The S-class heroes in the center of the Hurricane Eye stopped arguing.

The continuous increase in mental power confrontation is still within the tolerance of most people, but with their eyesight, they can't see that the confrontation between Johnson and Tornado in the field has no real power at all.

The "zombie man", who has the weakest physical strength, casually wiped the blood oozing from his eyes, and the undead power from the genetic level is rapidly repairing body cells all over the body.

It was impossible to see from the outside, and his body under the weight of mental power had been severely damaged.

- Superpowers?

- It's really a tricky force.

——If it's me, I can only try to see if I can drag it out until they run out of strength... But think about it is also unlikely, right?

That's what he thought.

The only ordinary person in the venue, Siqi, was unharmed, and the tornado that was used to silence his mind turned into a shield at this time, so that he did not suffer any damage.

No matter how arrogant, fickle, irascible, tough, and close to the outside world the shell behaves, Tornado's heart always maintains an unknown tenderness that few people can read.

Jossen glanced at Siqi, who was properly protected, and made up his mind.

When it comes to educating the rebellious loli later, it's better to start lightly, anyway, it's not a deep hatred.

On the other side, the always proud tornado did not expect that Qiao Sen would actually carry his own motivation so easily.

It's not that she thinks highly of herself, but someone who can do this in superpowers has never appeared.

If superpowers have a apex, then she has always stood above the apex.

When was the last time we met, about half a year ago, right?

At that time, this guy's level was obviously only the level of blowing snow.

Although it is more than a blowing snow, it makes no difference in the eyes of the tornado.

After all, no matter how boring a human being, he will not pay attention to the difference between the two ants he accidentally stepped on.

Updating the perception of Joson in his impression, the original contempt in Dragon Scroll's heart was thrown aside, and he looked at the tall man's gaze again like a hunter finding an interesting prey.

As for the fact that he will lose....

She doesn't have that word in her dictionary yet.

Superpower battles are often silent, but the impact is real.

In just a moment, the entire staff of the Hero Guild felt that everything in the office was vibrating violently.

"Is it an earthquake?"

"The earthquake is coming! Run!

"Damn it! How is the emergency channel locked!!

"Don't panic! The earthquake resistance level of the headquarters is the highest in the city! "

For a while, the headquarters of the Heroes Association was in chaos.

Sensing that the headquarters building of the Hero Association had begun to tremble and shake, Joson had an expression on his face that I knew, and then hooked his hand on the tornado, and said defiantly: "This place is too small, go outside and do it." Saying

that, the azure blue Nian Power light flickered, and his figure had instantly disappeared in place.

Tornado was stunned, although she knew that Joson had used superpowers to leave, she was also a little caught off guard by the sudden teleportation of this hand.

The delicate balance in the conference room was suddenly broken, and all the S-class felt that the surrounding air was instantly emptied by the mental power, and they were about to make their own unique moves to resist the impending impact, but the green wave of mental power stopped a second before it completely exploded.

Closing his eyes and feeling the location of Qiao Sen's spiritual power frequency, Tornado snorted coldly: "Outside, just outside, Hugh wants to go!" "

Boom - As the tornado glared, the wall on the side of the conference room was blasted open by a swirling hole by the sudden expansion of mental power, and the wall composed of several meters of concrete and a large number of alloy plates was instantly pierced.

But this is just the beginning.


And five rooms of similar intensity were broken through one after another, turning into a corridor from the inside of the building to the sky, and in the blink of an eye, a stream of high air with a chill rushed in wildly.

The green streamers flickered, and the initiator of all this had chased the distant blue light spot in the sky and disappeared into the sky.

The entire conference room was silent.

There was a clatter in the howling wind, and everyone looked at it, it turned out that it was Xiqi on the rostrum whose eyes were black, and he fainted directly to the ground.


As we all know, superpowers also attract each other.

Sensing that the location where Qiao Sen's mental power fluctuations were located was moving away at high speed, the mental force field around the tornado turned into a streamlined shape more suitable for high-speed flight, wrapping her petite body of less than 40Kg to instantly break through the sound barrier, leaving a deafening sonic boom in place, chasing the past towards the azure blue trajectory of the sky.

"Hey, there's the coastline ahead, where are you going to take me?"

Qiao Sen, who was flying at high speed, was suddenly locked by a powerful mental power, and with the help of the link formed by spiritual power, the figure of the tornado jumped and appeared on his side from a great distance, and the small face of the strong man was full of warlike expressions.

"It's a really good idea to use superpowers to teleport," Tornado smiled proudly, "but now it's not just you who can do this, I've mastered it thoroughly!"

Jossen stopped in the air, and was a little stunned for a while.

Qiao Qiao, my moves, was actually learned by others!

His "teleportation" is not the world's native superpower, and Dragon Scroll recreates it in his own way with just one glance.

What an amazing supernatural talent this is!

"That's the distance, almost."

After the shock, Johnson looked at the end of the horizon in the distance, and the nearest city was only the size of a matchbox, and immediately moved his neck and shoulders and said: "If you fight in such a place, I think no innocent people will be injured."

"What do you mean?"

Tornado's forehead jumped, and his hands crossed his waist: "Do you think I will not be able to control my strength and hurt ordinary people?" What an idea for the weak! (

ꐦಠ ಠ)

The words did not fall, and the tide of power that covered the sky slammed towards Qiao Sen, and the realm that ordinary superpowers could not reach in their entire lives was only a casual blow from the green-haired loli in front of him.

And at this time, she didn't even lift her hand.

The vast sky gave Joson plenty of room to dodge, but he didn't choose to do so.

The absolute field unfolded, and Qiao Sen also did not raise his hand, and a polygonal force field barrier long enough to split the sea surface was straddled between the two, and the Nian Dynamic Impact that was enough to crush granite was received head-on.

Buzz -

The "AT force field" that was strongly impacted rippled a circle of colorful ripples, easily neutralizing the tornado's offensive, but its own state was unscathed.

——Another defensive force field that has never been seen before, this guy seems to really have two strokes?

At the same time, he raised Josen's status to a notch again, upgrading from an interesting prey to a slightly stronger opponent.

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