A Will Eternal

Chapter 1308 Guidance and Opening

Time passed again, and the appearance of plants seemed to divide a certain era. Gradually, one world after another was colored and looked different. Because of the different laws of their worlds, it seemed that they were essentially formed. The same countless vegetation.

The pervasiveness and diffusion of these vegetation occupy the ocean, occupy the earth, occupy the hills, occupy all...

In the next hundreds of thousands of years, they, after the weak life formed by sunlight, as well as cyanobacteria, and soft life, became another master of the starry sky!

Until one day, fish appeared in the ocean, and life appeared on the shore that seemed to be able to survive both in water and on land. Under Bai Xiaochun's eyes, he saw a creature like a toad, with its different It looks like they are born one after another in the world.

Until he saw an animal on the grassland, the lizard-like figure made Bai Xiaochun's eyes as the sun shine brighter.

It seems that at this moment, a voice is echoing in all the worlds in the starry sky, in the souls of all beings.


When this sound came out, all the plants stretched their bodies, all the animals raised their heads, looked at the sky in confusion, and all the fish paused.

Although the anomaly soon dissipated, it seems that this scene, in the imprint of all life, has become the imprint that makes them confused and thus instinctively left, as they instinctively hunt and devour each other, this imprint seems to be inherited. go down.

The roulette of time turns again, maybe a hundred thousand years, maybe a million years, maybe longer... Starry sky, after a large number of animals appeared, finally a bird that could fly in the sky was born, that one Only flying birds, different in appearance, spread their wings and soar in their respective worlds.

The emergence of flying birds seems to have opened up an era again. In the 1.08 million realms of the starry sky, more animals gradually appeared. These animals seem to be more flexible and smarter because they are viviparous. Their appearance , so that the entire starry sky is completely awakened! !

In the endless years that followed, in the starry sky, countless species of organisms evolved. They each fought for survival, and each fought for the inheritance of life. In that world, under the washing and elimination of these years , In Bai Xiaochun's figure, constantly watching, one day, he saw a creature that looked like a monkey, and learned to pick up stones to fight. In order to better pick up stones, they slowly lost their limbs. Run, but stagger, stand up!

At that moment, the light in Bai Xiaochun's eyes was unprecedented. In his gaze, this group of beings who had learned to run on two legs, they lived in groups,

They hunt, they are frightened when they see lightning in the sky, and they are terrified when they see lightning fall on a tree and burn!

But after learning to use simple weapons, in the following years, he became the overlord of this world!

There are life groups similar to them in every world. One after another, in the following years, Bai Xiaochun saw that in the one hundred and eight worlds, some were the evolution of creatures similar to monkeys, and some were Birds evolve, some are life evolutions formed by rocks, and some seem to be life forms condensed in the air.

Countless species, countless ethnic groups, in their respective worlds, under their own rules, slowly stand out!

During this process, Bai Xiaochun did not just watch. Although he did not guide these groups to use weapons, he guided them to take away the burning branches and became the fire of the group. He guided the flying bird groups and learned to use the power of wind. Guiding those rock beings and mastering the consciousness of construction, his figure exists in the process of evolution and development of each ethnic group, to simply guide and inspire their wisdom.

"What is wisdom..." In the dark night, Bai Xiaochun stood on a mountain peak, looking at the valley below, around a huge burning fire, the crowd cheered constantly, they wore simple animal skins, and their voices were full of The meaning of the wild, but the joy they showed when they watched the fireball made Bai Xiaochun fall into contemplation.

After a long time, Bai Xiaochun suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the fireball. The fireball suddenly became violent, and the loud burning sound caused all the people around him to exclaim in fear. Stay away from here.

But at this moment, one of the savages suddenly pointed at the fireball. His voice was rapid and inconceivable. His voice caught the attention of the other savages. Under the outbreak, a figure appeared in the fire.

The figure was wearing a long robe they didn't know, with long hair, extremely tall, standing in the flames, as if looking into the distance... This is exactly the figure of Bai Xiaochun.

At this moment, Bai Xiaochun, his eyes are on those savages, he wants to know what these primitive humans will do after seeing the figure in the flame.

Soon, after the wildlings around the flame exclaimed, the first person who discovered the abnormality of the flame suddenly knelt down to the flame, and squatted on the ground, as if giving up all resistance. It seems like a fanatical worship.

Soon, following his actions, all the savages around him followed suit. Under their frenzy, Bai Xiaochun had a clear understanding in his eyes, and the figure in the flame slowly blurred until it disappeared. In an instant, the light of this flame reflected the entire sky, and the immensity made all the beasts in this mountainous area tremble with fear.

In the next time, Bai Xiaochun saw the savages of this group, and they looked at the flames with awe, and even every time they returned from hunting, they sent some of the most precious food into the flames, watching the flames After the food was burnt to ashes, the frenzy in their eyes became even stronger, and they crawl around the flames again and again, as if... worship!

Even the first savage who saw the figure inside the flame, the first savage to worship, used some plant juice to draw a picture of the flame figure on his body, and his status was suddenly different in this group. This scene greatly touched Bai Xiaochun.

He suddenly understood.

"The opening of wisdom is... imagination!"

"Imagine rocks as weapons!"

"Imagine flames that dispel darkness!"

"Imagine things that don't exist, imagine the existence of gods, to worship, even as totems..."

"Because of imagination, there is action, and when all this comes together, it is the bud of wisdom!" Bai Xiaochun's eyes showed a strange light, he looked at this group for a long time, closed his eyes, and opened them again. , he was already in another world, where he started the steps to guide the imagination of countless ethnic groups.

Time passed again, under Bai Xiaochun's guidance and enlightenment, the various ethnic groups in the 1.08 million realms, after their imaginations were opened, and after believing that there was an incredible power in this world, unconsciously, Bai Xiaochun had already Become the god of countless ethnic groups...

In the development process of these countless ethnic groups, it can even be said that from the birth of their life source, the imprints branded in their souls from generation to generation have made Bai Xiaochun's figure everywhere.

Almost all ethnic groups have his statue and worship him. Some regard him as the sun, some regard him as the creator, and some regard him as a god... He is in these countless ethnic groups, there are countless people. By name, some call him the sun, some call him omnipotent, some call him God the Father, Yanzu, Fengling, and so on.

At the same time, as the ethnic groups in their respective worlds have continued to develop and grow during these years, civilization has emerged after truly becoming the only dominant peak life in their respective worlds.

The civilization of each world is different due to the rules. Some build cities and form countries, some form families, some exist alone, some occupy the sky and overlook the earth, and some live underground. Wait... Countless various civilizations are blooming one after another in this starry sky.

But no matter which ethnic group or civilization they are, they are all the same. After they have developed to this level, they instinctively want to approach their gods, so as to gain mysterious power and become a god-like existence.

For all this, after Bai Xiaochun pondered, his figure descended again, guiding and opening the world of the entire starry sky for the last time.

He turned the idea of ​​cultivation into seeds and sprinkled them all over the starry sky.

Gradually, a few years later, people with mysterious powers began to appear in various worlds and various ethnic groups... At this moment, a new generation of comprehension world of the Eternal Spirit Realm was born!

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