A Wizard’s Secret

Chapter 751: Crisis (below)

"What's going on with the Atlantic civilization? Didn't we win the original war? Why the Atlantic civilization has not been completely destroyed."

Meilin thought of the Emperor Zi mentioned that in the vast war that swept the entire void, the enemy of the war was the survivors. Some of the characteristics of the survivors are similar to the mysterious Atlan civilization. Merlin also wants to learn more about the Atlan civilization.

The Blackfire King groaned for a while, and finally sighed, "Merlin, you are now a legendary title, and you have the right to know some things. Atlantic civilization, the outside world does not know much about it, because from beginning to end, The Atlanta civilization was surrounded by my caster civilization. The war that broke out at the beginning was also because of the expansion of my caster civilization, which opened up the Atlanta plane. "

"None of us expected that there is such a huge plane in the void? Merlin, you can hardly imagine that it is thousands of times larger than the average plane. What does that mean? Just that plane, It's comparable to all the planes conquered by my caster civilization, and even bigger. "

Mei Lin was startled, tens of thousands of times larger than the general plane. What a terrible plane? You know, now the caster civilization has great power, but it also occupies tens of thousands of planes. This is the result of the expansion of the caster civilization over the years. "If only the plane is huge, after all, the plane is so huge that it is conquered by our caster civilization, and its significance to our caster civilization is far beyond the land of glory. The great Xeon Uprising. Also Once in the Atlantian plane, I found that this plane is extremely powerful. Once in the Atlantian plane, even the rules are isolated. Xeon has the power to mobilize the rules. It is equivalent to a powerful king. "

For the first time, Merlin heard about the Atlanta civilization and the Atlanta plane in such detail. This strange plane can actually isolate the rules? This is really weird, after all. The power of rules is everywhere, as long as they are in the void, they will be shrouded in the power of rules.

The Xeon existence that incorporates the rules is almost invincible, and no one can be shrouded in the power of the rules. Confront with Xeon.

Except for the original survivors ... the survivors swept the entire void, the practice system is different from the caster, the giant race, etc. It does not need to be integrated into the rules at all.

Now, Merlin has more doubts about the Atlanta civilization. If he did not know the survivors, Merlin would not have such a guess, but now that he knows the horrific survivors who swept the void. It had to be doubted whether the Atlantic civilization was related to the survivors. Mei Lin's mind was confused, and she continued to listen to the introduction of the King of Fire.

"Atlantic civilizations do n’t need elements, they do n’t need rules, and even their power comes from all kinds of strange minerals and energy. They have powerful warships, weak people, and can also be in some armor. , The power can instantly match the great legend, and even create a legendary puppet. After the horrific power of the Atlanta civilization erupted, it almost defeated our caster civilization directly, and even burned the war for a time. The land of glory. "

"Finally, after confirming that there is indeed no Xeon in the Atlantic civilization, the three major Xeon Upanishads then shot. The power of the Xeon led the power of the rules to destroy the numerous battleships of the Atlantic civilization. This drove the Atlantic civilization back to their original plane. However, that's all. The three upright Mages have also entered the Atlanta plane. They cannot sense the power of the rules, although they are still powerful. But in the Atlantic civilization, they also have the ultimate power, and they are also a deadly threat to the three upright wizards who cannot use the power of the rules. "...

"Therefore, we can only block the Atlantic civilization in the plane, and a Xeon Upanisian personally sits in the town and has continued to the present. In fact, the war has continued! Now, the Rock clan does not know how to use it. What method is actually linked to the Atlanta civilization. If the ancestors of the Yan clan have restrained our three upright mages, who can resist the Atlanta civilization? "

The black fire king has explained the secret of the caster civilization. Many casters have not even heard of the Atlanta civilization. Naturally, they are not clear about the horror of the Atlanta civilization.

Only like the King of Blackfire, who had experienced the war in person, did he know the horror of the Atlantic civilization. In addition to the existence of the Xeon, the king, the legend of the title, and the legendary mage were under the threat of the Atlantic civilization. Not an opponent of the Atlanta civilization.

From the imperial battleship, Merlin knew how terrible the Atlantic civilization was. As long as there was enough material and energy, then an empire-class battleship could continuously produce energy that was comparable to ordinary legendary martial arts robots, so more advanced. What about the plane warships? Wouldn't it be more terrifying?

