined that this path was feasible and had many insights.

However, is this situation special to me, or is it an exception?

After thinking about it, Renly called Rhaenys, who was originally an expert in mysticism, to try to let her learn this visualization method to see if it would work.

If you want to teach this visualization method to others, the most difficult thing is obviously how to let the other party know the visualization picture clearly and accurately, but this is not difficult for Renly, because he has the ability of psychic moment, which can achieve a certain degree of mental connection. Relying on this, this teaching has officially entered the experimental stage.

The result seems to be really special. When the finger touches the other party and transmits, a blue luster emerges...

Renly is not sure whether it will succeed, or this exploration of the "Way of the Mage" is just the result of his inspiration, but this vision has given him some confidence.

"I hope it goes well... But to what extent can I cast spells by myself, or what method can I use to cast spells?"

Thinking, he looked out the window beside him.

Originally, he just wanted to relax by looking at the scenery, but he suddenly found a special situation. His expression was startled, and then Renly immediately stood up and walked quickly to the door.

He pushed the door open, closed and locked it to prevent anyone from disturbing him. Then Renly went down the stone stairs to the tower, and despite the dissuasion of many soldiers, he quickly came to the wall of Haijiang City.

It has entered the formal siege stage. The shouts and killings around are deafening. As far as the eye can see, the dense enemies are like ants, and they are constantly attacking. Ladders, siege towers, battering rams... all kinds of newly manufactured siege equipment are used one after another. Under the gloomy sky, the scene in front of him seems both vast and small.

Fire oil was pouring, arrows were screaming, and there was chaos everywhere. After climbing the city wall, Renly looked directly at the place he saw before, and a humanoid monster covered with white hair came into view.

The monster's eyes were blood red, and its body was full of arrows, but it did not cause much hindrance. Its fangs were ferocious, and it often lost arms and legs while scratching and biting. The ironmen responsible for defending the city wall had no way of parrying it. Some hurriedly avoided, while others shouted angrily, "Long live the Son of the Drowned God," and then took the initiative to attack, but they inevitably fell into the wolf's mouth, howled and died.

A smart ironborn brought fire oil and poured it on the monster, and then threw a torch. Although the monster turned into a human-shaped fireball, it was still unaffected, and instead moved more and more violently.

In the end, several ironmen gathered their strength to knock the invisible monster out of the city wall, but they didn't really kill it. Instead, after it crashed and fell, it was still able to get up and roar towards the top of the city wall.


Renly recognized what this thing was, and understood why the city wall that normal enemies could not access was conquered by it, but he could not imagine how the enemy took this group of werewolves for their own use.

That's right, a group, not one.

Looking around, there are already more than a dozen werewolves scattered on the east wall where he is, and among the black army below the city, there are also many pale or gray monster figures!

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