The yellow scorpion, which looked translucent, cautiously poked its head out from the shadow of the rock where it was hiding. After a pause, it quickly ran towards the river bank outside.

It had only run a few steps when a foot wearing a thick-string sandal suddenly fell from the sky. The yellow scorpion was suddenly crushed. The heart-shaking creaking sound accompanied by the bright green thick pulp that emerged after the shell was crushed cruelly revealed that an innocent life had died.

After looking down at the sole of the foot, the owner of the foot did not feel pity for it. Instead, he rubbed the ground with his foot in an unlucky way, splashing dust.

The scorching sun quietly enveloped the river bank here, distorting and blurring everything around.

The turbid river behind him flowed slowly, and a beautiful woman wearing red satin clothes with silver edges and short and messy hair was sitting on the bank. Now she was staring at the man with a naked upper body and sweating, or rather, at the stone in front of him.

On the relatively flat stone, the man put down thin slices of tender white snake meat one after another. The hot rock surface seemed to have become a long-heated iron pot. After a while, it played its role, and the fat flowed out, making a sizzling sound.

The process of the snake meat from raw to cooked was accompanied by not only the color change, but also the emission of a special fragrance. When a dagger pierced them all into a string and then approached, this emission attracted the attention of the woman on the river bank.

But after she looked at the dagger, she couldn't help but remind the black-haired, brown-skinned, hooked-nosed man, Renly.

"This dagger is poisonous."

"How is it poisonous?"

"You used it to squeeze out the snake venom yesterday..."

"Yesterday was yesterday, and today is today. Don't worry, it's no longer poisonous."

"Really?" The little queen looked at her with a suspicious look.

"Even if it is, the right amount of poison will make it taste better." Renly said, raising his hand to pull out a piece of snake meat and put it into his mouth to chew.

"It can also relieve the pain."

So Rhaenys said, reached out and carefully took the dagger, then lowered her head to eat.

Seeing this, Renly nodded with satisfaction, feeling that this little queen who was recorded in history books as lively and willful seemed to be quite easy to get along with.

Whether it was about the hair at the beginning or some things later, as long as the reason was explained clearly, this person would accept it silently, and did not make random comments or get emotional.

It was just that the curiosity after getting familiar with each other was really serious.


It was the third day after the other party woke up. After a short period of energy replenishment, Renly carried her on his back and continued on the road, while hoarse inquiries continued from behind.

"They say that all of you Dornish lords openly keep mistresses? Is that true?"

"Do you think I look like a lord?"

Renly didn't say anything, but the other party didn't stop talking.

"Are you Dornish people familiar with all this? I mean, there are poisonous snakes in the desert?"

"Are you familiar with your home?" Renly asked.

"Of course I am familiar with it. I grew up on Dragonstone--" She didn't react until she was halfway through her words, and then she was choked and lost her voice, but soon, the question came up again.

"Why did you save me? Just because you want the dragon eggs?"

"What else could it be?"

"For example, do you have many enemies in Dorne? Hatred made you choose to stand on our side? You... your fiancée was robbed by someone?"

"Yes, my fiancée broke off the engagement in public, and then made a three-year agreement."

"Really? What is the agreement? A duel?"

"Are you sure you are already thirty-five years old?"


"Can you sing? Sing a song, I feel a little bored."


"Good sir, sing one, just one."

"I really can't, and I'm not a sir."


The weather was already hot and humid, and as they kept moving forward, the person on his back kept talking, making Renly feel like there were a group of flies buzzing around his ears.

He wondered if he acted too harmless, which made this person so relaxed. But he didn't see the other party showing a thoughtful look on his back, but then her expression turned into astonishment, and then exclaimed.

Because they fell into the river next to them!

The exclamation was accompanied by a splashing sound. The turbid water swallowed the two people in an instant. After taking a few gulps of water unexpectedly, Rhaenys barely grabbed a stone to stabilize her body, but found that there was a pair of hands in the water pulling her, so she couldn't help screaming.

"What are you doing?"

No one responded to her. After seeing that she couldn't pull down, the hands disappeared without a trace. The little queen was angry at this time, but soon turned into regret.

Because the faint sound of horse hooves came from the upstream direction of the river, and it was getting louder and louder!

"Renli, where are you? Someone is coming!" She called in a low voice, but there was no sound in the flowing river at this time. Looking around, there was no shelter to hide.

Seeing this, Rhaenys gritted her teeth, then took a deep breath, pinched her nose and lurked down.

Dragonstone Island is located off the east coast of Westeros. It is an island. Growing up there, the first queen of the Targaryen dynasty naturally couldn't be incapable of swimming.

However, it was too late for her to hide now. With the sound of horse hooves, three Dorne riders were approaching here quickly, and they had obviously noticed the movement.

At first, they may have just noticed the noise, but they were not clear about the specific situation. However, when they got close to a certain distance, the leading black rider suddenly saw the yellow cloak that had quietly fallen off on the river bank. He was stunned and then shouted angrily.

