A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 8 The Song Sung by the Drowned Man (2)

The sun high in the sky is very fierce, but the wind from the seaside brings a relaxing and cool breath.

Renly, who had successfully survived, stood trembling in the shallows. The three drowned men who performed the ceremony hugged him with joy and kissed his cheek. Then someone handed him rough linen clothes.

Then he saw that the three drowned men started to push another frightened black-haired boy into the water.

"O supreme God who was drowned for our sake, let your servants..."

An old man wearing a shabby black leather coat, bare feet, and coarse cloth shorts came over and motioned for Renly to go with him, so the high-pitched and fanatical words gradually faded away as Renly turned and left.

This left him free to observe his surroundings.

This is a curved beach on the edge of an island. Under the sun, densely packed leather-armored soldiers are active on this beach. Some are walking back and forth, some are fishing in the shallows with harpoons, and some are in groups. The group sat together and chatted.

The sea breeze was refreshing and pleasant. Among the crowd, a short soldier with brown hair and black eyes raised his wooden cup and shouted at Renly as he passed by.

"You passed the ceremony and you proved your piety! Hal of White Ou Village, we welcome you!"

The three people sitting with him raised their glasses and followed suit, and more people around him echoed loudly.

Renly turned his head and glanced at them tremblingly, but the old man who led the way didn't stop, so he didn't say anything and hurriedly followed them.

Next, he met some enthusiastic soldiers, some of whom could call him by name, and most of whom just shouted blessings. As he continued to move forward, Renly did not say a word, but silently observed the strange environment here.

It can be seen that the Ironborn soldiers stationed in front of the beach are generally very enthusiastic.

And none of them look fake, and neither does the island beneath their feet. The soft sandy beach was very comfortable to step on. The cool and pleasant sea breeze blew a strand of brown hair on his forehead, and a puddle of bird droppings fell from the sky above his head with a crackling sound...

He turned his head and looked at the green and white thing spread out on his shoulder. The smell was hard to describe. So Renly confirmed once again that this was a real place, not some illusion or dream.

"If I ran to Storm's End now, what would I see? A comatose boy? Or..."

Thinking of the "dream" before, he was thoughtful. But it is clear that this is a difficult thing to accomplish, because the Iron Islands are located deep in the sea on the westernmost side of the continent of Westeros, while Storm's End is on the easternmost coastline of the continent.

Moreover, his current identity is that of a brown-haired Ironborn boy, not the black-haired Third Master Baratheon, and he cannot enter the castle of a noble gentleman at all.

More importantly, he didn't seem to be just hanging out here.

Frowning and thinking about the three lines of words he had seen when he was drowned, Renly suddenly understood.

After he was reincarnated, he most likely awakened some special possession "system". Various knowledge he usually learned could be digitized. After his level was raised to a certain level, characteristics could be derived from the knowledge he learned.

Encountering a special medium triggers the true purpose of this "system" - to possess others and complete tasks...

Is there really such a nonsense?

Touching the rough face that was different from that of a child, Renly frowned.

The old man was silent all the way, and took him to a tent surrounded by fences at the back of the camp to receive a piece of equipment——

A padded white underwear, a pair of old black leather armor that reaches waist length, a round half-helmet with an ugly nose guard, a pair of slightly wormed brown hard cowhide boots, a short brown wooden bow and a pair of long A heavy quiver wrapped in a belt.

He was finally led to a small group under a coconut tree on the left side of the beach camp. As a result, before anyone could introduce him, a young soldier with blond hair who was leaning against the tree suddenly stood up.

"Hal! That's great, I thought you wouldn't make it!"

Apparently this person is an acquaintance of the current Renly. Yet without inheriting any memories, Renly knew nothing about it.

"You have proven your piety." Another veteran with messy black hair nodded to him seriously, but then raised the leather wine bag in his hand.

"So your life belongs to the sea from now on, that's what the drowned people say."

This action made the old man who had been silent leading the way stare.

"Lord Lucas doesn't allow us to drink during the day, Pais!"

"I didn't drink." The veteran named Pais looked at him blankly, then pointed at his open mouth, revealing a set of sticky yellow teeth.

"If you don't believe it, why don't you hear it?"

The old man who led the way just glared at the other party, then turned and walked away, leaving Renly standing alone in front of the small team.

Except for the veteran named Pais and the blond boy, there are two other people here. A middle-aged man with black hair and an ordinary face is squatting under the shadow of a coconut tree and cooking a pot of thick fish soup with an iron helmet. He holds a spoon and shakes it very Concentrating, another younger, thin man was looking at Renly and the bow and arrow in his hand with a look full of scrutiny.

"Can you use it, boy?"


Before Renly could speak, the blond boy who first greeted him rushed to say, "In White Gull Village, Hal and I trained together!"

As he spoke, he pulled Renly to his side, then pointed to a few people around him and said: "Let me introduce to you, the person you are talking to is Karen, he is very good with arrows. This is the cook Ryan, From the Red Crab Village next door to us, this old drunkard you just heard, he is..."

This is a team of soldiers put together at once.

Renly, who listened and observed silently, soon learned what had happened.

