Under the dim sky, the huge figure that kept falling was like a shining silver meteor. The shrill screams coming from the sky were endless, the huge wings flapped chaotically, and the wind and flames were very fierce, but they could not hide the falling trend. Then there was a loud bang in the end, and the whole dragon landed hard on the scorched earth not far from the city wall.

The earth trembled, storms and dust surged around, impacting the blazing flames on the surrounding buildings and forcing them to bend down. The supposedly hard soil surface instantly tore and dented, and at the same time, a nearby masonry wall also collapsed. It was affected by the dragon's tail and collapsed.

The violent impact made the dragon's roaring sound even more sharp and painful. As its neck struggled and swung, a long pillar of dazzling silver-red fire quickly spewed out from its huge mouth covered with ferocious black teeth and swept across the surrounding area.

The inferno of fire is therefore all the more intense.

Renly, who hurriedly threw himself behind a ruined wall, raised his eyes and stared at the silver tongues of fire passing above his head, sweating coldly, and his heartbeat became very violent - the place where the dragon's tail fell was where he had just stood!

At this time, there were burning roads and buildings in front, back and left, and the wall he was leaning against was getting hotter and hotter. However, the flames coming from above quietly subsided after a while. After taking a deep breath of the hot air, Renly carefully Look around.

In the scorched earth clearing below the wall, a giant dragon covered with silver scales was crawling there and convulsing in pain. Its wings spread on the ground were like two trembling silver lakes, and its long and narrow tail stretched out. Covered with sharp spikes.

This dragon's neck is very long, and its head is ferocious, but it also has a unique sense of beauty. Renly saw that a blood-stained crossbow arrow was deeply inserted into its eye that was facing his direction. This was the root cause of the opponent's corruption and serious injury. However, although the scream was terrifying, the dragon did not suffer from it. Instead of moving around, he lay there quietly and whined.

Renly saw his target on its neck, which was a figure sitting on a special dragon saddle and wearing silver female armor. The helmet that should have been worn on the opponent's head was thrown out at some point, and a silver Her long curly golden hair was scattered in a mess, and with her head lowered, chaos covered her face.

She seemed to have fallen into a coma due to the impact, but because of the saddle straps wrapped around her body, she was not thrown out.

Renly narrowed his eyes at this, but did not act rashly.

At the same time, Renly was not the only one to discover the situation of dragons and dragon knights here. In other words, as the party who shot the dragon, this ruined castle filled with flames responded quickly.

A group of soldiers wearing leather armor were approaching cautiously. The soldiers in the front were holding copper shields, while the soldiers behind were holding bows and spears tightly. However, before they could set up their bows and shoot arrows, they looked sluggish. The depressed dragon suddenly raised its head and roared, its voice full of anger and pain. At the same time, its body struggled to move and trembled, and a piece of silver-red flame suddenly spewed out from the high dragon mouth and rushed away!

The flames shot towards the sky, but the large sparks that swayed down were like a bright rainstorm, completely dousing the group of soldiers on the spot. The painful screams suddenly sounded, and the soldiers hurriedly covered their faces and ran around, but they could not hide the raging fire on their bodies. The fire started, and the screams became more and more shrill.

Only one guy at the back saw the opportunity and ran to hide behind the wall next to him.

The screams of the Dornish soldiers seemed to stimulate the weak dragon even more. You could hear its loud and clear screams, its fat silver-scaled body staggering and crawling towards the source of the sound, and its long and narrow dragon tail violently swiping everything around it. , with continuous loud rumblings, making this place even more chaotic.

But there are opportunities!

As the dragon crawled forward, the surrounding buildings collapsed and shattered. But just as the long and narrow tail of the silver dragon smashed into a ruined wall, a black shadow quickly jumped out of it and lay down to avoid the retaliation. Behind the dragon's tail, his steps suddenly jumped up, and then he quickly stepped on the broken dragon wing, and ran towards the dragon's neck!

