In the dim light of the night, a group of Dornish riders came from all directions and surrounded Renly and the two of them. They were all wearing black cloaks, with brass scales and leather armor underneath, and the spears in their hands glowed in the moonlight. Sharp and lustrous array.

Renly had no expectations for this group of people who suddenly appeared, and at the same time, he couldn't figure out why they could know their route in advance.

However, he had no time to pay attention to this problem at this time. Facing this group of hostile Dornish riders, the black-haired young man tightly surrounded in the center was heartbeating rapidly, and thoughts were racing in his mind. He suddenly looked at the man who had just laughed. The big man.

"you know me?"

This big man on horseback with fluffy black hair and olive green skin was obviously the leader of the group. At the same time, Renly noticed that the other riders were the same as this big man, all with olive skin...

"What, now that you've become a chameleon, you're not ready to recognize your old enemy?" Hearing this, the other party chuckled, rode his horse closer, and made several gestures at Renly's body with the spear in his hand.

"But it doesn't matter. I feel ashamed to even use you as my opponent for a traitor like you. Do you think I will stab your neck or your bird eggs later?"

These words caused the Dornish knights around to laugh. At the same time, their eyes were full of excitement and hatred when they looked at Renly and Rhaenys behind him.

"If you don't resist, we'll make you die quickly." Another old man with thin cheeks and a cloak said grimly. He didn't look like a soldier, but he was consciously protected by his side.

Renly noticed this, but he ignored it for the time being. He looked at the big man with his brown eyes, and spoke carefully in his words: "Are you sure you know me? If you really knew me, how could you not know what kind of person I am? ?”

"Of course he's a traitor!" the big man spat, "Who else could he be? You were despicable before, and you had to resort to tricks to steal women from me. Only a coward would do that!"

This person did not give the order to take action directly, and the people around him also maintained a surrounding attitude. They seemed to be afraid, but they might just be enjoying the joy of victory.

However, this gave Renly a chance, though he felt it was a bad chance.

"Do you think I would really betray my own blood compatriots?"

"The fact is, you betrayed us." Under the moonlight, the big man held the horse rope with a sneer: "But I really never thought you would do this. There are so many blood feuds, and no one more despicable than you has betrayed us. ,you?"

He shook his head and spat in Renly's direction again, and the bloodshot liquid instantly melted into the sand. After glancing down, Renly suddenly raised his voice.

"I did not betray Dorne! The real fact is that I did not betray Dorne, let alone you!"

This sudden shout made the surrounding riders subconsciously tighten their spears, and one of the horses even neighed and was about to move.

However, none of this affected Renly, who had determined his train of thought. Although his heart was pounding, he maintained a solemn posture on the surface, glanced around, and spoke in a high-pitched tone: "The demons of Valyria The dragons have risen again, and six of the seven kingdoms have been occupied by them. Dorne will never be spared unless I can go to the Mother River of Lorne and sacrifice this woman with the blood of the Dragon King to our great mother. Wrong, this is the only way to save Dorne."

"Don't delay this important event!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the riders around him were stunned, and then stared at him like a fool.

"What is he talking about?"

"He said the Mother River Lorne."

"What does this have to do with Mother River?"

Obviously, the Mother River of Lorne they call is a river, but it is also a belief.

There are three main human races in Westeros: the First Men, the Andals, and the Rhoynar. They are all outsiders who arrived in this land of the setting sun one after another, expelling the Children of the Ancient Forest and other races from the stage of history.

But unlike the First Men and the Andals, who had footprints all over the continent, the Rhoynar who finally arrived chose to stay in Dorne, where they first landed, and merged with some of the native people here.

As time passed, the Dornish people generally had a mixture of Rhoynar blood, and among them the salt people were the worst. The Rhoynar were a race with olive skin and black hair.

The god they believe in is the river called Lorne, which they respectfully call the Mother River of Lorne.

But that was the belief of the ancient Rhoynar people, and the mixed-blood Dornish saltmen in front of them had probably forgotten it long ago. But when Renly heard the tone of these people calling Mother River, he quickly calmed down and spoke to the big man again.

"I dreamed of the Mother River, and I understood His will, so I want to take this woman to sacrifice to Him. You don't understand this, so I can forgive you for misunderstanding me. But now, get out of the way and give I’ll prepare a boat and oarsman, and when I come back successfully, that’s when you’ll be completely free from the dragon disaster!”

The black-haired young man spoke arrogantly, but unfortunately he did not achieve what he wanted. Instead, his words made all the riders stare at him again, and they were all ready to move with weapons in their hands.

"Even if you are a traitor, you must not make fun of our mother river!" The tall, muscular, black-haired man at the head said in a contemptuous tone: "Or are you actually a northern bastard?"

"I'm not kidding!" After hearing this, Renly immediately retorted, the solemnity on his face gradually turning into anger.

"I have Rhoynar blood flowing in my body. My elders have taught me the greatness of the mother river of Lorne since I was a child. I will never make fun of it!"

As he spoke, he spat on the ground and said fiercely to the enemy leader: "I thought you could understand, but now I find that I was wrong. You humiliated me and threatened me just now. Wait and see, I will Revenge for you!"

These words made the people around him furious again. One of the long-faced young men even raised his spear and prepared to charge. However, he had just taken a stance when he was grabbed by the leader with messy black hair.

He then looked at Renly suspiciously—

The main reason is that this person behaved a little too unscrupulously. It didn't look like he was surrounded at all, and he didn't have the slightest trace of shame as a traitor. Instead, he was full of burning arrogance.

Under normal circumstances, he would never let such a provocateur go, but at this moment, the traitor's behavior was completely abnormal, and in the past, the big man did know something about the man in front of him, although he was a bit despicable and liked to use poison. , but he doesn’t seem like someone who would suddenly rebel.

