
Gwen sat down on a bench by the side of the road, her two long legs slightly interlaced, finding a comfortable angle: "So now, where is your investigation?" "

Peter: I did chores all night.

Joson: You shut up.

"There's an oversized large particle collider underneath the Fisk building in Kim and the Brooklyn earthquake and the damage to us... Well, the root of crossing is it.

Johnson paused, thinking that he should be considered a mess, but even Peter Parker of the MCU came, and it didn't hurt to rub a hot spot on one more of him.

"So, your investigation has already surpassed me," Gwen propped her chin with one hand and listened carefully, "So what is our plan?" "

Restart that machine and find a way to reverse its program," Johnson put his hands together and made a fist gesture, "restore order in time and space, and destroy it."

"Oh! It sounds like a big deal!

"Wait a minute!"

Peter crossed his hands in front of his chest and made a stop gesture: "I understand the truth, but I'm still confused!" Who is Kim He? Why did he do it? And is the level of technology in this world already to the extent that it can interfere with time and space..."

"None of that matters," Seeing that Peter's broken mouth was about to start again, Johnson quickly interrupted the spell casting, "What matters is which of you will operate that collider?" The

three men stared wide-eyed.

Gwen raised her hand and said: "Such large devices often use a physically isolated independent network, and to hack into its programs, we need a key that can be inserted into the host. With that, she made a gesture of twisting the key to open the door.

"So here's the question," Peter spread his hands, "where is the key?"

Gwen clasped her hands to her chest and talked about the intelligence she had investigated earlier: "I know a place that is also one of Jinhe's industries, and I think it can at least help us figure out the principle of that big guy."

"Wait, this Kim again?" I don't seem to have this person in my universe, or I've never heard of him, so who can tell me how rich he is? Seeing

that the two were not very interested in this topic, Peter scratched his cheeks: "Then what are we waiting for?" Do you wait for someone to send the key? "


Reminded by Peter's words, Johnson suddenly thought that the alchemy company at this time was afraid that it had already jumped, and couldn't help snapping his fingers: "Don't say it, don't say it." "


The Riddler Get Out of New York!

"You don't think..."

Gwen and Peter's gazes came over.

"There are only a few of us Spider-Man in this world, right?"


Hudson Valley, outside New York.

In the sky laser rays, Miles is wearing a cosplay version of Spider-Man suit, seemingly nimble left and right dodge, but has actually fallen all over his head.

How exciting it was to sneak into the alchemy company just now, and how uncomfortable it was to be chased and beaten by a group of researchers carrying laser guns.

"Hey, Peter! Now what do we do?

"What to do?" 616 Peter smashed the chasing Dr. Octopus with a punch, grabbed the computer host that was snatched away by the tentacles, and threw it to Miles in the rear, "Run separately, boy, I will help you drag the enemy down!"

"Are you sure? But there are so many of them..."

"Nonsense! Hurry up and go!

"Hehe..." The

tough tentacles made of synthetic materials pierced the tree and kept climbing, Dr. Octopus raised his hand to wipe the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes under the goggles were full of obsession and madness: "You guys are the best research material, don't even think about running!"

"**Shet! I'm sorry, I seem to be swearing just now, but she's a reinforcement! Don't be stunned boy, let's go! "


Queens, New York.

The three of them strolled down the streets of an ordinary neighborhood, working hours, and it was very calm.

Two-story buildings are densely lined up on the side of the road, with no courtyard, and when you open the curtains, you can see the rooms of your neighbors.

Such an environment carries the childhood of many children, such as....

"Hey, this is it! I know this place, and I lived here almost always before Aunt May moved!

Peter exclaimed.

The three stopped in a small detached building, and the mailbox at the door read "20 Ingram Street."

Johnson pointed to the text on it: "Is even the house number the same?"

"Well, I guess at least the name of the community is different."

"Then we've come to the right place," Johnson pushed Peter, "and knock on the door."

"Why me!"

Peter complained, habitually raising his hand and ringing the doorbell.


"Sorry, we don't plan to meet fans today..." The

door opened a crack, and an old woman with gray hair said apologetically.

Then she saw a young face.

The old woman opened the door and walked out incredulously.


I'm a little unprepared," MCU Peter watched a little bewildered as the old woman walked straight towards him, and for a moment, he remembered the figure that fell in the ruins, "Aunt May? "

It's me," Aunt May gently stroked Peter's face, and the memories in her eyes turned into a trace of relief, "You're getting younger and shorter."

Like a child who had done something wrong, Peter gently hugged Aunt May in front of him: "Uh, yes... I mean, I'm sorry, it sounds incredible, but I'm actually from a parallel universe with..."

"Yes... Well?

Gwen and Peter looked at each other in surprise: "You know? "

Of course," Aunt May smiled at the corners of her mouth, turning around and beckoning them to follow, "Come with me, kids, don't you think you're the only one thinking of coming here?" "

Hey!" Gwen gave Joson a covert punch with his elbow and asked in a low voice, "You already knew?"

Qiao Sen's face was as usual, and he stretched out his index finger and nodded his head: "It's just logical reasoning."

"Believe in you to have a ghost!"

The three followed Aunt May to a cottage in the backyard that looked like a storage room.

"Hey, I know this, secret base!"

Aunt Mei smiled happily and reached out and pressed her hand on the wooden door.

The identification passes, the mechanical door disguised as a wooden door opens, and the storage room is empty, in fact, it is an elevator room leading to the underground.

"Maybe this secret base is a little more advanced than I thought..." The

imaginary picture that should be similar to his own spider workshop did not appear, and Peter couldn't help but sigh.

Joson and Gwen followed and walked in, and the elevator began to descend.

As the elevator slowly descends, the spider hut carefully built by Peter Parker of this world is finally revealed to everyone.

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