After this interruption, Renis's idea of ​​being a confidant sister disappeared. She felt inexplicably annoyed at being treated like a child, and even her steps towards her residence seemed angry.

However, Renly, who was one step ahead of her, did not see this situation and ignored it. After returning to his residence, he began to sit on a chair and look in the mirror and ponder.

Speaking of confusion, Renly was really confused. It was not because of his mood or sadness, but the sublimation in the attribute column. After fermentation for this period of time, it has reached 70%, which is amazingly fast compared with the previous ten years.

What will happen when this thing reaches 100%?

In his spare time, it is difficult for Renly not to think about this problem.

It is lucky to have a golden finger, but when this golden finger continues to bring unpredictable changes, it is a little unpleasant.

The future is vague, and it is not clear what kind of situation he will be brought to, and how much impact it will have on the surrounding environment. In this situation, it is difficult for Renly to remain calm.

"Maybe it is best not to have a golden finger." This thought flashed through his mind.

This idea seemed a bit hypocritical, but Renly thought it made sense. Even if he could become stronger with the help of the golden finger, no matter how powerful he became, he could not escape the fate of being unable to control himself...

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about this inevitable problem.

At this time, the environment outside was noisy. The chaos within the enemy army had spread throughout the castle. Everyone was cheering and celebrating, even the kitchen helpers. It was obvious that there would be a grand celebration banquet soon.

If there was not too much psychological pressure, it would be nice to experience the celebration customs of the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, Renly had experienced it for seventeen years and was really not interested in it.

But he was not interested, but some people could not ignore Renly's special existence. Not long after, Tigait from the West came to visit and asked what to do next.

"You can do it yourself." Renly replied, "I am not good at military operations."

He said it very seriously, but Tygett couldn't take it seriously. However, he found that this person didn't seem to want to care about such "mundane things", so he didn't bother him much. After expressing a respectful gesture, he simply bowed and left.

Then Victarion, the leader of the Ironmen, also came to pay his respects. Unlike Tygett, he knelt on one knee as soon as he came, with a pious expression.

"Please give the order, Lord Son of God, what should we do next?"

Renly's reply was the same.

Both sides were very respectful, but the former implied awe, and the latter was fanatical. Renly could recognize it without the need for telepathic induction. At this time, the Iron Islands represented by this tall Ironman basically only followed his lead.

Renly was quite pleased with this. Of course, if the people of the Iron Islands were not a group of robbers, but honest citizens, he would be even more satisfied.

At this time, the war situation outside was very chaotic. The betrayal of the Vale was like someone stabbing them in the back, but the army of the dead that broke out in the Sea Frontier City blocked the knife. After being alert, the army of the Iron Throne was not affected again, but was in a stalemate with the enemy.

The betrayal of the Vale was a blow to morale, but fortunately, because of the interference of the army of the dead, both the betrayers of the Vale and the original Targaryen enemies were a little hesitant at this time.

Although those strange existences did not hurt anyone, even the soldiers who were in the coverage of the dead at that time did not dare to say that they turned a blind eye to such existence.

In their view, the reason why they were not hurt was that the dead souls ignored them, not that those terrifying existences had no ability. After all, the situation they saw was very terrifying, and it was difficult to look at it calmly.

Ordinary people could not tell whether those dead souls were illusions or real, or whether they had the ability to hurt themselves. Some wizards who have dabbled in this have a vague guess, but they can explain it to those around them, but they can't teach tens of thousands of soldiers by words and deeds.

Therefore, they can't stop the decline of their own morale at all.

In this case, the betrayal of the Vale did not cause much impact on the Baratheon side. The nearby River Reach sent troops to help quickly, which indirectly offset the rebellion of the Vale. At the same time, the reinforcements that were previously prepared for the decisive battle were enough to maintain the blockade.

Even with the help of the betrayers, the Baratheon side still did not suffer any losses in the next period of war. However, unlike the various victories expected before, the situation was back and forth, and basically stalemate.

The siege of Haijiang City showed signs of collapse, because it had been unable to capture the castle for a long time, and strange events continued to occur in the castle recently, which seemed full of mystery to the enemy soldiers.

After their camp was attacked and the old commander was killed by werewolves, the new successor commander kept urging the soldiers to attack the city, but the morale was low and there was no effect, even worse than before, which made people angry but helpless.

At the same time, because the predecessor was "assassinated" by werewolves, the werewolves who defected to Targaryen were no longer trusted, and there was no sign of them appearing during the siege. In response, Renly secretly sent his own werewolves out of the city, preparing to make secret contacts and turn the entire werewolf race against the enemy -

The enemy could not take advantage of this monster, but in his hands it could become a very useful weapon.

Brenley even thought that this might be the key to breaking the deadlock.

Things were going very smoothly. There seemed to be a special connection between the members of this monster race indirectly created by Renley, so that even if they were separated, the two sides could still contact each other smoothly.

And maybe it was Renley's kind attitude, maybe it was his strange "fate" with the werewolves, or even maybe it was the anger caused by being unwelcome. In short, the enemy werewolves did not reject contact with them, and even expressed their intention to surrender.

After several "negotiations", the two sides reached a preliminary consensus that the werewolves would lurk in secret and help Renley raid the enemy at a critical moment, and after the war, Renley would be responsible for finding a place for them to stay without being disturbed.

Because he originally planned to find a way to settle the more than ten werewolves who surrendered to him, Renley did not feel troubled by this, and even thought that this condition was not a condition at all. In exchange, he gained a high-end combat power. If used well, it would obviously become a sharp weapon.

However, things did not develop to that point. Before Renly could find an opportunity to use this weapon to kill the enemy, a conversation outside the continent of Westeros completely changed the current situation of the war.

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