Although it may seem like everyone knows the person next to them, in reality this familiarity is only superficial.

"I'm glad you survived, but Rod the Sea Pig didn't survive. If you die too, then I have to kill the Oak Island guys myself. They will definitely not be happy to accept the iron money I paid, especially when there is no one." When people helped me, it’s better now..."

After introducing his companions, the blond boy with freckles on his nose did not shut up, but continued to talk nonsense.

His name was Jaspie, and even though he didn't ask, Renly knew it from what others said.

At the same time, he also learned more information.

For example, my current name is Hal, and I come from the same village called White Ou Village as this Jaspie. For example, the island under their feet is called Laoweike Island, and the king they serve is called Rhodes. He relies on the Drowned God's belief to become king, and has gained the collective support of the Drowned Priests.

And I, this team, and other small teams will set sail tomorrow morning by boat to another island called Oak Island to fight for the king who was born in the Drowned Man...

Renly couldn't help but look up at the clear sky.

Although heraldry mainly studies the general history and outstanding figures of the lord's family, it is inevitable that he will also come into contact with some other knowledge during the teaching period.

So he understood that Old Wyke Island and Oak Island were actually two islands in the Iron Islands, so he could understand the ironmen's drowning rituals and general procedures, so he could quickly determine what he was facing after clenching his dentures. Condition.

What caught his attention was that this group of Ironborn soldiers from Old Wake Island were currently fighting another group of Ironborn soldiers from Oak Island.

The Ironborn rarely fought wars with their own people, and there were almost no wars after the establishment of the Targaryen dynasty. Even if he didn't consider other things, Renly felt something was wrong just hearing this.

Because he once heard the old bachelor say that the current Iron King of the Iron Islands, Colum Greyjoy, is cautious and sensible, and his rule is very stable. It is impossible for civil strife to break out, and it is impossible for anyone in the territory to call him something. king……

When thinking, Renly seemed absent-minded. Even whether the young Jasper or other companions spoke to him, he would just sit there and nod or respond with um um ah ah, never speaking.

Because being drowned was somewhat of a life-or-death crisis, and being stimulated to a certain extent was considered normal, no one was surprised by his silence.

And not long after, a group of people's conversation made him finally confirm his situation.

"Let me tell you, it would be better for the black-hearted Hall family to be burned to death by the Dragon King. He never thought about our life and death and only built his stone castle in the east. Now you see, stone armor can't stop the Dragon King. A mouthful of spit.”

The speaker was Pais, an old drunkard. He was grinning widely as he spoke, and his mouth with a missing front tooth was particularly eye-catching.

"My uncle was there at the time. I heard that the black-hearted old king was so scared that he peed his pants before he was burned to death."

Chef Ryan's fish soup was ready, and he was serving everyone a bowl with a wooden spoon. Hearing this, he glanced at the old drunkard suspiciously.

"Are you sure? The whole castle was on fire at that time, and the whole family of the evil-hearted people were burned to death by the dragon. If your uncle was really inside, how could he still be alive?"

"I don't know about that." The old drunkard boasted without changing his expression: "But I guess our family has the dragon blood of Dragonstone. Have you heard of that sentence? Real dragons are not afraid of fire..."

Renly didn't listen carefully because he didn't need to anymore——

In ancient times, there were seven kingdoms in Westeros.

The Kingdom of the North, the Kingdom of the Vale, the Kingdom of the Isles, the Kingdom of Casterly Rock, the Kingdom of the Reach, the Kingdom of Storms, and finally the Kingdom of Dorne.

Renly's Baratheon family inherited its territory from the ancient Storm Kingdom and was entrusted by Aegon Targaryen, the founder of the Targaryen dynasty.

Aegon was known as the Conqueror because he and his two sisters (who were also wives) rode their dragons to conquer six of the Seven Kingdoms -

Northland, Vale, Islet, Casterly Rock, Reach, Storm.

Only Dorne was conquered by Aegon's descendants through marriage. During the reign of the Conqueror, Dorne did not surrender and fought to the death against the Targaryen dragons.

But the resistance was not limited to Dorne. When the war first broke out, Heron Hall, the king of the River Islet Kingdom, relied on his huge castle, the largest in Westeros, to try to resist the conqueror's dragon flames. As a result, the whole family was killed. He was burned to death, and the Hall family was extinct.

As a result, Nuo Da's Heyu Kingdom was transformed into two territories——

Iron Islands, Riverlands.

That was nearly three hundred years ago, and Renly had learned this history by the way when he was learning the coat of arms of the Tully family, Duke of the Riverlands not long ago.

And now...

Glancing at the few Ironborn soldiers still chatting next to him, and then at the huge Ironborn camp behind him that spread across the entire coastline, Renly's heartbeat couldn't help but quicken.

It was difficult to make an easy judgment based on a single case, but this similar experience was enough for him to draw a conclusion directly.

He was sure that he had come to the era more than 200 years ago, when the Targaryen dynasty had not yet been established.

This was secondary. The most important thing was that he understood something.

What he had was not some nonsensical possession game, but the power to travel through history!

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