A Will Eternal

The first thousand one hundred and eighty-seven chapters cut the heaven!

Bai Xiaochun laughs wildly, this laughter is full of madness, with years of repression, and with the anger that has been hidden in his heart since he stepped into the Eternal Immortal Realm!

"That being the case, from today on... Bai kills the Celestial Venerable, why not!" Bai Xiaochun lowered his head fiercely, his eyes were red, the Master of Devouring Spirit was forced to retreat by the Water Kingdom, and he sprayed in this Jedi Celestial Venerable in the killing of the gods. At the moment when the blood rolled back, his body rushed out and went straight to the Jedi Heavenly Venerate!

In the process of rushing out, countless large stones appeared around Bai Xiaochun out of thin air, condensed on his body with a roar, and directly formed a huge stone man!

It didn't end, Yunlei's ancestors changed, and broke out again. In the roar, the power of Bai Xiaochun in the stone man rose again. After spreading to the whole body of the stone man, it immediately caused the body of the stone man to swell again. The stock is full of explosive momentum, making the sky pale and the situation shattered.

The Jedi Heavenly Venerate only felt that his breathing seemed to be stagnant for a while, his eyes shrank suddenly, and a strong crisis made him have to expand his cultivation base at this moment, and even took out the magic weapon and used the killer.

But all of this did not end. Not only did his sense of crisis not diminish, on the contrary, with Bai Xiaochun's next actions, it became stronger and stronger, until it reached the extreme!

Bai Xiaochun's physical body exploded, and he actually launched the immortality. To the powerful physical power, he added extreme speed. In addition, he launched a mountain-shaking collision!

All of this, it is as if Bai Xiaochun had made a giant mountain that surpassed the speed of Tianzun, and at this moment, with infinite momentum, he went straight to the Jedi Tianzun in the roar!

Jedi Tianzun's mind buzzed directly, this intense life-and-death crisis made him go crazy, but he couldn't avoid it, he could only resist with all his strength, but all of this was still not Bai Xiaochun's lore method, the real lore... ...it was the right hand he raised after approaching the Jedi Heavenly Venerate!

What he casts... Indestructible Emperor Fist! !

This is not an ordinary Inextinguishable Emperor Fist, it is a combination of Renshan Jue, Yunlei Renzu, and Bai Xiaochun's physical strength, as well as Shaking the Mountain, Immortality, and finally the vitality absorbed by the method of God's Killing. Made... a lore punch!

This punch hit the world directly, trembling in all directions, and even the nothingness trembled, and even to a certain extent, it has surpassed the ordinary Heavenly Venerate, and is infinitely close... Heavenly Venerate is great! !

"Death to me!!" Bai Xiaochun roared, and the Jedi Heavenly Venerate let out a shrill roar. Under this desperation's obstruction, in the trembling of the whole body, their figures suddenly touched each other.

Boom boom boom!

Heaven and earth tremble,

There was a sensation in all directions, even the Evil Imperial City shook, and a lot of gravel fell off the surrounding peaks, and even the loud noise made the monks in the Evil Imperial City deafening.

A storm, even at the place where the two collided, spread with a bang, continuously erupting and sweeping towards the surroundings, drowning the screams and desperate roars from the Jedi Heavenly Venerate.

After the storm, Bai Xiaochun stood there, his right sleeve instantly turned into flying ash, revealing his sturdy arm. If you look closely, you can see that there are countless wounds on Bai Xiaochun's arm.

It's just that these wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they returned to normal in the blink of an eye, and in front of him was a huge deep pit... In the deep pit, there were pieces of flesh and blood, broken into pieces! !

Jedi Heavenly Venerate, the flesh is extinct! !

Its dao species flew out and disappeared in an instant...

Heavenly Venerate...death! !

This is the second dead Heavenly Venerate in the Eternal Immortal Domain over the years, even if it can be resurrected, but such things are too few and too few, and the old woman who died first, she died in the dominion clone after all. The hand, and today's scene, represent a completely different meaning.

Venerable Spirit Devourer in the distance took a deep breath, his mind also buzzed, and he exclaimed.

"Bai Xiaochun, you...you dare to kill Tianzun!!"

You must know that the Evil Dynasty and the Holy Dynasty have not seen such a thing in the fight between each other for many years. At this moment, the heart of the soul-devourer is shaken by the death of the Jedi, and on the other hand... It was Bai Xiaochun's terrifying combat power!

