A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 998: Good and evil are hard to determine!

"Rotten whale, temple, Zhenhai?" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and recalled all the legends he knew on the earth. Although there are similar existences, he is still very sure after comparison. In any legend, there is no complete correspondence with this. Records.

Not only does the Federation have no record, it does not even have a long-held myth.

"It's a bit interesting..." Wang Baole murmured and disappeared in an instant. When he appeared, he was deep in the seabed where the whale was. When he first appeared, the darkness he saw in his eyes made the area full of death. The sea water seems to be full of strange corrosion power.

Not only can no sea creatures get close, even Wang Baole here feels a little unwell. It is important to know that although he is now an avatar, it is also a planetary level, and even because of the existence of his Dao star, his original dharma body is in combat power. Even if it is not as good as the deity, it will not be too wide.

Even in the later stages of the planet below the fairy star, he can still fight, but here, he clearly realizes that if he does not take some means, he is afraid that the origin will be damaged after a long stay.

It can be seen that while the place is strange, it also contains amazing power. For other people, even if it is the same planet, a little hesitation, I am afraid that it will drink here and return to the ruins.

"Rotten whale..." Wang Baole's eyes revealed a fine mans, and nine ancient stars behind him suddenly turned into stars, making the star's mans instantly diffuse outside the body, just like a torch in the dark night, it was dark in this moment. The bottom of the sea is particularly conspicuous, and at the same time, the stars of his body are also scattered in this room, reflecting the four sides, so that Wang Baole can see the details of the skeleton of the rotten whale below!

All the bones exposed on it were actually engraved with runes. At the same time, there were a large number of small insects that seemed to be sleeping in the decaying flesh. Each of these small insects seemed to be formed of dead air, and the number was large... ...Enough shocking.

This scene can almost move most of the planets. Even the planetary arrogance of the special stars that melt the soul has rules, it will definitely change its face here. The first reaction must be to go backwards and leave first, and then measure it after planning. .

But for Wang Baole, it just made him look weird. Although his eyes narrowed, but the black one of his nine ancient stars, at this moment the light rose sharply, replacing the light of other ancient stars in an instant. Under the blessing of the king, it shone violently behind Wang Baole.

This black ancient star, its implicit rule is death!

At the same time, Wang Baole, as a Mingzi, has no fear of any undead in his own supernatural powers, and this double blessing basically makes Wang Baole's existence ignoring all the breath of death. At the moment, just glancing at his eyes, he suddenly shook his body, Directly approaching the rotting whale, without any hesitation, rushed into the ribs of the rotting whale.

Inside the rotten whale, there is another heaven and earth, just like a biological warship. In the process of Wang Baole's search, he even saw a cabin, but under the passage of time, most of them are decaying, and in these cabins, Wang Baole Suddenly saw the body!

There are many corpses, I am afraid that there are thousands of them. Although they are all decayed, and many of them are incomplete under the passage of time, but they can be seen in general...not human monks.

This caused Wang Baole to frown. According to Lin You, Yue Xingzong was away from the earth, so it should also be humanoid, but this is not the case, so after looking closely, Wang Baole paused in a cabin and looked down. Looking at a corpse on the ground, he gazed thoughtfully for a moment.

"There is no trace of struggling, it seems that all the existence in this whale died in a moment... Or lost its resistance in a moment?" Wang Baole suddenly pondered, suddenly a cold flash in his eyes, his body repaired for a moment of fluctuation At the moment of eruption and violently spreading outward, there were countless bloodstains on the ground under his feet at that moment, which suddenly bred out and shoved towards him violently.

However, he encountered the fluctuations of Wang Baole's outward cultivation. During the invisible collision, roaring noises kept coming out.

Then more bloodshots suddenly appeared from the body of this rotten whale and came crazy toward Wang Baole, seeming to swallow it, and the bloodshots were strange. In Wang Baole's senses, he felt that these bloodshots seemed to contain imprisonment As long as the magical power of life is touched by it, it will lose all its power of action.

"Carved insect skill!" Wang Baole snorted coldly, his right hand suddenly lifted up, ignoring those madly appearing bloodstains, slammed, and the blood rules suddenly ran, forming a blood ring, and the bloodstains that spread out around him, Shivering suddenly, as if twisted, there were signs of retreat, but in the cold hum of Wang Baole, they seemed to be forcibly disturbed and gathered again with Wang Baole, but this time, it was gathered on his palm.

In an instant, all the bloodshots came quickly, and finally formed a blood mass in the hands of Wang Baole. This blood mass creeped into a humanoid, constantly struggling to send an invisible roar to Wang Baole, as if to shock its soul.

"Spirit?" With Wang Baole's magical attainments, he could see the origin of the villain at a glance. At this moment, he grasped the scarlet villain with his right hand, and left hand pressed toward the inner wall of the rotten whale, and a cold voice came out.

"The courage is not small, the dead spirits and dead corpses are under my control!"

"Get up!"

As Wang Baole's words came out, the body of this rotten whale was shocked by the spread of the black ancient star rules. Under the black ancient star rules, a strange force brake spread the entire whale body, making it rotten. The black hole in the eyes instantly revealed the fire, and his body was in this tremor, as if he had life, and came alive!

Although most of the body is buried under the mud, but with the endowment of life, with its body swaying violently, in the rumbling noise, between the rotting whale tail and fin shaking, its body actually directly from Struggling inside the mud, revealing the countless bloodstains connected to its abdomen!

And the other end of the bloodshot... at the bottom of the silt that exposed the deep pit, there is... a huge magic circle!

The blood on the magic circle is connected to the rotten whale, and it is also connected to the blood-colored villain in Wang Baole's hands, and this scene has also kept Wang Baole's hands constantly struggling, and the villain who made a silent roar stayed for a while, and then his body trembling, watching Frightened to the uncontrollable eyes of Wang Baole.

Without paying attention to the fear of the villain, Wang Baole's body flicked and appeared outside the rotten whale. Looking down at the formation in the mud at the bottom of the sea, he felt that the formation was exactly the same as the formation within the ruins he had seen before. At the same time, it also sees the difference.

The other relic formation methods are all deserted, even if there are some hidden fluctuations, but most of them are obscure. Obviously it is too long for the years. Without supplements, they cannot be turned on at all times, just like batteries, in a weak state.

But at the moment the law is not fully open, and it is in a strong power state. All of this immediately made Wang Baole guess the answer vaguely. The whale is indeed a biological warship, and it is not the Moon Star Sect, but the sect. , Or for other reasons, forcibly absorbed into the formation, as a charge for this formation.

It is for this reason that this teleportation array is still maintained in a state that can be opened at any time, and even the spirit of the device, or the name of the array of spirits, is more appropriate.

At the same time as Wang Baole's mind guessed all this, the formation also began to shine, as if its transmission was under this stimulus, it had to open itself.

Wang Baole's eyes flashed with precision. At the moment when the ray of the Fa continued to shine, he stepped **** the right foot across the air and banged. The tremor of the Fa trembled violently, and there was a clicking sound. The shining light slowly dimmed.

As for the scarlet villain in his hand, they also uttered a scream, extremely languishing, and immediately put it away after being sealed by Wang Baole, and then took away the rotten whale that was not wasted, and then turned around and left the sea area, when it appeared …Is already on another seabed, in front of which is the seaweed filled with a stone sculpture carrying a stone sword in front... Temple!

Almost at the moment when Wang Baole appeared, the body of the stone sculpture shook slightly, and behind the stone sword, there was an instant rise of sword spirit, and he pointed to Wang Baole!

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