A Wizard’s Secret

Chapter 785: Blood of Inheritance!

"Ancestral land?"

Merlin looked at the huge plane in front of him, but it was full of death. He had a weird feeling. He knew that this ancestral land must not be simple. Otherwise, Knoss would have already entered Zudiland himself. Now, why do you need Meilin and others to help?

"Your Majesty, you are a titan giant, Xeon exists, what else can you not get?"

Santo mage asked softly, and he also felt the strangeness of this ancestral status.

The titan giant Knoss looked at the huge plane in front of him, with a look of emotion, it took a long time to explain slowly: "This is the ancestral land of my giant family, but also the place of inheritance! Inside, there is a palace, inside There is the blood of the Titan giant's inheritance from all previous giants. Generally, a Titan giant can only condense a drop of inherited blood. I accidentally entered the ancestral land at first, and fortunately got a drop of inherited blood. The only Titan giant in the giant race. "

"I want to invite you to enter the ancestral land in order to get the blood of inheritance. When I was in the palace, I saw two drops of blood of inheritance. I used one drop and only one drop left! Maybe there are other places, but not It takes you to take risks again, you just need to get the remaining blood of inheritance. "

The titan giant Knos said in one breath that he wanted to get the blood of inheritance in his ancestral status. Although he knew the history of the giants is very long, he did not expect that there was such a magical plane. North became a titan giant, relying on a drop of inherited blood.

Ordinary blood is useless, a Titan giant can only condense a drop of blood. Once condensed. The Titan Giant is not far from death.

There are only those Titan giants in crisis. Only condensed blood.

However, this ancestral land is extremely dangerous and full of lifelessness, but it is impossible to prevent the existence of Kenos, the Xeon?

"Your Majesty, can this ancestral land still stop you?"

Santo Master asked in a deep voice.

Existence of Xeon is almost nothing to counteract in the Netherworld. Although this ancestral land is very strange, it should not stop Xeon existence. Therefore, Mei Lin and others are also full of doubts.

Knos groaned for a while and said, "This ancestral land is very weird. There is a power in it that seems to be able to suppress me, not only me, but all the giants. Even if I move, it is very inconvenient! I have tried Enter, but all failed ... "

Merlin and Santo glanced at each other and felt the strangeness among them. Knos must haven't told the truth, he was so jealous of this ancestral land. There might be a real threat to the existence of Xeon.

Therefore, both of them are hesitant to threaten the power of Xeon existence. Where can they dare to enter?

Knos also seemed to know the hesitation of Merlin and others, so he continued: "As long as you enter the palace and get that blood of inheritance, my giants will unite with your caster civilization and rush to the caster civilization immediately! Moreover, If it was just you, I wouldn't let you in, but if you have inert beasts, no matter how powerful you are, can you still hurt them? "

Indeed, they have lazy beasts!

Merlin's eyes also looked at the inferior beast. At the time, the three great upright mages could not hurt the infernal beast, that is, the light blue flame left by Emperor Emperor could harm the infernal beast. This plane will fall apart, so there is nothing to fear.

"Maybe this ancestral land is indeed weird, but we still have a chance to win if we have inert beasts."

Merlin and Santo discussed carefully, this time also had to take risks for the caster civilization. After discussing for a while, the two finally made up their minds, promised Knoss, entered the ancestral land, and helped the Giants get a drop of blood of inheritance.

"Sir, we promise you to enter your ancestral land!"

There was a smile on Knoss's face: "Rest assured, as long as you can get a drop of inheritance snow, I won't break my word, I will definitely use the power of the entire giant to help your caster civilization!"

Knos reiterated his guarantee, a guarantee of the existence of Xeon, that Merlin and Santo were assured, and did not need any contractual constraints.

As a result, both of them quickly flew on the back of the inert beast. This time, they decided that they should only go there. After all, this ancestral land must be full of danger, and the three of them, such as Lu Guang, did not belong. The caster is civilized, and they don't need to take risks together.

"Yan Guang, the three of you are waiting for us outside."

After Santo said, he was ready to let Merlin drive the beast into the ancestral land.

"We went in with you, maybe, I can help you."

Xi Guang took the other two and flew directly to the inert beast's back, saying easily.


Santo and Merlin were very touched. In such a dangerous place, Lu Guang had to go with him, but they still hesitated. After all, it was very dangerous. Just looking at the deadly atmosphere, it felt that the plane was unusual.

But Guang's expression gradually dwindled, and he said in a deep voice: "I have followed you for a reason. Although this plane is dead, but it has a breath that makes me feel very familiar, what is it, and I am not Know, maybe, only know when you enter. "

"You all feel familiar?"

Merlin and Santo glanced at each other. If Lian Guang and others felt very familiar, this ancestral land must have existed for a long time. Maybe it really helped them.

Therefore, Merlin and Santo also no longer insisted, and with Lu Guang and others, they began to drive the inert beast and slowly flew towards the ancestral position.

The Titan giant Knoss stayed outside, and the look of anticipation appeared in his eyes. He sent so many giants into it, but in the end all went away.

With the inferior beast this time, it may be his last hope.

"Heroes of the Titan giants of the past, I hope that this time can successfully bring back the blood of your inheritance, giants, should not be so sinking ..."

Knox murmured, staring at the huge figure of the inert beast, slowly disappearing into the ancestral land.


The immense plane full of dead energy seems to be induced when the inert beast enters this plane, dissatisfied with twisting the body. Fortunately, this intervention is not strong, so Merlin's illusion can still affect the inferno .

"It's so strong!"

Santo's expression became more and more dignified. Where is the ancestral land of the giants? It is clearly a very deadly plane full of death.

The first impression that this plane gave Meilin was that it was ruined!

Yes, there are ruins everywhere, big potholes everywhere, and you can even see incomparable huge footprints, and the breath of death in the air.

Everything here seems to be showing how horrible the destruction has been here. It is definitely not something that ordinary people can do, even a great king.

In general, an ordinary legend can be easily destroyed, but if the plane is slightly larger than a few times, only the legendary title can be destroyed.

Like this huge plane that can compete with hundreds of planes, the space has been stabilized to an unimaginable level. The entire plane is, in a sense, stronger than the inert beast, let alone a king, even if it is Do n’t try to destroy it.

Just like the Atlantian plane, although the three upright mages all know its dangers, they dare not enter the Atlantian plane, which is equivalent to the Atlanta civilization that can develop and grow in peace and peace.

Even if it is known that this is harmful to the caster's civilization, the three major upright wizards have no way to take the Atlanta plane, because even if they join forces, they cannot shake the Atlanta plane that is comparable to tens of thousands of planes.

And the plane in front, even though the Biatlan plane is much smaller, it is equivalent to hundreds of planes, and there seems to be a mysterious power, even if the Xeon exists, it is difficult to shake the ancestral land! (To be continued ...)

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