Although they had just experienced a storm not long ago, when the second storm came, the two were still in a mess. After the wind and waves calmed down, Renly even found that he had caught a cold.

This made him quite depressed, and Rhaenys was a little worried about it.

Although colds and flu are not serious diseases, they can still kill people in this era, especially in their current situation where there is no medical conditions at all.

Renly didn't take it too seriously. He even walked towards the beach without waiting for his clothes to dry, wanting to see if he had any gains this time.

Then he dragged back a broken sail with a mast.

At this time, Rhaenys was staring at the messy camp in some trouble. She didn't know where to start. When she heard the noise, she turned around and looked, and she couldn't help but froze on the spot.


She looked at Renly with her mouth open, and the other nodded: "A bunch of dark purple grapes on a blue background, the emblem of the Redwynn family."

The name doesn't sound like anything, but it is actually very important to them.

The Redwyne family is loyal to the Tyrell family of the Reach in Westeros, but in fact their family is much older than the Tyrell family, who became the Lord of the Reach after the Conqueror War. The family is famous for its abundant wine production, and the fleet owned by the family is also one of the few naval forces in Westeros.

Renly couldn't be more familiar with this family, because during the siege of Storm's End, it was this family that blocked the sea, while the Lord Tyrell family and other lords of the Reach were responsible for the land.

He also knew the location of the Redwyne family's territory, the Arbor Island - in the Summer Sea in the south of Westeros, it is basically on the same line with the southern coast of Dorne, which is the coast where the two were once.

"They must have had a ship damaged near here last night." Seeing the other party's stunned expression, Renly said: "Next we have to keep a close eye on it. Maybe there will be people in distress who are washed over by the current, or they will find this island and swim over, just like us back then."

"You mean, we are likely to be saved because of this?" Rhaenys couldn't help asking.

It was impossible for a simple stranded person to save them, but if someone came to search and rescue in the future, that was not certain, and Renly meant this, so he nodded.


Rhaenys's mouth twitched when she heard this. She wanted to remain calm, but she couldn't help but smile. In the end, she no longer suppressed her emotions and hugged the person in front of her and cried with joy.

Renly smiled and patted her back. He could feel the joy from the bottom of her heart. At the same time, he felt as if a big stone had fallen from his heart at this moment - although it was still possible, this kind of thing still depends on God in the end.

Facts have proved that God seems to treat him "well".

However, what he originally "expected" was not the so-called Redwyne, but the Dorne ship. He thought that the fact that he had set sail from a certain place in Dorne not long ago could not be concealed from the Dorne lords for too long, and if those people knew about it, they would definitely try their best to go out to sea to find and hunt them down.

Now it seems that although it is unclear why Redwyne came to the nearby sea area, the situation is much simpler.


After that, neither of them spoke again, all immersed in this good news.

It was morning at this time, and the fresh air was accompanied by the warm and pleasant sea breeze. The sun hanging high in the sky above also exuded waves of warmth. The surrounding woods rustled, and the sound of the tide hitting the reefs remained the same, but when I heard it again, there was a different taste in my heart.

But not long after, Rhaenys's excitement suddenly cooled down. She broke away from her arms, and looked at Renly's face with purple eyes, and her expression became a little complicated.

"What's wrong?" Looking down at her, Renly still smiled.

The other party opened his mouth, and then forced a smile: "Nothing, I just think it's better to repair the house first, otherwise I will be bitten by mosquitoes at night."

"Then you find the raw materials first, I'll go to the beach to watch."

After Renly said that, he turned and left, and the broken sail in his hand was also thrown in place by him.

Unfortunately, he did not find anything else except the sail that day. After returning to the camp, the atmosphere that became much more silent also made him a little disappointed.

The shed was not built that night, and neither of them slept well.

But when they woke up the next day, the atmosphere here seemed to have returned to its original state, and the cheerful little queen became lively again.

"When we return to King's Landing, I can show you a hill named after me. I plan to build a big garden there." Squatting in the camp and drinking lemon leaf tea, Rhaenys turned her head to Renly who was also squatting next to her and smiled: "I have planned for a long time, but I haven't found a suitable gardener. Maybe I should go to Highgarden to have a look. It is said that many people there know this."

"I won't go to King's Landing with you." Renly, who was brushing his teeth with a small branch dipped in the ashes of the fire, replied vaguely: "That city stinks."

"It stinks now, but it will get better in the future." Rhaenys said: "Just like my kingdom, it will get better and better."

Renly couldn't help but turn his head to look at her when he heard it.

"What? You don't believe it?" the other party asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course I do." Renly nodded.

The establishment of the Targaryen dynasty marks the beginning of a new era for the Westeros continent. The seven kingdoms used to be independent and wars seemed to occur at every moment. However, after the unification, despite various civil strife and political conspiracies, it was much better than the original chaotic situation.

However, this dynasty did not live long. Compared with the feudal families and the ancient seven kingdoms with a history of more than a thousand years, the Targaryen dynasty was overthrown within three hundred years of its establishment, led by the cheap elder brother Renly.

The dramatic thing is that he, a member of the usurper family, came here to chat with the founder of the Targaryen dynasty.

I wonder what her expression would be after she knew this.

Renly thought secretly, and suddenly thought that the kings of the Targaryen dynasty were all descendants of the blood of the little queen next to him. If it is really based on the theory of bloodline, this person seems to be his... ancestor?


In the following period, he picked up many broken planks and broken wood on the beach of the island, as well as some items with obvious civilization, such as silver plates, broken wine barrels, etc.

On the third day after the storm, he saw a pale male corpse. The corpse that kept floating with the tide made Renly silent, but he did not bring this emotion into the camp.

The next day he saw several more corpses and more supplies. Although this was useless, it strengthened their confidence. Although there was no gain in the next few days, the two still had expectations for it.

The days seemed to have returned to the past, but the atmosphere had some subtle changes.

For example, Renis no longer had physical contact with Renly casually, and her dress and daily life were not as casual as before. Some behaviors became serious. At the same time, she would deliberately keep a large distance from him when pulling the bedding roll every night.

This was to avoid suspicion, and Renly had expected it.

He has always understood and believed that some of the other party's emotions some time ago were just the "broken jar" idea formed after feeling hopeless to leave.

Or she instinctively wanted to find an emotional sustenance to rely on each other in order to spend the rest of her life.

Obviously this is not love, but a helpless choice. For Renly, this is a responsibility.

As a passer-by, he does not want to and cannot bear this responsibility, and Renly does not think that the two will really be trapped here forever, at least he will not.

So he has always responded negatively to this.

He can pretend not to know these things and then be casual and unrestrained, but some things can be lied about, but some are difficult to make up their minds to do.

At this time, a ray of light appeared in the predicament, and the other party no longer thought about it, but wanted to maintain a simple friendship. Renly thought this was good, at least he didn't have to always think about whether he was a fool.

However, one day, the other party said something to him intentionally or unintentionally.

"It's really small here, and you can't see many things."

"What do you want?" Renly, who was squatting on the ground blowing his nose with a leaf after catching a cold, looked up at her.

"Nothing." The little queen blinked, and then suddenly asked: "Do you know what tansy is used for? And safflower?"

Renly was stunned when he heard this, but the other party turned around and walked away with a smile.


The change happened five days after this conversation. Another fierce storm suddenly came, with the same intensity as the previous ones, but when Renly went to search on the beach the next day, he found a person -

A living person.

Thank you for giving me face, book friend, the thousand reward, thank you for the Mongolian Navy Five-Star Admiral book friend, the 500 reward~

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