The truth of the series of events in King's Landing will obviously not be known to most people other than the parties involved. At least, Lord Tywin, who the Lannister twins relied on to fight against Renly, was kept in the dark.

The letters received from King's Landing did not reveal the love affair between the two siblings at all. The "truth" written in the letter was only that King Robert was assassinated by the invaders who were unwilling to fail. Renly, as the king's younger brother, was very ambitious and prestigious. At this time, it might be unfavorable to Crown Prince Joffrey, so he hoped that Lord Tywin would lead the Westerly army to King's Landing to guard.

"He has no parents to teach him since he was a child. His brother usurped the throne, which is a good example for him." As they marched towards King's Landing, the bald duke on horseback said so to his brother who was also bald beside him.

"The rose is penned in the flowerbed, and it is always unwilling to compete with the sun." The mature and steady Kevan Lannister said meaningfully.

"Are you saying that Renly has Tyrell behind him?" Gillian, the youngest brother of Duke Tywin, has a different personality from his two brothers. His eyelids jumped and he directly pointed out what he was thinking.

"Tyrell competed with us for the queen at the beginning, and he was born in the river bend." Kevan turned his head and answered his brother's question very directly, "Even if Renly has no ambition, Tyrell will continue to instigate him behind his back. No matter how prominent Tyrell is now, he can't cover up his identity as a loser, and they always want to wash this identity away."

"They can't succeed."

"If niece Cersei hadn't noticed it in advance, they might have succeeded. Renly's prestige in King's Landing is too high."

"Is that man really that..."


While listening to his brothers' discussions silently, Duke Tywin, who was in the lead, never said anything, but his fear in his heart was not weak at all.

There have been many strange things happening in Westeros over the years, and some of them are hard to adapt to. The strangest one is the youngest Baratheon, who is famous in the Bay of Rivers, intimidates King's Landing, and asks for a miracle to heal the son of the Prime Minister... All these things are often heard even in the Westerly Territory far away from King's Landing, and Tywin knows the role and methods of that person in the recent war better than anyone else.

Mysterious, weird, powerful, unpredictable...

This kind of mystery usually makes Tywin curious, but now, when he finds that Lannister is on the enemy side of that person, he is only deeply afraid and a little bit of imperceptible confusion.

"Maybe it's not that bad. Maybe niece Cersei is too sensitive?"

"At this critical moment, no matter how sensitive and suspicious Cersei is, we can't ignore it."

"I hope Joffrey can stay seated..."

The bald duke in golden armor couldn't help but squint his eyes when he heard the words as his horse swayed forward. Just as he was about to say something, a scout on horseback ran over to the road in the wilderness ahead.

"My lord, a group of people who claim to be the Knights of the Holy Light came to ask for help." The scout turned over and reported loudly after getting off the horse.

"The Knights of the Holy Light..." Hearing this name, Duke Tywin couldn't help but think of the fearful Baratheon in his mind, and the smart and intelligent short figure in his impression.

After supporting Robert to the throne and attending his daughter's wedding, for political reasons, he, the Duke of the West who had been the Prime Minister for many years in the previous dynasty, completely stayed away from the power center of Westeros, but he was very concerned about the news of King's Landing.

Like other unbelievable intelligence, this organization established in the war also has a deep connection with that person, and it can even be said that he created it.

If that's the case, this organization can be said to be in the ranks of enemies, but the organization has a strong church background, which has to make the Duke think deeply.

How much support will the so-called Seven Gods have from the church? Or how deep is the cooperation between the two sides?

Previously, he was busy with the war, and both sides were still in the ranks of allies, so Duke Tywin didn't pay much attention to this organization that has always been in the rear of the river land and actively rescued the victims. Now that he has withdrawn his hands, he naturally needs to clarify this matter. After all, this involves the question of whether the church, an ancient organization, stands on the opposite side of Lannister.

And now seems to be a good opportunity for initial contact.

Thinking of this, he nodded and signaled the scout to bring the person, and soon, a very special figure appeared in front of him.

The simple grey robe looked inconspicuous, but the forehead that flashed slightly fluorescent in the dim sky caused the surrounding marchers to be in an uproar. The steady bald duke couldn't help shrinking his pupils and tightening his hands holding the reins.

