A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 88 The Trial of the Seven Sons (12)

King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms that would later stink, also exuded a stench in this era, but it was relatively lighter, and its appearance was not much different from that of later generations.

The city walls were tall and stretched out to both sides, like a dormant monster of earthy yellow.

However, Renly did not have time to take a closer look at this "strange" city, because as the team approached, bursts of shouting and screaming floated faintly, which made the leader Knight Murray's face change, and then turned around and ordered the ordinary civilians in the team to stay where they were, while he called on the warrior sons to ride away.

Although he could not be considered a warrior son at present, Renly was also in this team. After kicking his spurs, he followed many knights and rushed into the open city gate.

Under the gloomy sky, the sound of dozens or hundreds of horses galloping together rumbled, and they entered the towering city gate in a line, and no guards stopped them.

After entering the city, the first thing that caught my eye was the rotten fish and nuts scattered all over the ground. The owners of the stalls were nowhere to be seen, and an old beggar who seemed to be paralyzed by fear was now shivering in the shadow of the building on the right side of the street, watching the dozens of people fighting in the middle of the street.

Both sides of the fight were dressed very simply, mostly in tattered leather armor and rusty weapons.

However, one side was very easy to identify because they wore a seven-pointed star badge, and some even had a seven-pointed star mark on their foreheads and arms.

This is the symbol of the poor people's gathering.

When they found that a large group of warrior sons were running in from outside the city, those who were fighting with the members of the gathering changed their faces one by one, and then turned around and ran without hesitation.

However, their behavior not only had no effect, but also gave the members of the gathering who were fighting an opportunity to take advantage of them, so the enemy suffered heavy casualties for a while.

The remaining people who fled did not run far. Under the loud shouts of the knights, they were surrounded in the corner of the street and finally put down their weapons and knelt down to surrender.

"Kill them! Sirs, they killed many of our companions!" Seeing that victory was certain, an old man with messy hair shouted at the Warrior Sons.

"Our enemy is only Targaryen." Knight Murray answered loudly. Hearing this, he looked indignant, but did not say anything. Instead, he called more than a dozen companions beside him and turned to run towards other battlefields deep in the street.

From this situation, it seems that the city is already full of war. Seeing this, the knights left some people to guard the surrendered, and the rest continued to ride deep into the city.

The chaotic King's Landing was crowded with people, and the panicked ordinary people hurriedly avoided the fights that took place in the streets and alleys. However, it seemed that the fighting parties did not kill each other, and they ignored the unarmed civilians.

The team of Warrior Sons continued to go deep into the city and solve one battle after another, but not every battle could be overwhelmingly victorious, so as they gradually moved forward along the street, deaths occurred one after another.

The enemies of the Poor Gathering were the current city guards, but they were not limited to them. There were also some well-equipped soldiers. Although these soldiers were not as good as the fully armed knights, they were very troublesome in numbers.

The team inevitably began to be dispersed and gradually became unformed.

The situation was too chaotic. Renly, who found himself alone, rode his horse to an alley to hide for a while, but an arrow suddenly pierced the air and shot at him!

He had no chance to react. The arrow hit his breastplate with a bang, which made him very glad that he was an iron can at this time. However, his emotions did not affect his external actions. While posing a defensive posture, he looked up and found that a sloppy-looking archer was squatting on the top of a house diagonally above, grinning at the clumsy knight below.

Seeing this, Renly snorted, then took up the wooden bow hanging on the horse bag and quickly aimed and shot an arrow. His movements were sharp and decisive, and there was no point aiming at close range. The archer who had just dodged after seeing the bow was caught off guard and shot directly in the chest. He screamed and rolled off the roof and fell to the ground with a thud. He was motionless and obviously dead.

But there was not only one enemy here. As soon as the archer was shot, a big man holding a spear suddenly jumped out of the alley with a roar, waving his weapon and stabbing Renly's warhorse.

