He was too young, and the situation at Storm's End was different. No one would come to Renly to tell him about this, so by the time he knew it, it was already the third day after the news came.

Renly had been back for nearly a week at this time. His long-term dungeon career had made him a little mentally exhausted, so during this period, except for the secret passage, he basically ate and slept, including the bard. Including his career, he didn't bother to think about most things.

There is plenty of food and fish all day long, and sometimes he is too lazy to even eat by himself. There are no difficult situations, no need to rush around, and no one is nagging in his ears. He feels that his life is real. Some salted fish.

Of course, between eating and walking, he still did some serious things, such as reading books to figure out the dragon egg problem.

The feedback was terrible -

I have never seen such a small egg.

He had actually expected this. After all, no matter how deformed it was, the eggs laid by a dragon and a chicken could not be the same size. And he remembered correctly, the egg was obviously not that big. With his current behavior, he was very I wonder if it was because he was seriously damaged while "traveling through time and space".

"I just don't know how this thing tastes compared to eggs." Renly was thoughtful during a certain study and remembered the dream he had after returning.

So the question is, will this thing be poisonous?

Thinking so, Renly, who still had a chance to hatch a dragon, didn't plan to do it yet. After all, he could eat eggs or whatever he wanted. There was only one dragon egg at the moment. If he did eat it, it would be gone.

Then he began to think about how to try to hatch, but before he could think about it, he suddenly heard about Stark's sister "died of illness" from the dining table, and was reminded of another thing.

"We must obtain the support of the Lannister family, otherwise your throne will not be secure at all."

On the right side of the long straight table in the dining room of Maegor's Mansion, an old man with dull blond hair and a hooked nose, a thin bald head and a thin face, was cutting a piece of bacon roll with a dagger while speaking to the sturdy young man with black hair across the table.

It was just that after his voice fell for a long time, the black-haired young man with a heroic face did not answer any words. Instead, he kept silently chewing the dry crispy bread in his hand.

Seeing this, the old man named Jon Arryn couldn't help but said: "I'm sorry about Lyanna, Robert, but now I have to remind you-"

"Spare me, Jon, I don't want you to remind me of anything!" The other party muttered impatiently, his voice sounding muffled due to the food he was chewing in his mouth.

"Just let me have breakfast in peace!"

"Cersei, Lord Tywin's virgin daughter, is only seventeen years old. She is impeccably beautiful and is known as the Light of the West. She is also gentle, virtuous, and proficient -"

Old Jon was talking to himself and didn't notice the other person's flushed face. So before he finished speaking, the black-haired young man suddenly banged the table with a bang. The silver plate collided and the food splashed, scaring the two servants behind him. I couldn't help but shiver.

"I told you there's no need! Let that bitch daughter of Tywin go to hell!" He cursed angrily, but then he seemed to feel that he was overreacting, so he restrained his anger slightly.

"Why don't you ask Stannis if he is interested? He is my heir and is qualified to arrange a marriage for me."

"I'm engaged." Stannis, who had just returned to the Red Keep in the past two days, was eating breakfast silently. Hearing this, he gave his brother a cold look.

"The Florent family of the Reach, my father made the decision himself before he left."

This guy's tone was firm, and he obviously didn't intend to leave any room for negotiation. Robert glanced at his second brother displeasedly when he heard this, but said nothing. Instead, he turned to look at the end of the dining table, where he was eating breakfast quietly. There was nothing there at all. Sensual little guy.

"Then let's take Renly. Look at his handsome appearance. He looks exactly like me when I was a kid."

"This is so ridiculous." The old man said helplessly after hearing this: "Robert, how old is Renly, you-"

"Seven hells, Jon, how about you marry that Cersei?" Robert interrupted impatiently, ignoring his adoptive father's darkened face.

"This might give you two more heirs."

"Do you need me to remind you? Robert, I already have Lady Lysa." The old man said angrily: "I also believe that the issue about my heir will be resolved sooner or later. I don't think you need to worry about it yet."

"Then don't worry about my marriage!"

"The king's marriage is very important to the whole country."

"But I'm not the king yet."

This obvious sophistry made the hook-nosed old man laugh angrily. He immediately put down the cutlery in his hands and lowered his voice to the black-haired young man opposite: "Lyanna is dead, Robert. How can I tell you to understand? She is already dead." died!"

These words made Robert, who was normally normal, suddenly darken his face. He glared at the old man opposite him with his blue eyes for a long time, and finally squeezed out a sentence through gritted teeth.

"Jon, fuck you, I fucking know Lyanna is dead!"

"Then you should-" The old man was interrupted by the other party in an irritable tone before he could finish his words.

"But I said I won't marry anyone but her. I said it many times! So don't mention that Lannister bitch to me again. That's right, don't mention a word about it. I don't want to hear it!"

"You have to listen, unless you don't want to sit on the Iron Throne and don't want to—"

"Fuck the Iron Throne!" Robert stood up abruptly to interrupt, pointing at the old man with red eyes and yelling: "I've had enough, Jon, fuck Lannister! Marry yourself. Go get married!"

He cursed as he kicked the stool and left the table, "I just wanted Lyanna, but what happened? What I got back in exchange for it was that ugly, hard, broken chair!"

The cursing words gradually faded away, leaving the hook-nosed old man sitting there with a gloomy look on his face for a while, and finally sighed sadly.

Stannis on the table looked at his brother's retreating back with an expressionless face. The silver dagger in his hand was subconsciously cutting a piece of cheese, but he accidentally cut it on the finger of his other hand. Looking down, he slightly frown.

After glancing at the only two people left on the table, Renly suddenly said: "I'm full."

After saying this, without waiting for a response, he slid off the bench and left in a hurry. He looked like he was frightened.

However, Renly was actually considering taking advantage of this to solve something.

With that peculiar golden finger and a well-fed background, he may soon have a status that far exceeds that of most people.

Renly has many plans for his future, but he should also plan ahead.

For example, find a way to solve the cuckold problem.

He had thought about this issue when he was at Storm's End. He didn't think much about it, but it was not nothing. Looking at Robert's appearance today, it was obvious that he was very resistant to his future wife. So what Renly should consider now is: How to give the other party an excuse to refuse...

As for whether this excuse can really be effective, it must be created first.

Thank you to the book friend Silly Called Simple Book Club for the 500 reward, thank you to the Dongdong Gundong Book Club, Taiwu Zhenren Book Club, xiaotang246 Book Club, Heaven and Earth Book Club, the Antarctic Book Club and CrayonDawn Book Club for the 100 reward~

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