In the sky, the superpower talent from the tornado began to take effect, and the spiritual power under the mental power system and the soul matter that made up the AT force field gradually unified, truly becoming the extension of Josen's will, such as an arm.

With the blessing of the affinity of the full level, the total amount of spiritual power seemed boundless, and he finally experienced the joy of the tornado.

As soon as his mind moved, a set of golden-red warframe stretched out like flowing nanomaterials, and brilliant tail flames erupted from multiple jet ports such as palms and soles of feet, forming a brilliant stream of flames across the sky over City A.

The originally invisible AT force field conjures up a specific color under the blessing of mental power, and although the Mark armor composed of the force field is in vain, it should have a lot of functions, and it can even be modified online, that is, it can be used immediately.

Tony Stark called out infringement.

If you need to deal with huge enemies, you won't have a problem transforming the Mark Warframe into Gundam, Hatsuki, or Light Giant.

New ability +1,×.

Hipster +1, √.

Three days later, the city of Z.

In the bustling flow of people, Johnson walked out of the bullet train station.

The city was quiet and peaceful at dusk, and he stopped to admire for a moment, then turned around and stepped onto the subway home.

On the subway, Joson took a nap with his luggage closed, and what happened in a few days was vividly remembered.

The Metropolitan Police Department carefully planned to create a special unit that was almost wiped out because of a ghost-level weirdo.

After this battle, many of the police officers who participated in the training suffered from mental illness and needed long-term psychological counseling to return to their posts.

The ambitious senior management of the Metropolitan Police Department has seen the destructive power of weirdos with his own eyes, and knows that ordinary people simply cannot resist the power of weirdos, and he can't help but be discouraged.

The entire Metropolitan Police Department was almost stopped directly because of the casual blow of the ghost-level weirdo, and there were many disasters of the same level, and it was more than a star and a half compared to those dragon-level weirdos who destroyed several cities at every turn.

As a result, the entire training program was ruined on the spot and ended without a problem.

The police officers who participated in the training packed their bags and went back to their homes.

Jossen was not surprised by this, and he foresaw this result in advance from the ugly expression that the minister could not hide when he received him.

"Really don't stay, Qiao Senjun, with your merits and powerful superpowers this time, I promise to allow you to enter the top level and lead the entire police force within half a year!"

"Thank you for your kindness, but I think I am still more suitable for front-line work."

"Is that so... But when you return to Z City, you still have to start from the lowest level of inspection, have you really thought about it?

"After thinking about it, I think that if necessary, Z City needs a police officer like me."

"In that case, I will no longer advise you, but the next city will set up a special affairs response section, and the position of the head of the special affairs department in Z city must not be shirked!"

"I see."


After a deep conversation with the minister, this trip back, Qiao Sen's rank on the face of the face did not change, but he added the position of the head of the special affairs section, directly responsible to the director of Z City.

In the event of an emergency such as a weird disaster, it is possible to directly take over all the police forces of Z City, and the authority is at the same level as the director.

Although Johnson does not use this permission, there are benefits.

When he becomes a class leader, he can arrange work for himself.

Joson thought about it and transferred Kyoko to be a secretary when he went back.

In this way, you don't have to write the report yourself.

Simply perfect!

The "super power 100%" dropped by the tornado and the unexpected "promotion" promised by the big guy, this trip to City A Jossen gained a lot.

In addition, the Heroes Association also sent the first month's salary and a stipend for several heroic activities, and at a glance, the good guy earned more than he had worked as a police officer for a year.

No wonder so many people crave their heads and want to be heroes.

In more than half a month in City A, the daily Destiny Draw is still the basic attribute card, but when wandering around City A on the eve of the return trip, the third ability element of the substitute picked up a somewhat interesting card.

[Fantasy Card: Black Box Fragment]

[Card Type: Special Card

] [Rarity: N] [

Introduction: Some fragments of the creation of the gods, which seem to be unstable.

【Effect 1: Time and Space Warp】【

Randomly shuttle to an unknown other world and stay for a short time.】

【Effect 2: Round-trip ticket

】【This card is a consumable, it can be used 2/2, and the second use will return to the main world.】 Qiao

Sen remembered that the gods of this world had been making some kind of pitch-black cube for contacting and developing believers, and once successful, it could be spread through the air, which could easily make a weak vagabond instantly become a dragon-level superpower weirdo "Wandering Emperor".

Accidentally seemed to pick up something unpleasant, Rao and Joson felt a little stimulated.

However, this card is not engraved with a complete black box, and its role is to travel through the world rather than contact the gods.

Another world?

The adventure factor from the Traverser is a bit of a go-getter.

Perhaps limited by the rarity level, the effect description says a short stay.

In that case, it seems that it doesn't matter if you try the water, it's a big deal to consume this card in advance to return.

"Stop, don't run!"

"You're stupid, why don't I run!?"

Joson thought as he walked, and two figures chasing each other passed through the intersection in front, causing a commotion among passers-by.


What just passed?

Spider sensing captures a red and yellow figure at the last moment, plus a white cape fluttering behind, like a plate of running tomato scrambled eggs.

It's Saitama!

Joson was abrupt.

After wearing the familiar suit, he looked a little unaccustomed, which must be because he was not bald.

Nian Li locked the two, and Johnson followed along the road.

After turning a few streets, Saitama was seen blocking a red weirdo in an alley, scuffling together.

Looking at the appearance of the weirdo, it is actually a large carrot that is as tall as one person.

"Yo, Saitama, what about the heroic event?"

"Huh? It's Joson, long time no see! Saitama struggled to press the fiercely defiant carrot weirdo to the ground, turned around and greeted Josen, "Wait a minute, I'm a little busy right now!" Wait until I fix this guy first! "

Five minutes later.

"The uniform is dirty again, and it's a hassle to wash!"

Saitama, who was covered in carrot juice, walked out of the alley with a look of disgust, and the giant carrot had been broken into several pieces by him and thrown into the garbage bin.

Since the location of the battle was too dirty, Saitama gave up the idea of picking up a few pieces of carrot meat and going back to cook it.

Of course, there is also the reason that Johnson is watching from not far away.

"Jossen, where have you been recently, I went to your house to look for you, and no one was there."

"Recently went to City A on a business trip, just came back, are you looking for me for something?"

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