Before setting sail, the wind was in the right direction on the sea, so the rowing Dornishmen were able to relax and rest. Some of them hunched over the planks and fell asleep, while others chatted around the burning fire, and pointed at the woman trapped at the mast.

However, when the sea breeze around them became stronger and stronger, they had no time to think about anything else.

The violent wind made the ship move forward at a fast speed, but the waves below were surging and bumpy at this time, making the ship extremely unstable.

Seeing this, the six Dornishmen who were on night watch hurriedly began to gather the sails and kicked their sleeping companions awake one by one, but this did not bring any lucky results to this small flat-bottomed fishing boat.

The fierce sea breeze soon blew out the fire on the boat, and the surroundings fell into a gloomy darkness. There were dark clouds above their heads, and bursts of lightning flashed from time to time, and dense raindrops began to fall quickly.

Faced with this situation, the people of Dorne shouted in panic, some held the wooden oars tightly and shook them vigorously to resist the turbulence of the waves, and some ran quickly on the boat to keep the boat balanced.

The black-haired man in the lead shouted and commanded, while the thin old priest beside him knelt at the bow, clenched his hands and prayed silently towards the east of the ocean.

Unfortunately, neither the sailor's oars nor the priest's prayers could stop the ship from becoming more and more unstable.

The old priest, who prayed for a long time without any effect, looked at the stern in panic, hoping that someone could be as reliable as he claimed, but he saw that the other person was no longer there. The little queen who was tied tightly to the mast laughed unconsciously, and was slapped hard by the leading man.

The next moment, a huge wave suddenly rose on the left side of the ship, directly swallowing up the large fishing boat!

The arrival of the waves was like the collapse of the sky above. The ships in the hazy environment screamed and were instantly overturned. Soon they broke into pieces again. More than 20 Dornishmen fell into the sea. They relied on their water skills to flee hurriedly under the dark sea surface, but were forced to separate under the turbulent currents. Their faces disappeared in horror in all directions of the deep sea.

The little queen, who was still tightly tied up, stood upside down in the ocean, her purple eyes widened, her cheeks bulged, and her hands tied to the wooden pole struggled hard, but the oxygen in her lungs became scarcer, and she never broke free.

Just when she was about to open her mouth, a figure approached from the right side of her body. The familiar face made her feel surprised and angry, but it seemed to make her a little out of breath, so her already shaky mouth could not hold on at all, and the seawater rushed in, and everything in front of her seemed to be in chaos.

It was not until she felt the ubiquitous seawater disappear that Rhaenys finally regained some consciousness. After vomiting a lot of seawater in the storm at night, she raised her hand and slapped the man beside her whose face she could not see clearly. Then her eyes went black and she fell into a coma completely.

When she woke up again, it was the next day when the sea was calm.

She opened her eyes and stared blankly at the clear sky above, feeling the hard and wet wooden board under her. Rhaenys's eyes were dull for a while, and finally her eyes focused, and she turned her head to look at the black-haired man beside her who was looking down at her.

"Once again, I thought you were really going to betray me." She murmured, "Last time by the river, you suddenly threw me into the river, and I thought you wanted to go back on your word. This time you pretended to be like that, and I almost believed you... Is there anyone in the world who is more like a liar than you?"

"If I hadn't lied to you, we would have been hacked to death long ago." Renly replied, his brown eyes swept over the target in front of him, and he nodded with satisfaction.

The other party's face was pale, and one side of his face was a little swollen and bruised, but he seemed to be in good spirits overall.

"Can't you just say hello to me?" The hoarse voice sounded very dissatisfied.

"Why should I fight you--" He was interrupted by the person below him who raised his hand and grabbed the front of his clothes before he finished speaking. His upper body was pulled down by a huge force, and his mouth was blocked immediately. The unfinished words turned into a whimper. Looking at the woman with beautiful purple eyes close to him with wide eyes, Renly was confused for a moment, and only one thought kept lingering in his mind.

How could she be so strong?

His lips felt cold, but after a while, he suddenly felt a sharp pain, and then the force that bound his body loosened. When he turned around, an angry word came from under him.

"This taste is not good, right? But this is how I feel now!"

Renly touched his bleeding lips and stared at the other person with doubtful eyes.

"You--do you want to retaliate like this?"

"Next time this happens, be sure to tell me in advance!" The other party did not respond directly, and seemed to feel that he was a little angry, so he stood up and glared at Renly, then turned around to look at the surrounding environment.

Then she was a little dumbfounded.

Under her was a heavy wooden board, which looked like a part of the previous ship. It was not large in size and floated on the sea like a shelf of a broken table. The surrounding light was bright and sufficient, but no matter which direction you looked, all you could see was a vast expanse of sea water.