"It's that dragon bitch, come quickly!"

He said as he turned over and got off the horse, then grabbed the spear and rushed over, and the remaining two people also got off the horse and followed behind him.

The slightly turbid river did not show any abnormality at this time, but the experienced riders had already seen the footprints of a person rushing around and the traces of splashing water.

So one rider stayed on the shore with a bow and watched closely, and the other two drew out the daggers they carried and quickly rushed into the river, ready to catch the person in the river.

But just after they entered the river, the man on the shore suddenly felt his ankle tighten, and before he could react, a huge pulling force came. After he couldn't help but screamed, the skinny Dorne rider was directly dragged into the river!

The rider who fell into the water struggled hard, and the river splashed with water, but when a sharp object fiercely scratched his neck, his struggle instantly lost most of his strength.

All this happened quickly. When the scream sounded, the two who were swimming in the river hurriedly looked back, but what they saw was only the stunned eyes of their companions, and the blood kept flowing out of the neck covered by their hands.

The twitching body floated with the flow of the river, and the surging red liquid continued to spread on the river surface during this process, and the remaining two riders were furious.

"It's that traitor!" One of them roared and turned back to swim towards the river bank, while the other continued to move forward regardless of anything - under the water surface of the gray broken flow stone not far away, he had already seen a hazy and slender figure hiding in the water against the stone!

As he moved forward, he vaguely saw the other party's beautiful face under the river surface, which was becoming more and more terrified. This made the Dornishman seem to be full of strength, and his hands that were flapping the water also stretched forward to grab as much as possible, wanting to catch this enemy with deep hatred in his hands as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, he still didn't catch the target he wanted in the end. Although the distance was close, a dagger quietly stretched out from the water and crossed his neck at this moment, and his hand holding the dagger was also tightly grasped by someone.

A wet black-haired figure floated up next to him. The body that blocked the sun looked unusually tall, and a pair of brown eyes looked down quietly.

The brown-haired Dornishman shuddered at this, and then shouted without turning his head, but unfortunately the only person who responded to him was the tall figure beside him who cast a shadow on him.

"He's dead, and now you're the only one left."

"How is that possible?" The Dornishman answered in disbelief, but the fact that there was no sound behind him made him feel depressed.

When he just found out that he was attacked, he and his companions took action tacitly. One continued to swim towards the target in the water, and the other turned ashore to shoot the enemy.

In this way, no matter which one of them the enemy chose to attack, the other could achieve the goal successfully.

But he didn't expect that the man next to him would be so fast?

"Now, come ashore with me." The black-haired figure, Renly, ordered.

"You are a traitor!" The Dornishman floating on the water ignored this, but showed hatred and disgust.

Renly didn't care about it, and after tightening the dagger in his hand, he threatened.

"It's coated with the poison of the red thorn scorpion. If you don't listen, I'll let you taste it."

"Water will wash away your poison, traitor!" The Dornishman spat at him.

"Want to try?"

The Dornishman's face turned blue and red when he heard this. Finally, he glared at Renly unwillingly and was forced to move towards the shore.

He might have thought of looking for an opportunity to fight back, and this opportunity was when he climbed ashore. Unfortunately, the enemy took a step ahead of him. Before he could completely get ashore, the opponent directly hit his vitals with his knee. The sudden pain made the Dornishman's strength dissipate instantly, and he couldn't help screaming. When he was dragged ashore and recovered, the dagger had already landed on the surface of his neck again.

"What's the situation at the prison gate now?" Renly asked.

"I won't tell you, traitor!"

"Is Aegon not here yet?"

"He's already scared. We killed a dragon!" The brown-haired Dornishman who was pressed on the yellow earth proudly declared, and a smile appeared on his tanned face.

"So he really didn't come." Renly murmured, and unconsciously glanced at the woman who followed him to climb ashore. The other party was also listening to all this quietly, frowning.

Obviously, he fell into this simple language trap, and the Dornishman who reacted was full of anger. So he turned his head hard on the ground and stared at Renly, saying angrily: "You won't have a good end, traitor! You and your dragon bitch will not have a good end! All Dornish lords are looking for you. Even if no one knows you are here now, they will know! Yes, wait and see! They will know!"

"That's obviously not now." Renly replied, and then asked: "Any last words?"

The other party just sneered.

Renly looked at him quietly for a moment, and the dagger in his hand finally left the Dornishman's neck, but pierced into the other's heart like lightning. At the same time, he covered his mouth with his other hand to prevent the sound from escaping.

The dull sound of metal penetrating the flesh caused blood to splatter, and the linen cloth on the chest was stained with deep red. Facing the convulsing body and the rapidly expanding black pupils under him, Renly raised his hand and silently closed his eyes.

Then he looked at the little queen who climbed ashore on her own behind him.

"Why, your butt doesn't hurt again?"

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