A Wizard’s Secret

Chapter 780: Get out of jail!


Merlin and Santo Master looked at the struggling inert beast. They never thought that the inert beast would be so painful. Even the three upright mage besieged the inert beast would not cause any harm to it.

But now, the inert beast is indeed extremely painful. Its huge body began to roll up and be gently crushed, and the palace of the holy place collapsed instantly. Not only that, the mountain where the holy place was also broken and completely collapsed.

However, it is strange that the life and death prison did not seem to have any changes. The strength of the life and death prison was beyond their imagination.

"I thought that the entire void would have no power to hurt the inert beast, but now I want to come, but it is a bit ignorant. The flame left by Emperor Emperor can hurt the inert beast. If the real body comes, the inert beast will not. What kind of."

Santo existed as Xeon. Now thinking about it, it is indeed a bit ignorant. He and the other two Xeon upright mages are besieging the inert beast. It does not serve any purpose and feels that there is no power to hurt the inferno. Some Arrogant and somewhat ignorant.

At least, the thirty-six emperors, who were once unreal, can hurt or even kill the inert beasts. Although they are also Xeons, they are very different from the thirty-six emperors. For a while, watching the inert beasts constantly struggling, both Santo and Merlin had many thoughts in their minds, and the three of them, such as Lu Guang, had been paying close attention to the movement of the inert beasts.

Over time, the inert beast is struggling more and more intensely. Although the light blue flame can hurt the inert beast, it seems that it can't really kill the inert beast. Therefore, even if the inert beast now relies on instinct, it is struggling madly. Want to get rid of the light blue flame.

However, he controls the light of life and death. The life and death prison has been closed, and even if it only enters a large-headed inert beast, it cannot struggle unless it can destroy the life and death prison.

If the lazy beast can really destroy the prison of life and death, this is exactly what Merlin and others hope. The prison of life and death is the core of the whole world, and if the core changes, then they will have a chance to leave this solid prison!


The mountains are collapsing. The sanctuary is sinking. It seems that only life and death are left. The power of the inert beast is extremely horrible, and it almost shakes the world of the territories. The eyes of Meilin and others are paying close attention to the inert beast, which is their only hope.


Finally, in the roar of the inert beast, the unbreakable life and death prison, a crack gradually appeared. A trace of pale blue flames gradually came out of those cracks.

"It's almost successful!"

Everyone was watching the crack with excitement. There was a crack in life and death. As the core of the whole world, a very strong prison is finally no longer unbreakable. There is a faint crack in the sky. Ordinary people can't feel it, but Santo feels this rule very clearly. Power.

"Haha, our plan succeeded, the moment the inert beast broke the life and death prison. It was when we left!"

Whether it's Merlin or Santo, or the light. I'm very excited, now is the last moment. In the end, whether you can break the life and death prison and break the world of the black world, you still need to watch the last attack of the inert beast.


In the end, the struggling struggling of the inert beast had played a role. Although the prison of life and death was still not completely broken, the inert beast had been able to retract the skull, and an unparalleled huge crack appeared in the sky above the holy land, even inert The beast's instincts seem to know that this crack can keep it away from danger.

Therefore, the inert beast roared and took the lead in digging out of the huge crack. Meilin, Santo and Jiguang also looked at each other and flew towards the crack at the fastest speed. .


A few people just drilled the crack, and the crack closed slowly. Looking back, you can see that the original ruined life and death prison was slowly restored as before.

"It's dangerous, almost, we can't live without it!"

The light who knows most about the world of the world, some later said in fear, it turned out that the inert beast only temporarily destroyed the prison of life and death, which caused the world of the world to be torn open a crack.

This can also directly reflect the mighty inert beast. I am afraid that no one can help the inferior beast except the 36th emperor who came.

It is precisely because of the powerful power of the inert beast that the prison for life and death is temporarily broken, and the world of the yam is torn, but a crack has been made to let Mei Lin and others leave.

After a few people left, the world of Zheyu will quickly recover as before, and return to that unbreakable prison.

