"By the way, King, what about the console?"

Sensing that King was already retreating, Johnson deliberately diverted the subject.

"Come on, take it out, take it out now, let's have a game first."

When it comes to playing games, King must have a face that suddenly became not bitter and his back straightened.

"Ah, okay, in my other bag, I'll go get it."

Five minutes later.

The words "GAME OVER" appeared on TV, and Joson was distracted for a while, not understanding why he had entered "spider time" and why he still couldn't interrupt the ruthless sequence of the game characters manipulated by King.

Is this called talent?

"Don't fight, don't fight, the children are all scrapped."

His own game character fell to the ground screaming, and Josen put down the handle in frustration: "King, I already know your strength, and the task of challenging you will be handed over to Saitama." Seeing

Johnson admit defeat, King, who had been with a bitter face, showed a little smile: "Hehe, games are indeed a rare field that I am good at."

"Hi hi, the seafood pot is coming~"

At this time, Saitama came with the hot pot, and Jossen quickly used his super power to pull the game console to the brake, and the settlement screen of the defeat on the TV suddenly turned into a blue screen.

"Okay, the previous paragraph pinched the other broadcast, let's go have a late-night snack!"

King smiled: "Okay. The

TV screen switched back to the free disaster channel, and as the same ingredients were served, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became warm.

Qiao Sen activated his mind to hang the ingredients that could not be placed on the coffee table in the air, "Saitama, is there any beer in the refrigerator?"

Saitama heard this and got up and walked to the refrigerator: "Yes, right?" I remember last time you brought a lot of them.

"Then open two more mentions and celebrate, our hot pot group has one more member."


Ready, the three opened a bottle of beer each.

"Cheers!" ×3

Under the pot of various ingredients, Jomori and Saitama have already started the first wave of competition while the meat slices are blanched.

King suddenly felt a little sour when he looked at the scene in front of him, and then realized that he had been so lonely in the past twenty-seven years of his life.

"Qiao Sensan, Saitama clan, thank you!"

"Huh? How suddenly sad.

"Don't be polite with us, hot pot this thing, if you start slowly, you won't have to eat!"


at the hot pot that was empty and only had the soup base left, King couldn't help but doubt life.

Did this pot cook anything just now?

Seeing that King didn't eat a mouthful, Saitama pushed the boiled white and red octopus fillet in front of him to King: "Do you want to taste it?" Delicious white-seared octopus fillet! And my special mustard sauce! King

subconsciously thought of the huge octopus weirdo who almost sent him back to the west in the afternoon, and just wanted to say thank you, but heard Joson who was adding vegetables to the pot said: "It is recommended not to eat Oh, it is cooked, but it is likely to have diarrhea."

King did

not hesitate to take back the chopsticks that had just poked out a little, and his action was so decisive that Saitama's eyes turned black on the spot.

"Hey, hey, there are limits to slander!"

Two hours later, the group of three was full of wine and food.

King, who had the worst physique, had already gone to the toilet twice to vomit, and even Saitama was a little drunk, pulling Jossen's thigh and threatening to fight another three hundred rounds.

Qiao Sen kicked Saitama back and used his mind power to clean up the mess on the ground: "Okay, okay, today I will be responsible for washing the dishes, and the next stage will be handed over to you!"

"Stage, what stage?"

Saitama looked confused, but King reacted, took a sip of the hangover flower tea, picked up the handle on the ground and said, "So Saitama, do you want to challenge me too?" "

Game?" Saitama subconsciously took the controller, and the reaction suddenly came to interest, "Okay, I'm still very interested in playing games or something!"

King's somewhat pale face calmed down after vomiting, and a look of confidence flashed on his face: "Then come!" In

the kitchen, Jossen separated the dishes and garbage, and immediately called out the almighty F-cub.

Cub F thoughtfully waved his hand to signal the body to hurry up, very understanding Jossen's urgency to see Saitama being tortured and killed, and he picked up the apron hanging on the wall and tied it, entering housekeeping mode.

Fortunately, the two people in the living room don't have time to pay attention to the kitchen now, otherwise they will see the supernatural picture of the apron floating in the air doing housework.

When Josen arrived, Saitama had already sensed that something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, why is my handle unresponsive? I obviously pressed out the counterattack operation?

"Because I cracked your counterattack the moment you fought back."

King said calmly, while operating the game character to close a big move, and simply and neatly collected the health of Saitama's character.

Saitama shook his head in disbelief: "It must be the reason for drinking too much, come again!" "

Half an hour later.


After beating King's character into a bloody state, Saitama watched as King lightly completed the supergod operation of one-handed shield anti-ten-cut flip.

The great joy and tragedy of life was only in an instant, and Saitama, who had experienced an unprecedented fiasco, let out a scream, and his eyes turned white and fell to the ground.

Saitama, defeated 108 times, could not rise again.

King raised the still warm teacup on the side with a masterful look and took a sip.


The Polaroid on Josson's hand recorded this precious scene.


A week later.

Joson took a moment to deal with the police station's affairs for a week, and then ran away at Kyoko's urging.

The so-called processing, that is, signing the documents that need to be signed by him, and the special affairs department of Z City has already taken the shape of a certain black widow.

For this result, a certain handshake cabinet is of course happy to see it.

A snap of his fingers arrives at the park and sees King, wearing a mask of pain, training in squats under Saitama's supervision.

“48...... 49...... Come on, one more will break through 50! King, you can!

King's tall but not strong body trembled and crouched, large drops of sweat running down his scars, bruises on his forehead, and strong emotions converged into a suffocating roar

- "Drink-

" "50!! You did it! "


"No, no

, no..." King sat on the grass of the park, panting as if he were prostrate.

"Today's training is here, maintaining such a terrifying amount of training every day, I will definitely die suddenly!"

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