A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 72 Welcome Banquet (Additional update for the leader Xianyuzhi)

Renly didn't know that his "sickness" had given Robert the idea of ​​canonizing him in advance, and he never thought that some of his actions would inadvertently lead to some wonderful changes in the future.

He was cultivating and recuperating in the Red Castle. He ate and drank a lot every day. When he felt like it, he would go out to walk with his cat, and if not, he would practice various musical instruments.

At this time, his physique is much stronger than before, his lung capacity is more, and his skin is more flexible. Things that he could not practice for a long time will basically not have any obstacles now.

Living leisurely in this royal castle all day long, eating well, drinking well and sleeping well, although Renly still looked thin, he was actually not like that, and his appearance of thinness was also getting better day by day.

There were no twists and turns or new accidents, and no one paid much attention to this little kid. He lived a peaceful life.

But while attending a dinner party at the Red Fort, an unexpected person approached him.

During the banquet, harp and flute tunes were playing. Some elegantly dressed noble men and women were dancing to the music in the center of the hall. A tall young man with smooth brown curly hair took advantage of Renly hiding in the corner and stuffed it into his mouth. The strawberry cake effort found him.

"Hello, kid." He greeted with a smile, holding a silver wine glass inlaid with rubies in his hand, from which a slight aroma of wine faintly emanated.

Looking up at the big man who took the initiative to talk to him, Renly swallowed the food in his mouth, slowly took out the white handkerchief in his lining and wiped his hands and mouth, and then stood up politely. respond.

"Good evening, Lord Tyrell."

The boy behaved politely, but the other party unobtrusively pulled out a chair under the long table and sat across from Renly. Then he asked with concern: "Gods have mercy, child, how is your health?"

"It's much better now. Thank you for your concern, sir." Renly replied with a smile, and his eyes seemed to bend a little. The other party was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but sigh: "Your eyes are so beautiful, my child. People become envious when they see it.”

"I also envy you, sir, for being so tall."

The boy said sincerely: "It would be great if I could be this tall when I grow up."

He couldn't think of any other words of flattery for the moment, so he had to use this as an excuse, but the other party didn't have the ability to read minds, so he burst out laughing after hearing this.

"Your father is very tall, and your brother is not shorter than me. I guess you won't be shorter when you grow up."

"Then I hope everything you said will come true." The boy replied seriously, making the other party laugh again. A middle-aged attendant following him couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"You must go to Highgarden as a guest if you have the chance, Renly." After suppressing his smile, Duke Tyrell said intentionally or unintentionally: "I have three sons and a daughter, as well as a group of nephews and nieces. You will not be lacking when you get there. Playmate’s.”

"It depends on what my elder brother says."

The boy replied, "But I look forward to your invitation, my lord. I hear the apples in Highgarden are very sweet."

"It's not just the apples that are sweet," the Duke said with a smile.

After some more small talk, Renly pretended to use the bathroom and got rid of the Duke of the Reach, who he thought was a bit stupid.

The other party's impression was the opposite. He looked at the boy's retreating back with admiration. The smile on his face gradually dissipated after a long time. Then the Duke and the butler who followed him said: "Look, what an interesting little guy. I intend to take him as a servant."

The butler was a middle-aged man in his forties and came from a knight family. He frowned when he heard this.

"Forgive me for talking, my lord, but His Majesty Robert will not agree to your proposal. He will think that we are asking for hostages."

"What right does a loser have to ask for hostages?" The Duke chuckled when he heard this: "I just want to get closer to each other and come to King's Landing. Although I am here to kneel down and surrender, we can't just run back in despair, right? ?”

"His Majesty Robert would not think so."

"I don't think your Majesty will be overly concerned." The Duke said: "Renly is just his third brother, not his son, and even if he is of value as a hostage, he is not worth much. I think your Majesty should be able to understand this. Doesn't he see it? After all, my little sister can appreciate Highgarden's training of children. Oldtown is my jurisdiction. Who in the Seven Kingdoms can compare with Tyrell?"

After several contacts, he became more familiar with Robert, and his words also showed a familiarity and a trace of imperceptible resentment.

It's just that the housekeeper is not as optimistic as this one.

"That child is not too important, sir, but it cannot be given casually to serve as a squire to the former enemy."

"Former enemies?"