In the darkness and nothingness, Merlin and Santo were quickly away from the huge flame. If the world world sucked them in again, they would never be able to leave.


Several people breathed a sigh of relief, Mei Lin said calmly: "Finally left the world of the black world, but it is a pity that the world of the black world, then the horrible prison, if you can control in your hands, is more terrifying than any casting tool!"

This world of the puppet domain itself was a puppet emperor who was one of the thirty-six emperors at that time, and was specially prepared for the survivors. Therefore, it was terrible. If you don't find life and death prison, and you don't have the powerful power of inert beasts, I am afraid that no one can escape and use it to deal with the enemy. That is almost a capture, and the plane warship of the Biatlan civilization is even more terrifying!

"I don't want to go back to the world of the world again. I have been guarding for countless years. It's time for me to be free ..."

Xu Guang said with a sigh of a sorrow that he and Lu Hao and Xu Meng are all great kings. He has spent countless years in the world of Lu Yu, and even people who have a sense of mission will feel bored.

What's more, as a caretaker, the 焱 world world is a prison for the survivors, but they have never even seen a survivor.

"Yi Guang, can you still control the world of the black world?"

Merlin groaned for a while and asked.

"Control? I have little control over the Black World now, after all, I have left the Black World!"

Xu Guang shook his head directly, he can no longer control the Yulu world, and he does not want to go back.

Mei Lin feels a bit regretful. He knows that the world will continue to drift until no one can find it. If the outbreak will sweep everything like the last time, the people who are swept into it will be unlucky.

Without the existence of inert beasts, anyone who has been sucked into the world of the black world, I am afraid that they can only face endless detention, and no one can escape the world of the black world.

"By the way, what are the plans of the three? Now it is too far away from your original world. We haven't even heard of the 36th emperor, the survivors, or even the emperor any news."

Mei Lin looked at three people, such as Lu Guang. These three are now comparable to the great king. They are a good force, especially Lu Guang, which is quasi-xeon and can even affect a civilization.

Therefore, Merlin also attaches great importance to these three people.

"Yeah, it's too far away! It's a matter of fact that we have nowhere to go. We were originally accepted by the Emperor Taidi, and we didn't even have our own civilization. We have followed the Taidi from an early age! There is no news from Lord Di, and we don't know where we can go? "...

Lu Guang looked at the vast void, and was very excited at first. He was finally able to escape from prison, but after he came out, he realized that he had nowhere to go.

According to Merlin, it is too long now since their time, and countless powerful civilizations have disappeared, which can almost be regarded as a brand new void.

For a moment, they were a little dazed.

"Three, why do n’t you just follow us to join the caster. Our caster is an inclusive civilization. Even those civilizations that depend on us live very well, not to mention, there is such a powerful presence! The most important thing is that our caster civilization is now facing a powerful enemy, called the Atlan civilization. They are similar to the survivors you faced. As prison guards left by Emperor Emperor, I know better, so I would like to ask you to confirm whether they are survivors. "

Santo stepped forward and said sincerely.

Invite Xie Guang and others to join the caster civilization. Both Merlin and Santo Mage are very welcome. Moreover, they know the survivors. When they followed the Emperor, they must have seen a lot of survivors. If Atlan People really are or are related to survivors, they should be able to recognize them.

If it is really a survivor, then it is not a civilized thing for the caster civilization, but an entire unbounded disaster!

"Join your caster civilization? Yeah, but we are not bound by anything. As for what you call the Atlantic civilization, if it really has anything to do with the survivors, we will not stand idly by. At the beginning, our mission was to Survivors fight to the end, and if survivors really exist, we will not forget the mission! "

Yun Guang's expression was very serious. It is difficult for Merlin to understand how much they hated the survivors in their time. Even after so many years, they still stick to their mission.

But they promised that it would be a good thing for the caster's civilization.

"Haha, you three are welcome to join the caster civilization!"

Merlin and Santo glanced at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes. Before the giant race, there were three great kings joining in.

Although the process is a bit twisty, it is well worth it!

"By the way, what about that beast?"

Qi Guang raised his gaze and pointed at the huge beast in the distance.

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