"What should we do next?" She couldn't help but turn back to look at Renly, and her voice unconsciously became much weaker.

"I saved food and water,"

Renly was covering his injured mouth with his sleeve. He pointed behind him angrily, and Rhaenys saw a thick rope pulling some scattered pieces of wood behind the wreckage. Bucket and baggage.

"As long as we don't get unlucky enough to encounter another storm, we can hold on for another month."

Renly said, suddenly frowning.

He felt that something was very wrong about this matter. Why did he always encounter shipwrecks or storms when he was at sea?

"What about one month later?" the other party asked hurriedly after hearing this.

"If we're lucky, we'll encounter ships. If not, I can try to dive for fish, but that won't last long because we have no water." Renly replied absently.

"You mean we might die of thirst at sea?"

"If you want, you can also choose to plunge into the sea and drown. I think this may be better than dying of thirst."

The little queen glared at him when she heard this, but then she suddenly thought of something and moved closer with curiosity. Her purple eyes stared at Renly as if she were looking at some rare animal.

"You were able to hold your breath for so long in the sea? How did you do it?"

"This is the power given to me by the great mother river."

"Only a fool would believe what you, a liar, say. Tell me, what is going on?"

"I do not want to say."

"Shall I exchange my secret with you?"

"I'm not interested in."

"Well, I thought you were interested in dragons."

The life of wandering on the sea is actually quite familiar to Renly, after all, he had been drifting once not long ago.

However, the current situation is different from last time.

The sunk wood plank underneath him was not a intact ship. During this period, he was always worried that the plank would suddenly sink into the water at some point.

At the same time, sleeping was not stable. There were no guardrails, and a bump was enough to push the two of them into the sea.

Renly was not afraid of this, but Rhaenys beside him did not have his ability.

However, in the end, Renly, who was not afraid of water, could not sleep well every night because he was always afraid that when he woke up, he would find that the mission target next to him had already fallen into the sea and choked to death.

The little queen was also frightened by this at first, but it didn't take long for her to find out that Renly was there, and she didn't seem to have to worry about it too much, so she slept deeply every time, deep down in her heart, she had some feelings for Renly. The defensiveness also quietly dissipated a lot.

This inevitably made Renly feel sour, and what made him even more envious was that the other person was less afraid of the cold than he was.

The sea at night is much colder than during the day. Although it is not as sharp a contrast as the desert, it is enough to make a person shiver with cold.

However, he was obviously wearing the leather armor and clothing of a Dornish rider that had been used as a disguise, but the other party didn't seem to feel the coldness at all.

"No one in our family is very afraid of the cold." Faced with Renly's puzzled gaze, the other party took the initiative to explain.

"Aren't you afraid of fire?"

"That's just a rumor." Rhaenys shook her head and denied: "We can endure high temperatures, but we are not afraid of fire. The flames will still hurt us, but they are weaker than ordinary people."

These words made Renly frown. Thinking of a certain peashooter in his memory, he couldn't help but ask more about it.

"Is there really no one who is not afraid of fire?"

"If there is, it can only be the ancient dragon kings. They have mastered the long-lost Valyrian magic." Rhaenys nodded her chin in reply, and then added another sentence.

"It can't be said that it has been lost, but that it has failed. In fact, I know all those magic spells, but none of them have succeeded."

When she said this, the little queen felt quite depressed and melancholy. Renly curiously asked for a spell, but she muttered a garbled-sounding syllable without much hesitation, and seemed not to cherish it at all.

He tried to write it down, but found that he didn't know why he couldn't remember it, so Renly had no choice but to give up.

As the sun rises and sets, as time goes by, the two people living on the "isolated island" often have no way to avoid each other, and there is nothing else to do except talk. So gradually, they seem to have become friends who talk about everything. good friend.

Renly learned many interesting stories about the little queen's childhood and some of her interactions with dragons, while the other party became increasingly suspicious of his true identity.

During a conversation, she said something intentionally or unintentionally.

"I suspect that you are the Faceless Men from Braavos in disguise. Those people have always been interested in our family."

Renly denied this, but Rhaenys just rolled her eyes at him and did not continue to ask.

The atmosphere was calm at first, but as the food and water sources became less and less, the atmosphere on the "boat" became increasingly depressing and dull.

At the same time, the calmness on the sea quietly dissipated. On a dark cloudy night, the surrounding sea wind gradually became stronger, and finally mixed with heavy rain bombarded the wreckage of the ship and the two people inside -

Another storm suddenly comes!

Thank you to the weird book friend for the 200 reward, and thank you to the Breathe Free book friend for the 100 reward~. It is also worth mentioning that regarding the fire immunity, Mr. Martin said that Daenerys's immunity from fire was a miraculous event, and it cannot be Copied, so her second use in the play is purely made up by 2db (or the old man lied).

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