A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 62 Licking Cats and Wasted Eggs

Over there, the entire city of King's Landing was in an undercurrent because of Renly's "spoiler" behavior, but the person involved here played the flute on an open-air platform in Maegor's Tower as if it had nothing to do with him.

The high platform is at the top of Maegor's Tower, with several thick brown-gray long pillars standing quietly around it. The boy sits on the edge of the high platform, and what he can see in front of him is a vast sea with many ships moored.

The cool sea breeze is blowing, the instrument is in the mouth, the fingers are moving slightly, the melodious flute sound is crisp and pleasant, the tune that seems to be full of "exotic" style sounds strangely cheerful, but the intermittent sound seriously affects the rhythm.

The two guards were standing not far away. One of them, Will, leaned against the pillar with his arms crossed and said to his companion: "Master Renly's blowing is really nice."

The other party nodded in agreement.

"That's right, this is the best flute performance I've ever heard, and I've never heard this tune before. Did our young master make it up himself? By the gods, that's really amazing!"

They spoke loudly on purpose, and they were not too far away from the black-haired boy. Not to mention having good hearing, even normal people could hear them.

This made Renly glance at them sideways, and the two guys praised him even more.

He rolled his eyes, ignored it, and continued practicing his flute skills.

The unique talent given by his profession allows him to clearly detect some subtle flaws and unnatural places in the music when playing the flute, and then he can make appropriate improvements the next time he plays the flute.

The problem is that he doesn't have much lung capacity at this time, so he can't play the flute in one step, and the intermittent playing is not a good sound.

However, it seems that he is the only one here who has "self-knowledge" at this time.

Not to mention the two guards over there, it seems that even the animals are well versed in this.

Under the sun, a black cat that was originally walking on the stone edge of the terrace was slowly approaching according to the music. After reaching a certain distance, it suddenly jumped and jumped onto a low bed in front of Renly. It was lying there on the small table.

Renly, who was playing the flute, glanced at it and ignored it, while the cat lay on his back and stared at him quietly, a pair of light blue eyes constantly looking at the boy's focused face and the flute in his hand, which seemed to be filled with excitement. Attachment.

Then not long after, it seemed to feel that it was not satisfied, so it rushed forward again and jumped into the arms of the black-haired boy, its head arching the velvet clothes on his belly as if enjoying it.

The sound of the flute stopped abruptly, and he looked down at the little thing. Renly said displeasedly: "Go away, stay away from me. You are always losing your hair. Why don't you have any shame?"

When the black cat heard this, he shrank his head tighter, as if he didn't want to pay attention.

Seeing this, Renly sneered and raised his hand to give it a brain-destroying blow.

So the black cat gave a grievance, glanced at his belly reluctantly, turned around and jumped down, but did not move away, but lay on the instep of the boy wearing calfskin boots, staring at Renly with its little head raised, fluffy The tail kept wagging, as if to please his new master.

That little look in his eyes gave Renly a chill.

It's actually quite funny to have such a clingy cat, but now he seriously doubts whether this cat is possessed by a shapeshifter, although there are some smart cats and dogs that can understand through long-term contact. The master's words, but being able to understand everything is obviously not a normal situation.

I remember correctly, there are shapeshifters in this world who can possess animals, such as a certain king of victory in the future who rolled his eyes and hung up on the spot, so Renly believed that his suspicion was justified.

But he couldn't figure out why he was so pestering.

This cat was obviously very irritable when the maids were giving it a bath, scratching and scratching it, and showed no spirituality at all. But when Renly was around, it became extremely honest and extremely smart.

This is another mystery, like many that he couldn't figure out before.

Thinking about it, he shook his head, then put up the flute again and continued to play, but he had to put it down after a while.

Under the guidance of the servant, a middle-aged man with brown hair was walking from the stairs.

"Good morning, Davos." Renly raised his hand to say hello. The man approached and bowed, then glanced at the flute in the boy's hand.

"What did you just blow?" he asked curiously.

"Two... lions?" Renly said hesitantly. In fact, they were two tigers, but he didn't know yet how to say the word tiger in Common Language.

"It doesn't sound like the style we have here." Davos heard the words and praised: "But the tune is beautiful and very pleasant. Your Excellency, you play really well."

Renly chuckled when he heard this, feeling vaguely like he was being surrounded by licking dogs, so he changed the subject and said, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Lord Stannis asked me to deliver this." Davos said as he placed a box in his hand on the table in front of Renly: "Wooden carved toys from Braavos, from a smuggler Got it from a merchant."