Except for the existence of Xeon, no other force can compete with the Atlanta civilization! No wonder, now it's just news that the Rock clan has made contact with the Atlanta civilization, and the caster civilization is nervous.

"King of Blackfire, is it possible for us to temporarily give up part of the Atlantic civilization?"

Merlin thought about it. If the Atlan civilization had contact with the Rock clan, the threat would be too great, but you can change your mind. The Atlan civilization is also a civilization and needs space to survive. This is not a caster civilization. A civilized thing. If it is a threat, then other civilizations will also be a threat to the Atlanta civilization.

The Blackfire King shook his head and said, "It's not that simple. The Atlantian civilization happens to be in the core area of ​​our caster civilization. If we have formed an alliance with the Rock tribe, then the power of our caster civilization, At least half of it has shrunk, which is extremely detrimental to the development of the entire civilization. "

Mei Lin immediately understood that this was fighting for the living space and leading to the battle for civilization. Isn't it that civilization needs living space?

After more than 3,000 years of expansion, the caster civilization has finally reached such a prosperous state. It suddenly withdrew and lost most of its position. It is difficult for the three upright wizards to make such a decision.

Moreover, who knows that even if the caster civilization makes a concession, the Rock tribe and the Atlanta civilization will not continue to chase after each other, so that the caster civilization will never be able to stand up?

Such a large price cannot be afforded by the three upright masters.

What's more, now that the civilization of the caster has not reached the end of the mountains and rivers, it only needs to firmly surround the Atlanta civilization and send at least two Xeon Uprising mages to sit in the town and trap the Atlanta civilization dead. Atlantic civilizations join forces, it is a joke, it is impossible to give full play to the advantages of the Atlantic civilization.

After all, the Atlantic civilization did not exist, and in the face of Xeon existence, no matter how many warships, martial arts robots, etc., were of no use.

"Tutor, how is the situation now?"

Merlin's worst concern is the Atlan civilization. Has he rushed out of the Atlan plane? If it has already rushed out and united with the Rock tribe, the situation is really bad for the caster.

The King of Blackfire smiled and said, "There is no major problem for the time being. Cesi Magistrate has always been sitting around the Atlan plane. If the ancestors of the Rock tribe really arrived, he will not hide Cesi Magister."

Merlin nodded, as long as the Atlantic civilization was still suppressed, the problem would not be serious, but the Yan clan must send someone into the Atlanta plane, which is ultimately troublesome.

It seems that this time the three upright masters mobilized the entire caster civilization to deal with the Yan clan. This time is not as simple as the last battle of civilization. It is to suppress the rock clan.

After all, this time the Rock clan has made a move to unite the Atlanta civilization. This is to completely destroy the caster civilization. The three upright wizards are angry.

The battle for civilization of huge scale is already inevitable!


A month has passed, and many casters have been coming to Santo Uprising City, at least great legends, such as Merlin ’s familiar Zado master, also arrived.

Zado's mentor, who embodies the five rules, still can't comprehend the strongest rules. Therefore, when he saw that Merlin had actually surpassed him and became a legendary title, it was incredible.

Now, Merlin is sitting next to the legend of Zado. Many legends and title legends are sitting around. Everyone is quietly waiting to concentrate all the power of the city of Santo Uprising. The momentum is so great, now it ’s only Santo Upani.

"Melin, I'm still a bit unbelievable. You actually stepped up into the sky and condensed the strongest rule? At the beginning, I wanted you to practice more, so that you can consolidate a rule and make a legend, but never thought ..."

It seems that the legend of Zado is still unbelievable. He has condensed the five rules, and now it has been a thousand years, but he has not condensed a strongest rule. Naturally, it is clear how difficult it is to consolidate the strongest rule.

"Good luck, mentor Zado, you are now a little bit worse."

Merlin can also see that the Legend of Zadoo now has only a little opportunity to consolidate the strongest rule, but it is this opportunity that may trap hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer.

No one can do anything about it but silently expect the opportunity to appear sooner.

"No matter, I have waited for so many years, and still care about this time? Anyway, I have condensed the law, and some time."

The legend of Zado does not care, as long as the rules are condensed, the legends are achieved, the rules are not extinguished, and the legends are not dead. Therefore, in theory, these legendary mages have endless lifespans just like the gods.


Suddenly, a huge coercion came, and many legends who whispered just now also became serious at this time. This coercion completely surpassed the great king. This is the arrival of the Xeon Uprising Master. !!

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