"He has grown to the level of...killing Heavenly Venerate with a single punch!!" This scene made Master Devourer's body tremble. Even though the water kingdom had dissipated at this moment, the fear in his heart was still extremely strong.

But before he could wake up from the shock, Bai Xiaochun turned his head abruptly, his red eyes reflecting the inhuman killing intent, he looked directly at Master Spirit Devourer, walking straight towards Master Soul Devourer.

"And you!!"

During the speech, Bai Xiaochun raised his right hand and pointed at the Master Spirit Devourer. Immediately around Master Soul Devourer, there appeared one after another of longevity lamps, and even his body, even the sky and the earth, were all around him. At this moment, they all turned into longevity lamps.

The appearance of this technique made Master Spirit Devourer's face change wildly. It wasn't because he feared Bai Xiaochun's supernatural powers. It was Bai Xiaochun at the moment. Master Soul Eater kills.

Obviously, it is to use the longevity lamp to trap the Master Spirit Devourer in the gap, to kill!

"Damn, how much hatred we have!" Venerable Spirit Devourer froze his breath, and at this moment, a blood light appeared outside his body, and at the same time, the longevity lamp around him, and even his own longevity lamp and the lamp of heaven and earth , all burst open in an instant, and the impact formed directly caused the blood-colored light curtain outside the body of the Devouring Soul to burst abruptly after twisting several times.

But at the moment of rupture, Bai Xiaochun's Great Sword of the Northern Meridian roared and slashed down suddenly. Master Spirit Devourer's eyes widened. If it were any other time, he might still be able to fight, but now in Here, there is no value for him to go all out. Whether this formation is good, or the people who reach the world within it, all belong to the First Prince.

Thinking of this, Master Soul Devourer didn't hesitate at all, and with a low roar, he blocked it with all his strength. In another shocking roar, Master Soul Devourer spewed blood, and his body instantly retreated and went straight away.

Bai Xiaochun's breath was a little heavy. He seemed to be frantic before. On the one hand, he had indeed gained and made breakthroughs in his cultivation in the residual fan. At this moment, he was only one step away from the late stage of Tianzun.

On the other hand, his anger is terrifying. It is what the First Prince did this time that the murderous intent that Bai Xiaochun had suppressed before exploded. At this moment, seeing Master Devourer escape, Bai Xiaochun did not chase after him. , In this short period of no one to stop, towards the formation below, cut down with a sword!

"Break it to me!" Bai Xiaochun growled, and the Great Sword of the Northern Meridian crashed down, slashing directly at the formation. Suddenly, one of the nine black dragons in the formation made a shrill sound and collapsed.

But the other eight immediately swam to devour the collapsed black dragon. Bai Xiaochun had never seen this formation, but he understood that this formation must be extraordinary, and even though he had immortality, he could only turn on the formation. Go save everyone, otherwise, it will only be a waste of time, especially since he is outside the Evil Imperial City at the moment, time is too precious, and there is no time to think about it, Bai Xiaochun growled and chopped off the Great Sword of the North Vessel again.

Boom boom boom!

Bai Xiaochun went crazy, chopped down seven swords in a row, and directly shattered seven black dragons, the formation finally trembled, became unstable, and was no longer completely cloudy, and could see the number of... One hundred thousand Tongtian world monks!

It's just that at this moment, all of them are sitting cross-legged, their faces are pale, and they seem to be resisting with all their strength, but there are still some people who have turned into skeletons...

Bai Xiaochun even saw Li Qinghou and the ancestor of Lingxi.

"Uncle Li..." We haven't seen him for many years, and the sight of the formation at this moment makes Bai Xiaochun's mind shake violently. Li Qinghou's hair is no longer black, but gray. Ancestor Lingxi beside him, They were all withered and withered, and there were all the familiar faces in them. All of this made Bai Xiaochun's heart tremble and made his heart feel sad.

But at this moment, suddenly, in the far away Evil Imperial City, there was a long rainbow that rose into the sky and roared towards Bai Xiaochun.

"Bai Xiaochun, you are courting death!!" Before anyone arrived, his voice like a thunderbolt roared and exploded, with an astonishing momentum, it was... the strongest among the Heavenly Venerates in the Evil Imperial City, Guangmu Heavenly Venerate!

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