"Do you think Lord Mace Tyrell of the Reach is a fool, Davos?"

The breeze was blowing outside the window, and the light on the balcony was bright and warm. The boy's words made Davos shake his head.

"I have never met the Lord of the Reach, sir."

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't affect what we are going to do next."

Davos was stunned when he heard this, and then he squatted down and listened attentively.

"Mace Tyrell has an unmarried younger sister." Renly, who was sitting on a small chair, said while sorting out his thoughts: "She is about eleven or twelve years old..."

When he was at Storm's End, the old maester had given him a detailed introduction to the Tyrell family in the besieged city. The old duke died early, and the new duke had two sisters, one married and the other unmarried. Renly had some impression of this, and now he was preparing to use this.

"She is a little small, but it is not impossible. I don't know what she looks like, but she must be more beautiful than Cersei of the Lannister family. You can figure out what she looks like."

"So you want to?" Davos vaguely guessed the boy's thoughts, but he was still a little uncertain.

Renly stared at him without blinking and said, "We should praise her, publicize how she is a good match for Robert, praise her for her fertility since she was a child, and most importantly, how she admires my brother. I heard that when the Duke of Mace was hostile to us, he fell out with the family."

Thinking about it, Renly suddenly had an idea, so he said, "Add one more thing, she is very wild, like a she-wolf, and then..."

He began to talk about what to do about this matter in detail.


There are hundreds of lords and noble families in the Seven Kingdoms, but there are only a few who are at the same level as Baratheon, who are worthy of the new king and can be picked out to compete with the Westerlands.

The Stark family is the most respected in the North. The current Lord Stark is Robert's good brother. The Lord of the Vale is the Arryn family. Lord Arryn is Robert's adoptive father and a natural ally. Moreover, neither of them has female relatives who meet the requirements. The Tully family, the Lord of the Riverlands, is an ally, but slightly inferior. Although there are people in King's Landing, they are not strong enough and their daughters have all been married.

No one from the two major families of Dorne and the Iron Islands came. The fiefdom of the Baratheon family is the Stormlands. After thinking about it, the only family that can make a move in the Seven Kingdoms is the newly surrendered Lord of the Reach, the Tyrell family. Although it is unlikely that they will really succeed in marrying Robert, Renly did not expect this.

Now, the main purpose of targeting the Tyrell family is to attract attention and divert the trouble to others. Or, he thinks that if he is lucky, maybe the Duke of the Riverland, who is not sure whether he is stupid or not, is operating this matter at this time. After all, Cersei in the West is now in a shaky reputation due to rumors, which is a bad thing for the Lannister family, but it is a rare opportunity for some people.

Overall, such a derogation and praise is like a series of conspiracies launched by someone who is unwilling to fail.

If it can really "coordinate" with the possible actions of the Duke of the Riverland, it will be more misleading.

"This matter is a bit dishonorable." Davos felt more and more pressured as he listened, and finally couldn't help saying: "If it is really a little girl in her teens..."

"This is a family event, not a personal decision." Renly replied: "Everything is the Duke of Mace who wants the family to have a queen to solve the decline caused by standing on the wrong side. What does it have to do with the little girl?"

It sounds strange, but it is indeed the truth, but the brown-haired middle-aged man is still hesitant about it.

"But if there is unrest because of this, won't we become sinners?"

"This little thing can cause unrest, and the Seven Kingdoms would have been in chaos long ago."

So Davos gritted his teeth and nodded.

Seeing this, Renly said again: "The effect may not be very good, and repeating it a second time will also be very risky, so we don't need to do it like last time. You should focus on groups such as singers and bards, ask them to compose new songs, and ask them to sing on the streets, in front of brothels, and anywhere else, as long as there are nobles. Our goal is to let Lannister and my eldest brother know about this."

"You don't have to do it yourself, you can hire beggars to help contact, which may cost a lot of money, but there are many valuables in Maegor's Tower, I can steal some, and you should be able to cash them out."

"Will this cause trouble for you, my lord?"

Renly waved his hand.

"No, the secret passage thing hasn't been resolved yet anyway. It's normal for thieves to use secret passages to steal things."


After discussing the details, Davos bowed and left. Looking at his back, Renly sighed.

"I hope this works."

Thinking, he suddenly remembered that the younger sister of the Duke of Mace seemed to have been engaged since childhood...

This is fucking.

He secretly had a headache, and felt that these things were really inexplicable. It was just a gold coin, how could it turn out like this.

How stupid must those bandits who came to give themselves up be to think of surrendering to a little brat like him.


