In the silent outer space, the sun of the Hokage world is slowly rising along the arc of the planet's surface.

Exposed to countless cosmic radiations without protection, Jossen, who was under a vacuum, held his breath and couldn't help but open his hands and praise the sun.

For a moment, I found that I was neither harmed by the ubiquitous cosmic radiation, nor was it enhanced by sunlight like a certain Kryptonian, and I suddenly felt bored.

This trip to Hokage was very rewarding, not only saving Senjukuma (千手扉間:??? If you don't come, will there be nothing? ), and also gained many elements for promotion to the sixth level.

The most important thing is that the ability of a body has been refined and integrated over time, and the combat power has infinitely approached the infant version of the human god.

F-cub: Don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors.

All in all, gratifying.

It's time to go back.

The "dimensional walking" was launched, and a portal with a black hole aperture opened beside Jossen.

Without hesitation, he stepped into it.

This time, without crossing the gap in time and space, there was suddenly more air to breathe around, and the familiar lake appeared in front of Josen's eyes, as if returning to the world of a punch.

[Dimensional walking enters cooling, and the cooldown period is one month.] "

It's gone."

Everything around him is still in the state after meeting Blast, and Josen, who has completed an otherworldly journey, has completed a metamorphosis.

Then eat a hot pot to celebrate!

With a snap of his fingers, Joson suddenly disappeared in place.

Ten minutes later.

A black hole portal suddenly opened, and Blaster leaned out of it halfway, scanning the surroundings suspiciously.

"Strange, obviously there was a strong space-time fluctuation here, and as a result, there was no trace left? What exactly did that kid do?

Blast held his chin and frowned and thought, and when he found that he couldn't get an answer, he immediately raised his eyebrows: "Forget it, I'll talk about it next time." "

Boom -

the black hole portal disappeared as abruptly as when it opened, only to whistle in place, and it gradually dispersed after a while.

City of Z.

A roar resounded in the calm neighborhood, and a black car drew a parabola, tumbling and smashing into a panicked mother and daughter.

The mother in the butterfly floral dress hugged her daughter's head tightly, her body trembled uncontrollably, and she closed her eyes to meet the black shadow representing death gradually enlarged above her head.

Bang –

A pair of ordinary-looking adult man's hands against the falling car, the upside-down roof cover deeply dented in, followed by the sound of sneaker soles rubbing violently against the tar floor.

The expected pain did not come, and the mother opened her eyes in surprise, and then saw a black-haired young man in a blue and white tracksuit, slowly lowering the multi-ton car with trembling hands.



the young man gasped heavily, blood mixed with sweat running from the top of his head, and his exceptionally resolute face was stained half red.

"Are you all right?"

"No, no, nothing!"

"Then let's go, the weirdos haven't been killed yet."

"Thank you, thank you!!"

The mother stumbled away with her daughter in her arms, and there was no one on the empty street.

Saitama wiped the blood that flowed into his eyes, and touched his blood-soaked hair: "I suddenly feel that my hair has become a little in the way of fighting, no, why do I suddenly have such a dangerous thought, I don't want to become bald at a young age!" "

Boom -

the outer wall of the supermarket opposite exploded, and a symmetrical red light emitted in the smoke, which was the eyes of a strange person.

Phew -

Saitama exhaled a long breath, feeling that the arms that took the car regained some strength, and immediately threw his hands and clenched his fists hard.

"It's not over yet! Bastard!! "


Hello, hello....

Following the disaster broadcast echoing over Z City to the place of the incident, as soon as Johnson returned, he went to the police, only to see Saitama, who was wearing a colorful body, sitting on a huge black humanoid weirdo corpse gasping for breath, the sneakers under his feet were thrown off, and the other was upgraded to a trendy version like the sportswear on his body.

"Here you go."

"Thank you... Huh? Handing

a clean white towel beside him, Saitama subconsciously thanked him, and then reacted: "It's Jossen, it's such a coincidence."

"Unfortunately, I rushed over after hearing the disaster broadcast, but I didn't expect that the weirdo had been solved by you."

"Yes?" Saitama wiped the blood stains on his face and explained, "I heard that there was a special price supermarket here, so I wanted to come and buy some materials to go back..."

Saying that, he looked back at the supermarket that had turned into ruins, and Joson also looked over.

The huge "special" signboard that has been standing strong until now flashed a flash of electric sparks and collapsed.

"It seems that I can't buy it today." Saitama shrugged his shoulders and looked up at the dark clouds slowly drifting in the distance, "It looks like it will rain in a while, and the clothes on the balcony have not been confiscated, so I have to go back quickly."

As he spoke, the wound exposed under the broken tracksuit had been completed to stop bleeding and scab, and Saitama seemed to be fine, as if the injured one was not himself at all.

Qiao Sen suggested: "Then go to your house and eat hot pot, after so much blood, you can eat more meat to make up for it." Saitama

originally planned to buy special meat and go back to cook hot pot during this trip, and he was suddenly a little moved.

"I'm fine, it's just a bit of trouble to mend my clothes again."

Saitama looked down at himself, feeling that the remaining sneakers with worn soles were a bit of a hindrance, so he simply took them off and threw them away.

"But Joson, are you really okay with getting off work now?"

"Of course, no problem, they all said that I am a free class." Jossen reached out and pulled Saitama up from the weirdo's corpse, "I took a paid vacation for more than three months some time ago, and I went on a trip, how about it, do you want to consider changing careers?"

Saitama stared at someone running a train with a mouth full of eyes: "... Although my grades in school are average, but you lie to me less, obviously we meet often, where do I get paid travel for three months? "

Don't believe it? Then next time I have a chance to bring you with me.

"Eh, it can't be true, can it? Are the benefits of police officers so good? "


GoooThe Sichuan spicy base that Qiao Sen personally cooked was put into the pot, and as the induction cooker continued to heat, the soup base quickly boiled.

Saitama is still busy in the kitchen, cleaning, plating, and processing the ingredients like a hill.

The movements on his hands gradually accelerated beyond the scope of normal humans, and Saitama's expression was distorted.

Good news: lots of ingredients!

Bad news: lots of ingredients!

It can be seen that he is in pain and happy at this time.

Boom -

a flash of lightning and thunder, and the sky gradually darkened.

Not long after, a heavy rain poured down.

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