
Why personal attacks?

Poked in the sore spot, several small black eyes were red.

Although we are garbage people, you can't just say it bluntly!

Garbage people also want face, okay?

I was about to make a move, but I heard Jossen ask: "You guys, you want to rob me, right?" "

“...... Yes and how?

"Because of that, I can be justified."

A few people looked at each other, I'm afraid this is not a fool, right?

"Don't talk nonsense," the boss pulled out the pistol on his waist, a battle-damaged version of Glock 17 full of scratches, and pointed the muzzle of the black hole hole at Josson, "Hand over all the money on you!" "

A minute later.

Bang bang ....

Somewhere in Brooklyn, there was a fierce gunshot, and when I heard the sound, it was an American orthodox inheritor, and the magazine was directly emptied within a second.

In the middle of the alleys.

Joson put one hand in his pocket, raised the other, and spread his five fingers.

The black trench coat was raised without wind, and it was only a pair of sunglasses away from Neo in the matrix.

When the gunshots rang out, the five little blacks saw that Qiao Sen wanted to catch the bullet with his flesh, and the smile on his face gradually became vicious.

When the bullet fired seemed to be stuck in the quagmire, stagnating in the air, the sinister smile had just revealed its big white teeth and turned into horror.

When leaving the alley, five gang members with blue noses and swollen faces stood respectfully behind Jossen, saying that they would contribute all their change and mobile phones, and they all promised to be good people in the future, eat and sit at the child's table.

It was really impossible to excuse himself, so Johnson had to accept it all.

At least the funds and equipment for the activities in the past few days have all been in place.

At this time, the distressed Peter was still mopping the floor in the closed hamburger shop.

With the equipment, Joson no longer has a black eye.

Connected to the Internet of this world, what is presented in front of you is a huge amount of information.

Several phones searched at the same time, and Johnson scanned the local news in New York at a glance.

As he dug deeper, he soon found that the epicenter of the Brooklyn earthquake was directly below a building called the Fisk Building.

Seeing the signature of the owner of the building, he was even more sure that he had found the right direction.

Kim and.

Formerly known as Wilson Fisk, Marvel's supervillain, one of Daredevil and Spider-Man's mortal enemies.

So, Johnson went to Hell's Kitchen on the west side of Manhattan, and his spiritual power covered the entire block, but he didn't find the night devil who loved the neighborhood.

Similarly, there is no Stark Building in New York City, and there is no Avengers-related news circulating on the Internet.

Thinking of the MCU Peter who also crossed over, this world is most likely a special scene for spider heroes.

The camera travels back to early morning Brooklyn.

Melody Coffee Shop is located near the center of Brooklyn, which is not as good as Manhattan across the river, but it is also one of the most bustling areas in the entire borough.

Across the road from the coffee shop sits a soaring commercial building, with an extravagant banquet hall on the top floor, far taller than most of the surrounding buildings.

This is the private property of Kim and the New York underworld emperor, the Fisk Building.

If a traditional Spider-Man is here, a complete investigation process of disguising, infiltrating, fighting, and stealing core secrets has probably begun.

And as a psychic superpower, Jossen's means are far more convenient.

Just like last night's search for Daredevil, invisible mental power rippled over the city, silently covering the entire building.

In the process, the ordinary employees who were busy in the building did not notice anything unusual.

And in Joson's perspective, there is nothing unusual in this building.

Nianli's perspective spreads down from the banquet hall hall on the top floor, and the offices of various departments come into view, and the staff walk between floors, grasping every time to earn every benefit for their boss.

Conversations, reprimands, arguments, invective, the sound of high heels kicking on marble, crackling keyboards, and the indescribable words of a man and a woman in a toilet cubicle...

For a time, all the scene information in the building was restored into sound and images after the processing of mental power, and it was clearly transmitted to the mind.

After a critical examination, I learned all the secrets of Jinhe's business landscape, financial situation, and how many competitors he disposed of yesterday.

Johnson had to admit that these situations were normal for a company with an underworld background.

The epicenter is underground, so continue down.

The omnipresent mind extends downward, passing through a layer of airtight concrete, and the world in front of you is suddenly open.

The building's supporting underground garage hollowed out all the way down to Brooklyn's once abandoned subway station, creating a huge experimental space beneath the city, the size of four or five football fields.

In the huge hole in front of the laboratory, a large particle collider has been secretly built, and the two emitters placed opposite each other are like two large-caliber gun emplacements, you can imagine how much energy the high-energy particle beams emitted from them have!

Then solve the case, the culprit who interfered with time and space and caused a big earthquake is undoubtedly this big fellow!

On the top side of the space is a central control room, through which hundreds of busy researchers sit in front of their computers and tap on keyboards, toiling at work. At the head is a thin exploding female doctor in a white coat, who is now looking excited, her eyes are feverish, and she is passionately telling something with a tall bald man with an exceptionally strong physique.

As in the original, everything above the surface is a smoke bomb used to cover people's ears, and Dr. Kinos next door calls him an expert.

"Listen to me, boss, we are only one foot away from success, yesterday's experiment..." Dr. Olivia Liv Octavius's passionate narration came to an abrupt end, her eyes scanning the left and right suspiciously.

Jin He's figure is different from ordinary people's tall, but definitely not bloated, the special black suit is completely supported by his strong muscles that seem to be inflated, and wherever he stands is a bulletproof wall.

Noticing that the narration stopped, he bowed his head slightly, his eyes grimly following Dr. Octavius's gaze, and asked angrily, "What happened, Doctor?"

"Emm..." noticing anything unusual, the female version of Dr. Octopus retracted his gaze with a frown and asked suspiciously, "Just now, did you have one... How to say, the feeling of being wrapped in liquid? "


In the coffee shop, Josson, who was watching everyone, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Dr. Octopus can actually vaguely perceive the existence of mental power, worthy of being a top scientist, although he does not do good things, but in some aspects far beyond the genius of ordinary people.

If this is in the one-punch world, I am afraid that it will not mutate into a technology side weirdo in minutes.

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