Renly didn't see Davos again for a while. Maybe he was very busy, or something bad happened.

In short, he was in the Red Castle, with no news, and didn't overhear much useful information.

So he had to stay near Maegor's Tower all day to practice his instrument.

When he got the profession, he had many memories of using musical instruments, but knowing how to use them doesn't mean he can use them. Although all the musical instruments he could find were sent to him after he gave the order, his physical condition was really not good.

He was short of breath when playing the flute, so he could only play it intermittently. His skin was too tender, so his hands hurt when playing the harp, and tying cloth strips on his fingers was not very useful. Only the violin could be practiced normally, so that Maegor's Tower had been emitting bursts of shrill screams all day long recently.

It was hard to say whether this was because Renly was "not good at learning" or because he was absent-minded because of something.

The recent theft of Maegor's Tower attracted some attention, but as Renly expected, no one suspected that there was an insider, and no one thought that the real thief would be the future king's younger brother.

At the same time, the fusion of the dragon egg and the broken bone was still continuing. It seemed to be slow, but it never stopped.

Renly would observe these two things every day, while silently waiting for good news that might come at any time.

Or bad news.

But when the Duke of the North and his party returned, he could no longer remain so still. Although he was not eager to find that kind of copy medium at present, it was still necessary to investigate the situation - he did not forget that there was a magical marshlander among the northerners.

So after hearing the news, he hurriedly left Maegor's Tower with his guards and walked towards the throne room.

It was because of this that he suddenly heard some movement about the rumor incident.

"Someone praised my little sister for her beauty, why should I stop it? Is my little sister ugly?" The elegant accent of the River Reach floated from the corner of the square outside the throne room. At this time, Renly was approaching from the paved road behind. After hearing this sentence, he looked over unconsciously.

A familiar tall figure with brown hair came into view, well-dressed and handsome, but his expression seemed a little dissatisfied.

"It's a good thing that a singer can praise it on his own initiative. Why do you ask me to stop it?"

The person talking to him was a middle-aged man wearing a cloak, a black woolen short robe and breeches. Now that his back was facing Renly's direction, his face could not be seen, but Renly's voice was also heard clearly by his sharp ears.

"This is a conspiracy, Duke, we must not be used by others."

"Conspiracy? Of course, I know it's a conspiracy, so we can find out who is using us, but why should we stop those singers?" The Duke of the Riverland said with great interest.

"We should push for it. We are so passive in this situation now. But if my sister can become the queen... Queen, don't you understand what this means?"

"This is impossible, my Lord. And Miss Jenna is already engaged to the Fossoway family. Publicizing this matter would be tantamount to public humiliation."

"My younger sister is indeed engaged, but the marriage has not been consummated yet. Don't you know that the engagement can actually be cancelled? I have three sons. At most, I can let one of my sons marry a daughter of the Green Apple family. They will just happily cancel the engagement with us. What accidents can there be? Think about it carefully. There is only one king-"

The voice did not continue, because Mace Tyrell noticed Renly and his party approaching. Of course, he did not think that his words had been overheard. Facing the black-haired boy, he raised his hand and greeted him with a smile.

Renly responded politely to the other party, and on the surface, it was not clear what immoral things he had done before.

But from the current point of view, it seems that the Duke of Mace seems to be enjoying it...

The black-haired boy's inner depression was slightly relieved, and when he walked into the throne room, he saw a figure he had been waiting for for a long time.

Stannis, who had not been seen for a long time, was standing in the gap between the pillars of the throne room near the Iron Throne, and the smuggler Davos, who was dressed in black cloth, stood behind him intact.

After seeing Renly enter, he secretly made a reassuring gesture to the boy.

Renly was completely relieved, and then looked at Eddard Stark, who was standing under the throne and reporting something to Robert.

When he saw this again, Renly found that he seemed to be a little tanned, and his cheeks became thinner, but his spine was still straight.

Not far from him, Renly saw the target he really wanted to see.

However, when his eyes swept over the short marshlander, a situation that had been ignored before suddenly emerged in his mind, making him look stunned.

He did not smell the smell again.

Thank you for the 600 reward from the book friend "Breathe at ease", thank you for the 500 reward from the book friend "鱼也不鱼", thank you for the 100 reward from the book friends "I am Ye Yunyuan" , "No war in October" and "Aj丶Limu"~

In addition, if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that yesterday was the Chinese Valentine's Day... Speaking of which, there were a lot more recommendation votes yesterday, and it seems that more people read novels on the Chinese Valentine's Day. What's going on?

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