At this time, Renly had just shot the arrow and was a little slow to react to the attack from behind, but the warhorse under him was experienced. It saw its horse hooves kicking its buttocks and lightly dodging the stabbing spear. Then it neighed and kicked again, and with the loud sound of teeth colliding, it directly kicked the big man to the ground, covering his mouth and wailing. At the same time, Renly, who had reacted, turned his waist and stabbed downwards with a spear in his hand, and the man screamed and was stabbed to death by the spear.

Unfortunately, the bad luck did not seem to stop, or there were too many enemies around. After the big man died, three soldiers in leather armor rushed out of the street outside the alley. One of them aimed at Renly with a bow, and the other two approached quickly with shields and long swords.

Although he had not figured out what this battle was about, he could not ignore it since he had been attacked. So when he saw this situation, he kicked his horse's belly, turned around, and then rushed towards the three people.

The galloping horses were fierce, and the knight on the horse leaned down and dodged the arrow aimed at him. The two soldiers raised their shields to face the charging knights, but their weapons were obviously not as far as the spear's attack range, so as the warhorse rushed past them from the side, one of the soldiers screamed and was pierced through the neck.

Before the other one could react, there was a dull sound of flesh collision behind him. Turning his head, he saw that his archer companion had been knocked to the ground by the impact of the warhorse. Finally, he was stabbed in the mouth by a spear while wailing. Blood splashed with broken tongues and fallen teeth. The life that had not yet completely dissipated made the archer's body twitch constantly.

However, this did not mean that Renly had won at this time, because six enemies with spears rushed towards him again, which made Renly's face change, so he kicked his spurs without hesitation, ready to rely on his own tight defense to break out of the encirclement and escape.

But at this moment, the rumbling sound of horse hooves suddenly came from a distance, and then it was the turn of the enemies who surrounded them to change their faces. They ignored Renly and turned around to run away. Renly took the opportunity to shoot one of them dead with an arrow, and the others ran into the alley in a panic.

The newcomers were a group of strange warrior sons, and Renly did not know them, but the cloaks could reveal their identities. At the same time, he was also wearing a rainbow cloak that he had prepared in advance. So before he could do anything, some of the knights who rushed past waved at him to follow.

Obviously Renly could not escape now, so he felt helpless and could only ride away.

Enter the city, fight, fight, and fight again…

A series of events made people a little dizzying, until the midday sun enveloped this khaki medieval city, and the melodious bells solemnly emanated, and the battle was just declared over.

The members of the Poor People's Assembly cheered loudly in all parts of the city, while the soldiers who resisted and the city guards were killed or wounded, and a large number of them were captured and killed.

It was not until then that Renly, who was covered in blood, saw Knight Murray, who had disappeared since entering the city, and hurried over.

"What happened, ser?" he asked, panting.

After fighting for a long time, almost non-stop, Renly was exhausted and didn't understand what was going on in this city.

Knight Murray was now slumped at the door of a blacksmith shop, fully armed. Sweat kept pouring out of his forehead after he took off his helmet. Hearing this, he said tiredly, "Someone rushed into the Red Castle last night to assassinate the monster king, but failed, and the soldiers in the city counterattacked."

Upon hearing this, Renly was stunned, and then suddenly said, "Sir, can I leave first? My uncle lives in Flour Street. I originally came to King's Landing to seek refuge with him. I'm afraid he's in danger now."

Knight Murray, who had already learned about his "life and origins" along the way, frowned when he heard this.

"You don't plan to join the Warrior's Sons?"

"Of course I will, but I hope to make sure he's safe before that. After all, he's my only relative, Ser. I'll find you in the church after we're done?"

"There's chaos in the city now, you'd better hurry." The other party nodded when he heard it: "The Shrine of Remembrance on Rhaenys Hill is easy to find. If you can't find it, just ask anyone and they'll know it."

It was obvious that he didn't refuse, so Renly thanked him and rode off the street, looking a little anxious.

Sir Murray was quite satisfied when he saw this, thinking that it was a virtue for this big bastard to "get rich" and still not forget his relatives.

But he obviously didn't realize that the direction the blond big man was heading to was not Flour Street, but King's Landing Port.

According to historical records, after the assassination at the Poor People's Assembly, King Aenys was so scared that he fled back to Dragonstone. Now Renly was going to the port to try his luck, maybe he could run into him.

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