The dragon scales are thick but smooth. At the same time, the dragon is constantly moving its wings in order to move forward, making the black shadow stepping on it unsteady and almost falling several times.

But fortunately, the dragon did not turn around and spit fire during this process, but kept roaring forward. So the black shadow finally successfully approached the knight at the base of the dragon's neck.

The surrounding chaotic and dazzling firelight mixed with the screams in the distance, filled with an apocalyptic atmosphere. Under the bright night, Renly, who was covered in blood and sweat, gritted his teeth and pulled open the saddle buckle, and quickly cut open the silver-haired dragon knight with a dagger in his hand. He took the leather straps tied to the saddle and body, then pulled them off, jumped off the dragon body and bent down to run away.

Perhaps sensing the departure of its master, the giant dragon roared, stretched out its neck and opened its mouth to bite, but this seemed to affect the injury to its eyes, and even the sharp hissing turned into a howl, but a dazzling silver-red dragon flame still covered it. It was brewing deep in its wide-open mouth, but in the end it didn't actually launch the attack. Instead, after whining, it turned its head and continued to crawl forward.

At this time, Renly was holding the heavy dragon knight and hiding behind a half-collapsed wall, breathing heavily. The rumblings, collisions and roars outside were clearly audible, but they gradually faded away.

From the corner of his eye, he could see the roar of a burning tower not far away being hit, and the city wall on the edge became crumbling under several impacts. Renly, who had barely escaped, heard some noise and turned around to look. , only to find that someone came over from nowhere.

"Well done, boy! We actually caught that bastard Aegon's wife! Ha—"

The man laughed and grabbed the long hair of the person in Renly's arms. His dark and rough face was full of excitement and hatred, but then his laughter stopped abruptly.

Under the firelight, the flash of the dagger quickly cut the other's swollen throat. With his eyes wide open, blood splattered from the wound on his neck, but it could only splash on the sandy ground in front of him.

The black-haired young man had already jumped up at this time, and pulled off the yellow silk cloak draped around the other's waist and wrapped it around the woman in his arms. Then, ignoring the dying man who was covering his throat and screaming, he gritted his teeth and ran quickly towards the smoky city gate.

There was no one on the road, only burning buildings and charred corpses, but when Renly ran to the city gate, he found a team of five spear-wielding guards gathered there, looking into the depths of the burning castle.

He hesitated for a moment, but when those people looked over, Renly's face turned anxious and irritable.

"Get out of the way! My Lord is scalded! I'm going to the moat to find water. Get out of the way!"

"The well behind the kitchen is closer!" A Dorne soldier said hurriedly.

"The dragon is over there. Do you want my Lord to die?" The black-haired young man cursed, his feet moving as fast as his heartbeat. "Someone behind is seriously injured. Go and help!"

"Our mission is to stay here." Someone answered, and another person asked hurriedly, "What's going on in the castle now? Did we succeed?"

"We'll talk about it later. Saving people is the most important thing!"

So the soldiers at the gate hurriedly got out of the way.

Then they saw the black-haired companion holding his "lord" and jumping without hesitation. He jumped into the turbid moat with a splash. The waves splashed violently, and the figure was swallowed up and disappeared in an instant.

"Why did he jump?" A spear-wielding soldier frowned.

"We don't have a bucket." Another person explained consciously, obviously not thinking that the black-haired companion was a traitor.

However, when the other party's figure did not appear in the flowing river for a long time, even a fool could feel that something seemed to be wrong, so the soldiers guarding the gate looked at each other, held their spears and moved closer along the drawbridge, ready to find out the situation.

Coincidentally, there was an angry roar from the castle at this time, so their bodies froze.

"There is a traitor! Master Uller was killed!"

"Aegon's dragon bitch was also rescued!!"

Thank you to Sanqianmenggui and 哓文︿_︿宝宝 for their respective rewards of 500, and thank you to kkkkum and Chengli for their respective rewards of 100~

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