Obviously, Robert was not acting on impulse. After a brief oath, he even ordered his servants to bring the parchment document that had been prepared long ago and stamp it on the spot, so Renly's appointment took effect.

The nobles at the banquet witnessed all this and were initially quite surprised, because Dragonstone had always been the fief of the crown prince, but then they quickly thought of the title bestowed by the king, and then realized his real purpose-

In front of all the nobles, he made his third brother the Duke of Dragonstone, and skipped the current heir Stannis. The purpose was naturally not to appoint an heir beyond the inheritance rules that had been passed down for thousands of years, but to express the king's attitude of breaking the old tradition.

Although this thought was quite surprising, it was much easier to accept than the king appointing his younger brother as the heir.

So applause and congratulations quickly filled the banquet hall. No matter what they thought about it in their hearts, these nobles looked sincere and blessed.

This obviously disrupted Renly's original purpose. He ran forward with a lot of careful thoughts and pretended to be so, but he ended up taking back the lord's appointment document in a daze. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure out why he was appointed to Dragonstone.

Shouldn't it be the Stormlands?

The plot in his memory seemed to have completely changed. Then, King Robert appointed Stannis Baratheon as the Duke of Stormlands and the Minister of the Royal Navy, so there was another round of chaos.

During the ceremony, Renly found that the Duke Tyrell, who had been talking to him with a smile before, turned away with a gloomy face. He thought of something, but felt that it had nothing to do with him, so he didn't care much.

Then King Robert announced that he and Cersei of the Lannister family would hold a wedding in six days, and formally invited everyone present to attend. So in the midst of cheers, the turbulent banquet was declared over. The black-haired boy returned to the bedroom of Maegor's Tower with a confused mind, and soon fell asleep.


What changes have occurred after becoming a duke?

After the dinner, Renly thought about this question carefully.

He has his own territory, an island at the end of Blackwater Bay in the east of King's Landing. He has never seen it, but he heard that it is not very big and there is a volcano on it. It is said that steam is still spewing out from time to time. It may suddenly erupt and engulf the island one day.

He has his own castle, a strange castle that is said to be built by the dragon kings of the ancient Valyria Free Fortress with magic and dragon fire. It is said that the appearance is very unique and completely different from other castles in Westeros.

He also has several vassals. They had been loyal to the Targaryen family before, but the surviving Targaryens on Dragonstone fled after their fleet was destroyed by the storm, so they surrendered to Baratheon.

At present, the few vassals are also in King's Landing. Early in the morning of the second day after the enthronement, they ran to Renly to pay a visit and kneel down to swear allegiance. It seems that there is nothing rebellious.

In addition, he also has the right to design his own coat of arms, because after the canonization, he is equivalent to leaving the Baratheon family of Storm's End and semi-independent.

Renly has no idea about the coat of arms, so he decided to temporarily use the current Crowned Stag without making any changes.

Originally, he thought that since he was canonized, he might go to Dragonstone, a narrow but mysterious place, to guard after the wedding, and he was a little worried about whether the curse he carried would take effect--

Although the so-called curse has been swallowed by the blood and only the remnants are left, it is still clearly written on it that there is a small chance of attracting a storm...

However, he was then notified that he would continue to stay in the Red Castle, and everything on Dragonstone would be managed by the royal family instead, and he would take office after two years when he was a little older.

In other words, the current canonization is just a name for him.

This may be to take care of his "weak and sickly" body, or there may be other reasons. In short, when all the storms calmed down, Renly found that his life actually didn't change much.

Except that people started calling him sir.

"Make way! Make way for Lord Renly!"

The guards on horseback kept shouting, and the footsteps of the tall horses stomped on the narrow road. A group of plainly dressed civilian women hurriedly moved their positions with the clothes hanging in front of their doors, and responded to the sudden noble team with annoyed eyes.

There were three-story earthen brick buildings on both sides of the road. The ground underfoot was uneven after the mud dried. A little further ahead was a narrow path leading to a deserted hill. Four guards followed the carriage in front and behind, staring at the surroundings vigilantly.

Renly in the carriage did not pay attention to the commotion outside. Now he was sitting there peeling apples with some boredom. The dagger in his hand was sharp and dexterous. He saw strips of apple peel being peeled off in rotation, and finally stretched to more than half a meter long.