However, it seemed that he had long been accustomed to this phenomenon. When the Lannisters were in turmoil, the man with the glowing forehead raised his hand and touched his forehead, revealing a peaceful smile.

"The gods in the sky are with us, my lords, I hope to get your help."

"What help?" The three Lannister brothers, who were tightly surrounded by the guards in the center, looked at each other for a while, and then Gillian, the youngest and most lively, couldn't help but speak up.

"We need food." The man with the glowing forehead replied respectfully, "We have 35 river compatriots who are in urgent need of help. They haven't had a full meal for three days. My lords, I hope you can lend a hand."

Before seeing the person, Lannister would not have considered this at all. Isn't it said that the organization behind this person has a deep connection with Renly, and he may even be the person's lackey? Even if there is no such thing, there is no kindness in Lannister's style of doing things.

However, after hearing this now, the three brothers found it difficult to say no - the glowing forehead is a small matter, but the meaning behind it has to be taken seriously. No matter how many special news they have heard in the past, it is not as shocking as this scene in front of them.

Are there really gods in the sky?

This question flashed through the minds of many people.

"My quartermaster is called Marbrand."

The thoughts in his mind were complicated. On the surface, Duke Tywin maintained his nobility and majesty. After thinking for a moment, he said to the visitor lightly: "Go to him and tell him my order."

"Thank you, sir. God bless you." The visitor bowed and saluted, and then hurried away under the leadership of a soldier. The three Lannister brothers who were still there fell silent. As they rode forward quietly, the three of them did not speak again for a long time-

It is not scary to have gods in the sky, but it is scary that Lannister seems to stand on the opposite side of the gods.


With the end of the war, the weather in Westeros seems to have undergone a strange change. When they were in the river area near the North, snowflakes began to float slowly in the sky that had been gloomy all day. It was not fast or slow, but it disrupted the team's pace.

"It's not normal to snow in the summer."

The crisp voice was slightly worried. Her long silver-golden hair, which was braided into many small braids, was stained with pure white snow. Rhaenys's small body wrapped in a black shadow mountain cat skin cloak was shivering on the horse's back, and she seemed to be very uncomfortable with the sudden change in weather.

It's no wonder she behaved like this. Even among the Ironborn soldiers who had been following Renly's buttocks, many adults could not adapt to the sudden cold climate, and there were even chattering and shivering sounds. Obviously, a lot of people would catch a cold soon.

"It's even more abnormal to come."

Looking up at the sky, Renly answered absent-mindedly. He was still wearing a majestic-looking glazed green knight armor, sitting astride a pure black horse, and the whole person looked much more heroic than before.

"You mean King's Landing?" After asking this question, Rhaenys didn't get a response. She rolled her eyes and said, "Do you need my help? If you want, I can contact my father."

It was obvious that Renly was not the only one who discovered something unusual, but Renly did not respond to this, but remained silent.

It is impossible to know what is happening in King's Landing at the moment, but according to the worst-case scenario, it may have fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Who is this enemy?

Renly narrowed his eyes.

If it is said that the only variable in King's Landing is the Lannister siblings, but because the war required the full strength of Lannister, he could not do anything.

However, if something bad really happened because of this variable, then was the previous disregard right or wrong?

Thinking about this question, Renly couldn't help but touch his left wrist, and his heart was slightly relieved.

The worst case scenario is that King's Landing is out of control and his brother Robert is imprisoned, but with the Seven Gods as his collaborator, Renly will not regret this -

Death is not a problem, whether it is resurrection or reincarnation, there are always remedies.

But if possible, no one would want to be caught in a mess.

"It's really annoying."

Muttering to himself, the majestic green-armored knight kicked his horse's belly and took the lead in moving towards King's Landing.

Behind him, in addition to groups of iron soldiers, there are also hunched figures wearing gray linen cloaks following one after another. There are hundreds of these figures, and their bodies are basically wrapped in cloaks, but the limbs that occasionally show when they move forward are covered with inhuman hair.

Public and private affairs are a mess, I got sick, and my personal mental state is not very good. I have to stabilize my new job before the New Year, so I don't have much energy to write novels. I will try my best to keep updating steadily, but I may not be able to do the normal two updates. I will try my best to not stop updating, but I can't stick to the previous update rules... I'm sorry, please don't follow me, and come back to take a look when you have time...

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