So he became a little doubtful.

"You say that, what proof do you have?"


Renly on horseback said angrily: "But why should I betray my own people? For selfish desires? Or for money? Even a fool can see that I will never survive after betraying the entire Dorne! Even if I escape to the Free Trade City, The assassins of Dorne will find me sooner or later. Do you think I am a fool?"

This is true. It doesn't matter if you offend one or two Dorne lords, but not everyone can bear the consequences of offending the entire Dorne.

Historical records record that when the First Dorne War reached its peak, the two sides sent assassins to assassinate each other's leaders. Aegon the Conqueror was almost stabbed to death in King's Landing. This also gave rise to the Kingsguard, a bodyguard organization that protects the king. Birth.

Although the surrounding Dornish riders did not understand this, they always had a blind confidence in their own side, so they looked at each other after hearing this, and their hostility became much weaker.

Even the leader was lost in thought, but at this moment, the skinny old man beside him spoke gloomily.

"Who knows what you think? Maybe you fell in love with this dragon bitch, maybe you have other reasons. I'm warning you, boy! If you continue to deceive us in the name of the mother river, we will ask you to taste the real mother How the river’s anger hurts!”

When this man spoke, all the riders around him looked at him, even the leader, who seemed to have a more important position. However, Renly was not speechless after hearing this. Although his heart was beating fast, he became furious.

"You old idiot! If I really wanted to save her, why didn't I hide? Hide anywhere and ask for help from Aegon when he comes to take revenge on us? Come here instead? Run into the hands of you idiot! "

These words made the old man's face darken, but Renly did not stop speaking. Instead, he became smoother and more energetic, as if he had truly become an out-and-out Dornishman. When he mentioned the word "Mother River" in his mouth, Full of fanatical piety.

"That's the best rescue route. What's the use of me running here? It's because of the people here, it's because of you! Because you have the blood of Rhoynar people! Because you understand the greatness of the Mother River! Because of you Can you help me get this done? Why would I come here? Tell me why?”

These words made the Dornish people hesitate again. They looked at each other, looking at the leading man and the old man beside him, only to find that these two people were also hesitant at this time.

The Dornish people were heavily influenced by the Rhoynar civilization, so their cultural practices were significantly different from other places. This influence was particularly prominent among the salt people who lived by the sea, so although they may no longer believe in the gods they once had, But it is impossible to ignore it completely.

Without looking carefully, Renly noticed that these people were wavering, but it was not yet time to truly relax, so he took advantage of the fact that the people around him didn't react and spoke incessantly.

"Most Dornish people have never known this. They are all the blood of the First Men and Andals, not the Rhoynar. So I want to stay away from them! Because they will stop me, they are blinded by hatred, They will destroy Dorne in the dragon's fire!"

"The Dragon King of Valyria has risen again. He wants to take over our last home, and he does have the ability. Only the Mother River can save us! You idiots, sacrifice this woman to the Mother River, we Only in this way can you obtain salvation. If you block the will of Mother River of Lorne, you are the real traitors!"

He had already thrown away the weapon in his hand when he spoke, looking fearless, but the more arrogant his attitude seemed to prove the correctness of his words, even Rhaenys on the side looked at him in astonishment.

At first she thought it was Renly's trick, but the more she heard, the more it seemed like that was the case.

The Targaryen family originally came from another continent, a country called the Free Fortress of Valyria. The Targaryens were originally just one of the many dragon-controlling families in that country. Later, after Valyria was destroyed by natural disasters, they Become the last dragon king family in the world.

The rise of the Valyrian Free Fortress was accompanied by the fall of many other civilizations. The Rhoynar were one of them, and they were also the strongest resistance. In other words, the Valyrians and the Rhoynar were mortal enemies.

So Rhaenys naturally knows something about the history of the Rhoynar people.

This civilization possessed a special water magic inherited from a river called Rhoyne. In its heyday, it even fought against the Valyrian dragon. Although it had to abandon its homeland and flee to Westeros in defeat, it also caused serious damage to Valyria.

As a Valyrian, Rhaenys could not fail to understand this, but it was precisely because she understood that she knew that what Renly said was not false and the sacrifice was true.

And what sacrifice could be more powerful than the blood of a Valyrian dragon king who had brought destruction to Rhoyna?

So this is his real purpose?

The little queen understood this, so she was quite annoyed and desperate. She felt that she was really naive and ridiculous before, believing the words of this cunning Dornishman.

Relatively speaking, although most of the Dornish riders around were illiterate, they also grew up listening to the great achievements of their ancient ancestors. Naturally, it was impossible for them not to know some of the true and false ways. Even the old man with thin cheeks has always claimed to be a sacrifice to the mother river Rhoyne.

The old man did have a special power. Apart from other things, praying all day gave him a kind of foresight. For example, he set up an ambush tonight because he dreamed of a silver dragon coming down the river. At the same time, because of his special status, he also knew the true result of the prison gate incident.

But the priest ran into a guy who claimed to be the messenger of the mother river...

The atmosphere became a little weird for a while. Although the riders did not rush forward, they did not completely agree with Renly's words. Instead, they hesitated and wandered in place, looking at the leading old priest and the black-haired man.

However, the two stood there frowning and silent, and seemed to have no idea what to do.

Renly gritted his teeth when he saw this.

"I know you idiots doubt me, it doesn't matter. The mother river has given me power, and I can show it to you, and then you will naturally know what to do!"

These words made the old priest, who was in deep thought, raise his eyes, and his turbid eyes were mixed with expectation and suspicion.

"What power do you have to show?"

Thank you to the book friend Sanqianmenggui for the 2,000 reward, thank you to the book friend Rurenjia for the 500 reward, thank you to the book friend 161211131358140 for the 100 reward~

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