The Bachelor's Tower in Dragonstone is located in the lower left corner of the castle, next to the city wall on the sea side. It looks ordinary on the outside, but it is an important place for Dragonstone to communicate with the outside world.

The previous owner of this place was an old maester named Kansi, who was actually called Qyburn. However, since Renly and his party returned to Dragonstone, the maester's tower has unknowingly changed its owner.

"Devil grass must be soaked in seawater for one night before preparing the disintegration potion to take effect. The best time to start is during bat time."

"Why Shibatshi?"

"Because the moonlight is most abundant during the bat season."

"What's the point?"

The conversation, which was not very long, seemed to be an exchange between the student and the master. However, the master's voice was crisp, sweet and slightly immature, while the apprentice's voice was old and hoarse, like an old man.

In other words, it's not like it looks like it, but it is what it is.

In the messy bachelor's room filled with bottles and bronze utensils, a gray-haired old man in gray robes is standing respectfully behind the girl with strange blond hair, silently observing the girl playing with the shelf like a little apprentice. There was a glass jar on the table, and his expression looked cautious when he asked.

If this scene were seen by the servants in the castle, they would probably be shocked, because the gray-haired old man usually has great majesty and status on Dragonstone Island, but now he seems particularly humble.

But both the "master and apprentice" inside the house, and Renly approaching outside the house, are basically used to this——

The girl is naturally Rhaenys who followed, and the vast amount of mystical knowledge she possesses is something that the old maester is extremely eager for. In fact, in the period after returning, the two of them, together with some apprentices, have gathered together to form a preliminary We formed a small group similar to a research institute.

The object of their research is the werewolves who have initially settled on the island. However, although they seem to be busy with this, they have not seen any results so far.

After standing at the door and observing for a while, Renly raised his hand and knocked on the open door frame as a reminder. A pair of "master and apprentice" with obvious contrasts in the room immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to stare.

The old man who was interrupted from his studies was a little angry at first, but after seeing the person clearly, he quickly calmed down and leaned down to bow respectfully.

The beautiful girl with bright blond hair had a look of surprise in her eyes.

"Are you here to find me?"

"Yes." Renly nodded.

"This is really strange. What's wrong?"

Renly did not answer, but glanced at the old maester, who bowed and left the room that was supposed to be him.

It wasn't until the door behind him was closed tightly with a slight sound that Renly spoke out about the dragon's purpose.

In fact, although Rhaenys did not leave Westeros, her connection with Braavos was not broken-she had some magical means to communicate outside Westeros.

Renly observed this on the way back, but didn't ask more about it, but now that there was a need, he couldn't ignore it anymore.

"What's going on with the Targaryens lately?"

Hearing Renly's question, Rhaenys did not directly think of the dragon. She thought Renly suspected Targaryen of the reason for the White Walker's resurrection, and she couldn't help but curl her lips to express her dissatisfaction.

"Why should I help you find out what my people are doing? You don't teach me magic, and you always want to send me back. I really can't think of a reason to help you."

"You're not staying in Dragonstone right now." Renly reminded her.

"This is the treatment I get for teaching those idiots magic knowledge." The girl snorted, "You can't use this condition to make two demands, right?"

"Then if you agree to do it, I will release an iron ghost for you to study." Renly said instead.

"Deal!" Rhaenys, who had been coveting it for a long time, immediately agreed without any of the kindness she used to address her tribe members before. Then she saw her blinking and pretending to squint innocently: "Actually, if you come sincerely, Please, I won’t make any conditions with you, do you understand what I’m saying?”

Renly ignored her slightly provocative words, rolled his eyes and turned away, "Remember to tell me when you get the exact news."

The sound echoing in the corridor had a strange echo, and the speaker seemed to have a vague sense of etherealness. Rhaenys didn't care that her words were ignored, because it was just a joke, but this slight alienation made her frown unconsciously.

"It's getting worse..." The girl standing by the shelf table in the room muttered in a low voice, looking a little worried.

More and more memories about her past life emerged in her mind, naturally mixed with some things related to Renly, which made her unconsciously focus on the man she seemed to have been pursuing in her previous life. body.

Mysterious, withdrawn, and difficult to fathom... After careful observation over the past few days, the girl discovered that Renly's temperament was constantly changing, or that he seemed to be becoming more and more indifferent to everything in the outside world, whether it was things or people.

It seems that the distance between the two, or between Renly and the world is getting farther and farther. Although he is physically within reach many times, it always gives people an illusion and unreal feeling, ethereal and blurry, as if The stars in the sky.

This change was silent and subtle, but it was very obvious compared to the person in Rhaenys' past life memory. She didn't know why this happened, but it was obviously not normal.

"Maybe it's some special secret method? When can I see through him?"

Muttering, the girl finally shook her head and turned back to continue dealing with the bottles and jars on the shelf.


On the other side, Renly obviously couldn't know what Rhaenys was thinking at this time, and he naturally didn't think that there would be any changes in his personality.

Only Targaryens can hatch dragons, so if you want to keep an eye on whether there are dragon eggs that revive, you just need to pay attention to Targaryens.

After telling Rhaenys about the Targaryen news, Renly temporarily put it aside and prepared to officially "resurrect" his cheap brother Robert.

The appearance of the White Walkers seemed to have seriously affected the Seven Gods, so that the things that were originally promised could not be done, or the spokesperson suddenly couldn't "contact" the Seven Gods.

The transaction condition required to resurrect Robert is to give seven Seven Gods believers who meet specific requirements with seven power seeds. This matter obviously has a deep meaning if you think about it carefully, but it is easy to do. Renly believes that completing this matter may bring some turning points, and he is now ready to do this.

However, the situation in Westeros was special at this time, and he did not want to leave Dragonstone for a long journey, so he decided to temporarily look for targets on the island.

Just as Renly was "inspecting" the territory for this purpose, a letter from King's Landing landed in the castle's maester tower with the unpleasant cawing of ravens.

This was a letter for help, and Renly, who had interrupted his territory inspection and returned to the castle, was surprised to find this.

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