It has been said that there are secrets hidden in the Red Castle, but no one knows what secrets are.

The castle began to be built during the reign of Aegon the Conqueror, and was not officially completed until the reign of Maegor Targaryen, the third king of the Targaryen dynasty.

King Maegor was also known as the Cruel Maegor. He had many cruel deeds, and one thing related to the Red Castle was that after the completion of the castle, he ordered the killing of all the craftsmen involved in the construction.

No one knows why he did this, but smart people can guess that this must be a cover-up, so if there is really a secret passage in the castle, it is not incomprehensible.

It's just that this matter came from a child's mouth, and there is no evidence, so it is inevitable that people are suspicious.

But doubts are doubts, and the fact that this five-year-old child disappeared in the castle for a day without being discovered can already vaguely explain something.

So when Renly, who was found, said this, Robert, who was originally angry, was directly diverted, and the Duke of the Vale, Jon Arryn, beside him, carefully asked Renly about his approximate location, and then talked about this with some other ministers.

The fat man in pink robe, who was particularly noticed by Renly, also actively participated in it, and there was nothing unusual just by looking at his face.

He is quite good at pretending.

Renly thought to himself.

He knew that there was a secret passage in the Red Castle because of the bad ending TV series he watched in his previous life, but he remembered this because of Varys, the intelligence chief known as the octopus spider not far away.

If I remember correctly, it seems that only Varys knew about the secret passage, and through this, he could eavesdrop on many hidden things.

However, now this guy looks like an outsider who has nothing to do with him, and his performance is seamless. At first glance, I thought he was really innocent.

Renly had some ideas because of this, but at this time he was more concerned about another question, that is, why he was not found.


After being questioned in the throne room, he was taken back to his residence in the castle by the white knight Barristan. On the way, Renly asked casually.

"Sir Barristan, I heard that you went to the cellar to find me?"

"Yes, child." The white knight replied, "Because I remember that you are very interested in dragons, so I thought if you ran away by yourself, you might go there."

As he said that, he couldn't help asking, "Is it really a secret passage?"

"Of course." Renly nodded, "It's pitch black and dirty, you can tell by looking at me."

The other party glanced at him when he heard it. The dark green velvet top and trousers that he hadn't changed in time were indeed covered with black dust, which didn't look like the waste pile in a normal building.

"It's a pity that you don't remember where it is." The white knight sighed, and actually believed it in his heart.

The child in front of him is very smart, but he doesn't look like a liar, and there is nothing else to explain what happened today except the secret passage.

But if there really is a secret passage here...

As a member of the Kingsguard who protects the king, Barristan is very sensitive to such things. He believes that if there is a secret passage and he does not know about it, it is obviously his dereliction of duty. Before Robert, he had served two kings, and who knows whether the king he once protected was threatened by the secret passage?

The White Knight's mood became a little depressed, and Renly did not speak again, but thought about what he had just said.

He went to the cellar to look for it, but did not find himself.

Renly narrowed his eyes.

Although it is very hidden to hide in the pile of bones, if you look for it intentionally, it is impossible not to see it, right?

And he did not seem to notice that such a large piece of bones was broken...

It was broken after coming back?

The two of them, one big and one small, each had their own thoughts, so this section of the journey was quite silent. As they continued to move forward, they followed the stone road to the central area of ​​the castle. Soon, the building called Maegor's Tower came into view.

Maegor's Tower was named after Maegor the Cruel, and the builder was self-evident. It was the residence of the kings' families of all generations. It could be considered a castle within a castle. It was a huge square fortress with tall and thick walls and a dry moat covered with metal spikes.

At this time, the drawbridge on the moat had been lowered. The two guards guarding the entrance bowed to the White Knight, who returned the salute and led Renly into the moat.

Entering the lobby on the ground floor and going up along the building, he was finally brought to a room with a light green Myr carpet on the stone floor - this was where he had lived for a long time.

The White Knight then left, and after he creaked shut the thick oak door, Renly temporarily put aside his other thoughts and subconsciously touched the egg-shaped item in his pocket.

After returning, he was busy dealing with the people outside and had no time to study the previous gains. He was not sure how to use the egg, but it was one of his few special items.

In addition to this egg, he also has a bronze ring around his neck that can be used three times. There is also half a special bone hidden in the wooden box under the bed, but it seems that it is no longer useful...

Thinking, he walked a few steps to the silver-plated round mirror hanging on the wall under the golden brocade in the room and stared at it.


[Racial level: LV1]

[Profession: Bard]

[Professional level: Entry-level]

[Professional characteristics: Sensitive to music]

[Possess knowledge: Heraldry LV7, Swimming LV6, Archery LV5]

[Possess knowledge: Poison Making LV5, Dagger Mastery LV5, Fishing LV2, Horseback Riding LV2... (LV1 omitted)]

[Derivative characteristics: Psychic Emblem, Mermaid Breath, Returning Bait]

As he stared closely, a series of messages emerged from the mirror like mist.

This appearance mechanism is very strange. It seems to be exposed on the mirror, but if you touch it with your hand, you will not touch any moist material at all, and the misty words will disappear.

Renly believed that these words did not actually exist, but were a manifestation of his thinking, because he could detect this kind of information without using a mirror, it was just a matter of how much.

And that kind of awareness is carried out in the mind as if one's own thoughts were condensed on its own, rather than what it looks like in front of you.

Renly was already very familiar with this, so he didn't pay much attention to this situation. He looked at the characteristics of the profession, and he was thoughtful.

Renly couldn't ignore the appearance of a career column that he didn't know about before. At the same time, although he was not very interested in the Bard, a career that relies on singing for a living, he had to pay attention to the characteristics derived from this career.

At this moment, it seems that this profession is just getting started. If he takes the initiative to upgrade the level of this profession, will new characteristics appear?

Compared with the skills and knowledge that are more difficult to improve the higher the level, this profession does not seem to be that difficult to improve. After all, it is still the lowest level at this time...

At the same time, he had to think deeply about the meaning behind it——

If bard is a profession, what about knight?

Scholar, sailor, even wizard?

The golden finger he possesses seems to hide many things that have not yet been discovered.

Renly was thinking, suddenly startled slightly, and then looked towards the fireplace not far away.

His hearing, which was much stronger than before, allowed him to faintly hear some special noises, and those seemed to be some sounds coming from behind the fireplace...the sound of shoe soles rubbing against the ground?

Thank you to the book friends Taiwu Zhenren and Xiaoka Strawberry Jam for the 500 reward, thank you to the xiaotang246 book friend for the 200 reward, and thank you to the book friend 161021163531151 for the 100 reward~

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