Through media networks and other means, it is easy to confirm the timeline where the world of One Punch is currently located.

To put it simply, at this time, a bald trainee has not yet debuted, and the conflict between the two camps of heroes and weirdos is already brewing.

It is foreseeable that in the future, the weird events that may occur in major cities will be more frequent, and the intensity of disasters will gradually escalate.

Johnson subconsciously pressed the brim of his hat.

Whoops, it's really troublesome.

Boom -

In the loud noise, Joson came back to his senses, his eyebrows frowning slightly.

Black smoke billowed from the block ahead on the left, and there were faint screams of riots.

"There it is... Morimu Shopping Street! With

a finch of the accelerator, the little sheep burst out with a roar that did not match the appearance, accelerating towards the location where the explosion occurred.

Five minutes later.

The little sheep flicked its tail and stopped on the side of the road, and Johnson got out of the car, and there was a roaring flame and smoke covering the sky everywhere.

The office buildings on both sides of the street are painted with rich smoky makeup, and the burning vehicles and broken branches form a barrier of death, and the high temperature flames completely lock people's hopes of escape.

In addition to being trapped in the pedestrian street, the pedestrians nearby have already run away.

Joson nodded, saving the scene.

Unfastening his tie and throwing it into the trunk along with his police cap and coat, Johnson rolled up his sleeves and twisted his neck.

Stride towards the fire.


In the rear, a reporter who had just arrived instinctively raised his hand to grab a shot, freezing the retrograde scene on the negative.

The reporter did not see that the next moment when he was engulfed in flames, a layer of azure light flame burned on the outside of Qiao Sen's body, and the almost substantial spiritual flame was like a barrier, isolating the surrounding flames and smoke.

Affected by the rules of the one-punch world, the mental power of the substitute messenger changes, and the advancement to a mental superpower similar to the Dragon Scroll Sisters can directly affect reality.

With the motivation of training for one and a half months, coupled with the fate draw once a day, the combat effectiveness of Qiao Sen's body is not low now.



"Who will save me!!"

"Ah! Yes...... No!! Ah, I'm dead!

"Lord Weird, don't kill me! Uh-huh

Inside the pedestrian street.


By the shattered floor-to-ceiling glass window, the broken neon sign burst into two and spit out a mouthful of electric sparks with difficulty, completely extinguished.

The air was filled with the characteristic rusty smell of blood.

Following the cry for help all the way forward, Qiao Sen's eyebrows frowned slightly, and his eyes gradually sharpened.

It's all corpses.

All sorts of human corpses.

Humans are reduced to prey and hunted by unknown hunters.

A sudden explosion occurred in a pet shop on the street, and steel and rubble splashed through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the garment shop opposite, filling the smoke for a while.

Bang, bang

, bang.... Heavy and slow footsteps sounded

, and the blue-black five-toed claws belonging to the crawling creatures passed through the smoke, and the soles of more than fifty centimeters of feet stepped on the cracked ground, making a terrifying shaking sound.

The smoke gradually cleared, and a tall monster more than three meters tall revealed its true face, thick skin, two thick hind feet that walked upright, and a bucket-thick tail flicked behind it, plowing a deep drag mark on the cement pavement.

"Uncle Ben is a "lizard monster" mutated because he looks too lizard-like! Sizzling hiss-" The

lizard monster laughed proudly, its long forked tongue drooped from its huge mouth, and sticky and smelly green saliva dripped on the ground, corroding the ground into smoking holes.

"Stupid humans, you will eventually pay the price for having laughed at Uncle Ben - ah!!"

Bang -

A pistol bullet carries far more kinetic energy than conventional precision into the left eye socket of the giant lizard, penetrating the eyelid that is strong enough to defend against ordinary thermal weapons, and churning the lens in it into a paste.

Wow -

only the one-eyed lizard monster roared: "Who is it!" Who is it!! Who dared to sneak up on Uncle Ben!! "

Bang bang -

the lizard monster was answered by a barrage of gunshots.

If a superpower is present, you can see that each bullet is wrapped in a layer of azure energy flame, which doubles the power of the pistol bullet.

Poof-poof-the facial

scale armor with defense comparable to the armor plate is as brittle as an A4 piece of paper in front of the Nian Li bullet, and more than ten blood holes are broken in a row, but due to its size, the lizard monster only screams twice, and the muscles at the wound on the face have been constantly squirming and squeezing out the warhead, and the damage is minimal.

Even the burst eyes are actively withering and regenerating, and it is only a matter of time before they want to grow a new eye again.

This is the vitality of the weirdo.

"Strong like a monster, really troublesome."

Muttering in his mouth, Joson put away the empty magazine gun and walked out of the shadows, standing on his feet and facing a vicious weirdo whose size was comparable to that of a dinosaur.

The unique vertical pupils of reptiles instantly focused, locking on the seemingly defenseless human figure, the lizard monster turned sharply, throwing out the giant tail of the afterimage and cutting off the landscape lamppost, and the hideous head showed a humane sinister smile.

"You actually dare to show up!"

Boom, boom, boom!!

The bricks burst and splashed, and in just three steps, the cold-blooded crawling hunter crossed a distance of thirty meters, opened his blood basin and bit down.

The lizard monster's mind had even come to mind, and the wonderful picture of this damned human being being bitten in two and crawling on the ground struggling painfully.

Faced with sharp teeth and fishy smell, Joson suddenly raised his head, and a grim smile pulled up at the corner of his mouth.

Spider Time Launch -

Smash Valudo!

The world came to a standstill at this moment, and only the amber one-eyed lizard monster reflected a fist wrapped in blue flames, gradually enlarging.

Oh -

Euler Euler Euler Euler Oh!


⁼³₌₃⁼³₌₃⁼³₌₃Euler Euler Euler Eu Ola Eu Ora!!

The time flow rate returns to normal.

Without reacting, he ate countless iron fists raw, and the giant lizard that was still hideous and terrifying a moment ago was completely deformed, and its swollen eyes and crooked mouth formed a large funny.


After Euler finished, the huge lizard monster was knocked over by a heavy hand swing punch that slammed through his body, and a police officer who threw this punch opened his mouth to let out a turbid breath and snapped his fingers at the same time.


Avatar ability activated!

An ordinary N card took shape in an instant, blooming with a strong light and being bounced into the air by Josson.

In the next second, a heavy shadow covered the sky and fell in the sky!

On the ground, the lizard monster's barely open one-eyed suddenly contracted, as if seeing the most terrifying thing in the world!

A yellow-painted heavy roller appeared out of thin air above it, transformed into an attacking steel monster driven by the combined force of Mother Earth and the blue flames.

Finishing Technique -

Takizawa Lorada!

"Oh buy ka! No - "


The heavy solid press wheel at the front of the car fell head-on without skill, instantly crushing the lizard monster's spine, chest cavity and even most of its body!

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