A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 97 The Trial of the Seven Sons (21)

The shape and layout of the houses in the residential area of ​​the temple are generally simple. The only window is narrow and long, not very eye-catching, but the moonlight is pouring in from the window, shining on the dirt floor of the house, leaving a light spot.

So when someone is spying, the shape of this light spot is seriously affected.

Renly, who was lying on the bed, could clearly see this with his eyes squinting, not to mention that he could hear a trivial noise.

However, he did not act rashly, but let the person outside secretly look into the house until a cautious footsteps went away soon, and he opened his eyes completely.

After sitting up, Renly touched his chin, then put on his boots and walked out the door. Originally, he just wanted to see the situation, but after going out, he found that there was a pale yellow unknown wild flower at the door of his house.

This situation made him stunned, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"Is this a return gift?"

Bending down to pick up the flower, Renly pondered.

A wild flower was useless to Renly, but the meaning behind it made him feel relaxed.

Originally, he was a little shocked by what happened during the day, but now it seems that the nun is not ignorant of making friends...

Holding the flower and looking at it for a few times, Renly turned back to his room and put the flower on a whetstone on the window sill. He then ignored it and went to bed.

The next few days were still the same. He sent a mint in the morning and then started a day of training. At night, he pretended to sleep, and then the girl would sneak over to look at him for a while, and then leave various objects.

The other party's return gift was not limited to flowers, but also pebbles, a branch, and even insects wrapped in leaves and crushed to death. God knows what the other party was thinking to send such things, but Renly thought that it was better to send it than not. The little nun was a very strange person, and he knew this a long time ago.

This way of communication was very special, but Renly did not think of breaking the tacit understanding for the time being, but kept it going like this, inexplicably having a unique sense of fun.

The change happened in a sudden encounter. Renly was walking down the road below the hill, but he found a white-robed nun chewing mint leaves in her hands on a chair at the end of the cathedral square.

When he looked over, she was also looking at him, which caught Renly off guard, but he still changed his direction appropriately, and then walked in front of her under her slightly vigilant and timid gaze.

"Hello, Raya."

He greeted her, but she didn't respond after he finished speaking. Then he remembered that she couldn't hear what he was saying, so he thought about it, took out a yellow chrysanthemum from the lining of his upper body robe, turned it around, and then put it away again.

This made the other party smile, and although her face covered by messy black hair was not clear, she could still see that her cheek with a few freckles was slightly red, and the edges of the mint leaves in her hands were chewed up without her knowing it.

She was obviously a little nervous, and looked like a little girl who had never communicated with others before, and for the first time mustered up the courage to say hello to a stranger.

This surprised Renly, because in his observation, this person had always been a wilted and naughty existence, and seemed to have never known what embarrassment was, but now she looked very shy.

However, he did not stay for long because of this. After smiling at the little nun, he leaned over and placed a mint in his hand on the chair next to her, and then turned and left.

It was not until he turned a corner that the eyes watching him from behind disappeared.

In the next few days, every time at this time, the mute nun would run to sit on the chair, seemingly chewing leaves aimlessly or in a daze, but in fact she was waiting for Renly to say hello to her. Although this kind of greeting often ended after just one encounter, she still ran to wait in advance every day.

This made Renly feel as if he was feeding a little wild cat that came to eat at a fixed time, or playing the popular cultivation game in his previous life.

It's just that the game can be deleted, exited, or even replayed at will, but the current situation made him hesitate suddenly. He felt that he was taking advantage of the feelings of a simple little girl, and he even thought of Rhaenys.

However, after thinking about it, Renly did not stop this behavior, but he grew more cautious in his heart.


In addition to Sister Raya, Renly also paid attention to other things.

However, nothing major happened recently, and the situation in the city seemed to be temporarily stable. It was just that every time he saw some church leaders in the church or the square, they looked hurried and seemed to be busy with something.

After a training session, Renly met the blacksmith's son, who informed him that his armor was being made, but because there was an error in the forging of the first set of armor, it was re-melted and made.

Renly did not seem too anxious about this.

In the original history, it took about a year from King Aenys's escape to the succession of Maegor I. Although the situation is different from that in history, some things before are still the same.

For example, Maegor had been exiled to the Free Cities before he entered this era, and King Aenys had just escaped not long ago.

So he had plenty of time to train and "feed".

Day after day, with one mint flower after another, the two greeted each other more and more often. At first, Sister Raya seemed very nervous, but then she gradually relaxed. Every time she saw Renly, she would smile, and Renly would smile back and then turn around and leave. There was no communication, but it could be felt that the little nun enjoyed it.

However, this kind of tiring contact method obviously could not continue forever, so after finding that the other party became very natural when contacting him, Renly sat on the chair next to her while handing her mint.

This action made the other party's thin body stiffen, and the rosy redness on her freckled face that had not been seen for a long time also reappeared.

However, she did not get up and run, nor did she look at Renly nervously, but just nibbled the mint leaves held to her mouth stiffly, and her hands holding the leaves turned slightly blue, as if she was overexerting.

She obviously wanted to keep herself calm, so she looked around deliberately, as if she was looking for something, but the details revealed her true emotions.

However, when Renly made a move, she was still attracted and looked over.

Renly took out a yellow lemon and shook it in front of her eyes, then pointed at himself: "Lemon".

This was a method Renly thought of. Since the other party couldn't hear, he naturally needed a special way of introduction.

Unfortunately, this person didn't react as he hoped.

She was stunned for a moment, then reluctantly let go of the green mint in her mouth and handed it to Renly. At the same time, she took the lemon from his hand and looked down at the orange fruit. Her little face looked troubled. Finally, she raised it to her mouth and took a bite of the skin. She frowned and swallowed it after chewing a few bites, and smiled at Renly reluctantly.

Renly was a little stunned by this, then shook his head, returned the leaf in his hand to the other party, then pointed to his chest, and then pointed to the lemon in his hand.

The other party blinked as if he understood, so he returned the lemon to Renly and took back the leaf, and forced a smile to him.

Renly didn't know what she was laughing at. After the first attempt failed, he had a headache.

He really lacked experience in contacting such people. If it were in modern society, it would be better, and there would be some means of communication, but now he was in this medieval world and he was confused for a while.

This person was clearly next to him, but it seemed like a world apart from him. He didn't know what she was thinking, what she meant, or even what she knew in her mind.

Renly began to try to communicate in various ways, such as gestures, body movements, and even drawing pictures on the ground with branches and dust...

Unfortunately, no matter how he tried, the other party's response was irrelevant. He might even think that the big blond man was playing games with him, and even squatted beside him, laughing foolishly from time to time. The startled and inexplicable reaction made Renly frown unconsciously.

However, it was precisely because of this that the situation became very bad.

His instinctive reaction was originally very hidden, but Sister Raya seemed to have been paying attention to him, so that the smile on her face suddenly withdrew. After silently stuffing a piece of mint leaf that she had been chewing for a long time into her mouth, she stood up and saluted Renly in an unnatural way, then turned around and hurried away.

This made Renly a little dumbfounded.

The next day, he went to the square as usual, but did not see the other party's figure. At the same time, there was no return gift in front of his house at night.

The situation seemed to have returned to the beginning.

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