The guy in front of him was well versed in smuggling, and this obviously led to good order in certain situations in King's Landing.

After hearing this, Renly opened it and took a look. He found that inside was a lifelike brown wooden sculpture of a Titan warrior with movable joints. He was not interested in it, so after taking a look, he closed the box and prepared to throw it away when he returned. In the box where Naga's ribs were kept - that's more or less his trash can.

"Nothing happened, right?" he asked in a low voice.

Bringing toys was just an excuse. Because he wanted easier contact, Renly asked Stannis about wanting toys a while ago. Relying on the "maternal nature" that was inexplicably born, it was not difficult. , the former smuggler in front of him became a "toy messenger".

"Something unexpected happened. Several former members of the Kingswood Brotherhood want to join you."

Davos whispered, telling all about his previous experiences.

Renly was surprised at first, but then he understood what those people were like.

"They want to take advantage of me?"

"Sheeping wool... so to speak." Davos felt that this metaphor was a bit strange, but he didn't think much about it.

"But if you need help, sir, you might as well consider it. You just need to be careful when using it."

"Forget it, why do I want a bunch of people with unknown origins?" Renly shook his head after hearing this.

Although he lacks mobility and manpower, he is not something that just anyone can take a liking to.

Who knows if those people are traitors sent by a family enemy?

Although this may be small, it is not impossible.

Renly had a lot of secrets and a lot of things he wanted to do, but he obviously couldn't follow those people and ask them to do something childish and ridiculous.

Even using Davos was because of the memories related to his previous life, and he took advantage of the situation. There was a group of strangers, and it was unclear what their real purpose was. Renly was not even interested in contacting them.

Seeing this, Davos didn't say much. After nodding, he reported to him the current rumors in the city, and then left.

After he left, Renly didn't want to stay here anymore and played the flute. He turned around and said hello, and led two guards down the stairs back to his residence.

Instead of him barking, the black cat at his feet followed him with its tail raised until it reached the bedroom. Just before closing the door, it nimbly scurried into the room and then rubbed against the blue cat back and forth. Li's legs squealed a few times in favor, as if they were afraid that the boy would kick her out.

Renly ignored the cat. After the guard closed the door, he stepped on the soft carpet and walked towards the fireplace. The entrance to the fireplace was currently blocked by bricks and stones, and the secret passage inside was basically unusable.

At this time, the sunlight streaming in from the balcony was strong, but Renly stepped on a stool and lit a tallow candle on the narrow platform on the fireplace. The smoke rose, and the quietly burning candlelight seemed dimmer compared to the surrounding light.

A simple tray made of lanterns was then fastened to the candles, and a golden "egg" was placed on the top of the hollow shelf in the tray by Renly.

Then he lay down on the fireplace platform, staring at the golden eggs that were constantly roasting in the flames without blinking, his little face was melancholy.

He originally expected the egg to perform miracles, but gradually he stopped thinking so because it was as hard as a rock.

When he was playing with the egg on the balcony two days ago, the egg in his hand was accidentally touched by the cat and fell out of the window. Renly was shocked at that time, but when he hurried out to search for it afterwards, he found that This egg fell from such a height and was still intact.

This actually made Renly "sober" a lot. After thinking for a long time, he found a small hammer and found that he couldn't break the thing no matter how hard he hit it.

Renly then tried to bake it, but was unable to do so.

Because it is not afraid of fire.

No matter how much Renly tried to bake it, candles or kitchen stove fires, the egg would not be cooked at all. It was really like a stone that could not be eaten, could not be hatched, and could not be smashed.

"Just think of it as a souvenir."

As he murmured, Renly glanced at the black cat that was walking around with its head raised next to the stool under him. He had the urge to throw the egg to his pet as a cat ball, but after thinking about it, he still collected the egg. stand up.

It was cold and hard to hand, without any heat from being burned by the flames.

With nowhere to start, he decided not to pay attention to the egg for the time being, and decided to focus on honing his professional abilities, and then find an opportunity to go out and take back the remaining medium.

However, just when he was about to throw this thing into the corner box to eat dust, it happened to have a new change.

Thank you to book friend 20190709093136606 for your 500 reward. Thank you to book friend xiaotang246, I am Ye Yunyuan and book friend 20170927151614250 for your 100 reward~

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