A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 92 The Trial of the Seven Sons (16)

"Captain Nancy Tarbeck is not currently in the temple, so your initiation ceremony can only be carried out after he returns." Knight Murray obviously did not expect Renly to return so quickly, and even solved it on the same day. Family-related matters.

When Renly came to the door, he had just finished praying in the side hall of the church and was sitting on a bench in the grand hall chatting with others.

The name he spoke of, Nancy Tarbeck, the leader of the Warrior Sons, was an unfamiliar name, and this also made Renly more aware of the extent to which the world had changed—originally, the leader of the Warrior Sons at this time in history was named Damon Morrigan. Not Nancy Tarbeck.

But when he realized that what he had done affected the course of the world, he was mentally prepared for such a thing.

"You don't look right?" Knight Maury looked at Renly, who was slightly silent, and asked, "There was an accident?"

"My uncle is dead," Renly whispered.

The other party was stunned when he heard this, then stood up and patted his shoulder without saying anything.

The atmosphere was tense for a moment. Seeing this, a middle-aged knight who had been chatting with Knight Murray appropriately changed the subject.

"Good Sir, your name is Lemon?" he asked.

Renly nodded and looked at the handsome middle-aged man with slightly curly black hair, who was also looking at him with his head tilted.

"I have seen you." He claimed: "This morning, you fought with us to kill the enemy. This was the first time I saw a knight using a bow. I believe it was also the first time for many of my colleagues."

He spoke with a smile, as if he wanted to break the dull atmosphere, or perhaps thought it was something funny.

But in fact, the knight class does not really look down on those who use bows. Some knights believe that bows and arrows are weapons only used by the weak. A real knight should kill enemies at close range with real swords and spears.

Renly thought this statement and perception were stupid, but although the other person was slightly teasing, it didn't seem like he was being sarcastic.

"I don't know who you are, Sir." He said truthfully: "In fact, I probably only know the son of a warrior from Knight Murray. The others..."

He shook his head, seemingly helpless.

The other party laughed when he saw this.

Except for their height and body shape, the sons of warriors are all identical in armor, cloaks, weapons and emblems. As long as they put on their masks, let alone newcomers, even some old people sometimes cannot recognize who their fully armed colleagues are. .

"He is a blood descendant of Knight Lelin."

Knight Murray said at this time: "He is also a knight personally appointed by Knight Lelin. His riding skills are very good, but other things still need training. You must take good care of him next, Sir Owen."

"May our venerable Lord Lerin rest in peace."

The son of a warrior, known as Owen, prayed solemnly upon hearing this, and then smiled and said: "I will train you well, Sir Lemon, you have to be prepared. But I think I also have something to learn from you - To hide from an army and capture the leading villain and force the enemy to withdraw? This sounds really exciting. To be honest, I like this story. "

"Bards love stories."

Knight Murray frowned and said displeasedly: "That's nothing interesting, Sir Owen. You should be able to understand how dangerous this is."

"Of course I do, my good knight, please relax, I don't mean any harm. And you know, wasn't I a bard before I became a knight?"

It seemed that they had regarded Renly as one of their own and had no worries when speaking. Renly sat beside them and listened quietly for a while, feeling that the atmosphere here seemed quite harmonious.

During this period, he talked about the issue of his retainers. Knight Murray had no objection to this. In other words, the knights' retainers were decided by the knights themselves, and they rarely paid attention to this.

The knight named Owen was promoted from a commoner, but he currently holds a high position, basically equivalent to the training officer in the Temple of Remembrance. Knight Murray believed that Renly still needed training, so he had previously talked about this matter with Knight Owen, who was said to be a bard.

At the same time, he asked Renly to live in the temple because it would be more convenient for training.

In addition to the clergy, there are also servants in the Sihuai Church. In other words, they are not servants, but a kind of existence similar to "volunteers". They are common people nearby. They believe that helping in the church is equivalent to serving the people in heaven. God serves, and of course these people are very religious.

After meeting with Knight Murray, a servant introduced Renly to the rear area of ​​the main building of the church, where there was a group of low square buildings, row upon row, which belonged to the residential area on the top of the hill.

In fact, this residential area is not large. Renly thought that the housing here should be very tight, but after walking inside, he found that the place seemed deserted.

The servant claimed that only some elderly monks and nuns usually lived here, and most of the clergy lived below the hills, because there were only a few steps up and down the hills.

The houses in the church's residential area are rarely inhabited, but they are clean and dry inside. There is no furniture. It is a large square room with yellow bricks. There are two hard beds and a narrow window. There is no moisture and it is enough for basic needs. Accommodation needs.

After putting down some of the salutes on his body, Renly rushed to the bottom of the hill and picked up the squire "Ego".

Nothing unexpected happened, except that when Renly arrived at the inn, the little guy was furtively watching the road outside.

Obviously, the little guy was not willing to be with Renly, but he couldn't run anywhere. The church was armed all around, and after his father ran away, the entire King's Landing basically fell into the hands of the church, and even the Red Castle seemed to have been captured.

In this case, even if we don't consider the chaos after the war just ended, there is no place in the city that can be called friendly to him.

In contrast, it is safer to be in the temple area.

"If my grandmother knew that this church has become the enemy's lair, she would definitely not want to repair it here." After being taken into the large house, the bald boy said with a sense of cowardice: "How can you take the initiative to build a lair for the enemy?"

"If there is no this one, there will be that one."

Renly glanced at him and said: "The root of the problem has never been the church."

The boy didn't say anything, turned his head and looked at the current living situation. He seemed quite dissatisfied on his little face, but he didn't complain.

That night, Renly was in a mess and felt that he didn't sleep well. The next day, he saw that the little guy was still sleeping in the hard bed in the corner. He shook his head helplessly, then put on the coarse cloth provided by the church and went to find Knight Mori.

Then he found that the leader of the Warrior's Sons was the black-haired drunkard he met at the foot of the hill yesterday!

This surprised Renly, but the other party obviously didn't recognize him. After praying for a while under the statue of one of the Seven Gods in the towering church hall, the leader named Nancy Tarbeck solemnly held a ceremony for Renly to join the group, and finally smiled and said: "Welcome, Sir Lemon, the Knights of the Warrior's Sons are honored by you."

Renly bowed to show his humility, and the matter of him joining the Warrior's Sons was settled.

This means that he has basically completed half of the three things.

But Renly didn't relax because the remaining half is the key.

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