It was the third day since Renly was canonized. He successfully left the gate of the Red Castle and was heading towards the target location.

But he was the only boy in the carriage.

Renly originally intended to take the Lannister devil with him, but he didn't know what had happened. He had already agreed to something during the banquet, but he suddenly changed his mind. Now he is hiding in the Red Castle, reading a book and not planning to go out.

This doesn't affect anything, because after becoming a duke, Renly has a certain degree of freedom, and being able to leave the castle now is proof of that.

As the carriage continued to move forward, the surrounding cars swayed along with the uneven road, and the creaking sound of the rolling wheels was heard continuously. The stench that could be smelled in the nose was gradually replaced by a special smell. Finally, when the carriage stopped in the narrow By the time the trail ended, the smell was very noticeable.

Further ahead is a staircase road that continues to spread to the top of the hill. After chewing the apple, he throws away the core. Under the guard of the guards, the black-haired boy steps towards the top of the hill called Rhaenys.

Renly came here to collect the copy medium that he had discovered when he first entered the city.

The media is on this hill.

As they continued to move forward, the sloping stairs were forgotten, and the group finally stepped onto a flat, deserted square.

At the end of the square is a towering ruined dome building. Looking back, you can see densely packed khaki buildings standing together under the hills, like bulging hills.

Further away, two other hills can be seen towering, one of which is where the Cathedral of St. Belle of the King is built, and the other is where the Red Castle stands.

Aegon's High Hills, Visenya's Hills, Rhaenys's Hills.

They are iconic locations in King's Landing.

Aegon the Conqueror once officially landed on the continent of Westeros on this coast where King's Landing is located, and the three natural hills on the edge of the coast are also named after him and his sisters.

Nowadays, despite the changes in the sea, the hills still exist, but they have long since changed.

"This is actually not very suitable for building a garden." After glancing at the top of the empty hills, Renly muttered, and then followed the wafting smell and walked towards the ruined dragon cave ahead.

The domed building called Dragon's Den is huge, but it has been abandoned for a long time. The exterior is scorched black, covered with cobwebs and dust. It is closed by a bronze door, but there is a broken hole not far from the door that allows people to have no hindrance. leads to the interior of the building.

After stepping in and wandering around the ruins, Renly confirmed that the smell did not come from the surface of the dragon's lair here, but from beneath the dragon's lair.

Therefore, he kept searching with his nose twitching, and finally walked to the abandoned wall of the dragon's lair, looking at the dusty wooden floor under his feet.

"What are you looking for, sir?" Seeing him stop, one of the guards who had been following him couldn't help but ask.

They had been observing the boy duke for a long time and found that he did not seem to be just hanging out.

"There's something hidden down here," Renly answered, calling him forward.

The plank was finally forced apart by the guard's long sword, and a dark underground passage came into view. Except for Renly, everyone else was shocked by this, but seeing Renly walking in first, they But he followed in without hesitation.

After entering the passage, the smell became stronger in Renly's nose, and those behind him stared at the surroundings vigilantly, prepared for any accident.

However, there were no surprises. When they walked through the passage and came to a gloomy and dark cellar, all they saw were rows of wooden shelves holding dusty earthen jars.

Renly looked at the wooden shelves strangely, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he followed the smell and walked deeper into the cellar. The two guards followed him, and the others looked at this hidden place curiously. place, suspecting it might be some sort of treasure trove.

"What is this?" A guard held a torch and looked closely at the earthen jars on the shelf. After looking at them for a long time, he could not see any obvious signs on these sealed jars.

Therefore, he picked up one of the cans and planned to open it, but as soon as he made a move, another local guard who ran in behind him hesitantly spoke.

"These appear to be wildfires..."

After the words fell, the guard who picked up the can couldn't help but froze. The black-haired boy who had just picked up something not far away couldn't help but look back at the row of things that he had originally regarded as trash. After glancing at the rows of earthen jars and the guard on the wooden shelf, I broke out in a cold sweat.

Thank you to the book friends R60908100212 for the two thousand reward, and thank you to the book friends of Breathe Freely, Forget the Dust and Return, Xuanhu 258, hill2 and Xiao Zhang, and Guaiguai Drink Milk and Learn for the 100 reward~

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