Duke Tyrell was displeased with these remarks, but he did not refute anything. After thinking about it, he said: "If His Majesty Robert is really not accurate, then I will give Renly a son as a playmate in the future." Okay. Let me think about it. Although Loras was only born less than two years ago, he is quite suitable. It doesn't matter if he has to wait a few more years until Renly leaves the Red Keep. "

You are so confident about Baratheon, why don't you mention sending your son to King Robert as a squire. The butler secretly slandered him, and replied on the surface: "The premise is that Renly will be named a lord in the future."

"Of course he will be made a lord." The Duke said matter-of-factly: "His Majesty Robert is famous for his generosity."

As he said this, he looked at his housekeeper and asked with interest.

"Where do you think he will be sealed in the future? Is it likely that he will be in the Storm Land?"

"Not much hope, my lord."

The steward replied rationally: "I think there is a high chance that Stannis will be sealed off from the Stormlands."

"Stannis?" The name made the Duke feel uncomfortable.

They besieged Storm's End Castle for a year. Although they didn't cause any casualties, they almost forced them to eat corpses. Moreover, Stannis is mean and stubborn. This kind of person is the most vengeful...

That's okay, Stannis's fiancée is from the Florentine family, and the Florentine family is a long-established noble family in the Reach. They have never obeyed Tyrell's orders. They always claim that their bloodline is other than that of the Reacher. The family is closer to the ancient Riverbend royal family that was destroyed by dragon flames, and is more orthodox than the Tyrell family, who was born as a butler.

The Stormlands and the Reach are close to each other. If Stannis was really sealed to the Stormlands...

"I think he'll be banished to Dragonstone."

Duke Tyrell unconsciously sipped the red wine in the silver cup in his hand, and then said: "According to the order of succession, he is the heir of His Majesty Robert, and he should be sealed on Dragonstone."

"But I will not always be His Majesty's heir."

The butler did not notice that his Lord Duke had any abnormalities in his heart. After hearing this, he analyzed thoughtfully: "His Majesty Robert has an illegitimate daughter in the Vale, which is enough to prove that he can give birth to an heir. And Stannis defended Storm's End, and he was very concerned about it. This is a great achievement for Your Majesty. If you don’t consider the succession to the throne, Dragonstone would be too shabby.”

We are the ones giving great merit.

The Duke looked at the man in front of him with some displeasure upon hearing this.

Do you really want Stannis to be banished to the Stormlands?

He secretly considered whether it was time for him to change his housekeeper.

He really can't speak.

The conversation there was not very pleasant, but here Renly pretended to go out and wander around, and then returned to the banquet hall, his eyes scanned, and finally he looked at a little dwarf who was hiding in the corner of the banquet and tearing greasy chicken legs.

The man was facing Renly sideways, so he could see his protruding forehead and ear-length golden hair. He was wearing a crimson velvet tights and loose trousers. His legs were thick and short, and he could only hang in the air when he sat on the chair. Swinging, almost like a child.

But he was indeed a child. Renly felt that this man was about the same age as himself. After thinking about it, he stepped forward.

The man in front of me is named Tyrion Lannister.

The reason for this dinner is to welcome the future queen of the Lannister family to King's Landing tonight.

Renly had already seen the Light of the West before, and he had to say that he was indeed very beautiful. But aside from future-related matters, he was actually more curious about the existence of the nicknamed little devil in front of him——

The other party came with his sister and was preparing to attend the wedding soon.

He just might be a little sensitive to the surrounding environment. Before Renly could get closer, the child in the corner turned his head and looked at him, revealing an ugly and immature cheek.

"Are you here to laugh at me too?" he asked, his eyes one black and one green showing disgust.

Thank you to the book friend Sanqian Menggui for the 10,000 rewards, thank you to the book friend Mei Liqiang Wudi for the 5,000 rewards, thank you to the book friend Xinlin Wu Ruien_ for the 1,000 rewards,

Thank you to book friends Feng Shi Xi Zhe and Qing Xi T Qing Qing Qing for the 500 reward, and thank you to xiaotang246 book friend for the 200 reward.

Thank you to the book friends of Piao Ling Feather and the book friends in Antarctica for the 100 rewards~

In addition, I have not changed the update time. The normal update time is still one card at noon and one card in the afternoon, which is roughly before 12 noon and before 7 p.m.

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