A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1007: Two different brothers!

As soon as Wang Baole heard this, he immediately became vigilant, and at the same time, what the old cow told himself came to mind in his mind. In this flaming galaxy, remember to say one thing, not to falsify...

But at the moment, he was darker and more solemn, and Shen Sheng heard the words.

"Brother Fifteen has misunderstood me. I think Master Zunzhi is a wise man, so it must have a deep meaning in doing so, and he dare not speculate."

When the fifteen on the side heard this, he could not help but pouted.

"Sixteen, you're not honest, there is such a behavior of saying two. After a while you see Brother Seven, you know the result of insincere words."

It seemed that Wang Baole was a little bit uninterested, and no longer spoke during the fifteenth. Although he still walked like a needle mushroom all the way, he did not speak to Wang Baole and took him to visit the eleventh and eleventh sisters.

After visiting the 12th Senior Sister, Wang Baole finally felt relieved. The other person was the only person who looked normal after he came to the Flaming Galaxy. Cultivation was even in the stellar realm. Moreover, the 12th Senior Sister not only looks elegant and beautiful, but also is very elegant in her words and deeds. In her tower, she is also very gentle to Wang Baole. After inquiring about some Wang Baole's situation, she also urged some cultivation matters and finally got up in person. Send him with fifteen.

After sending it out, she thought about it and took out a bottle of immortality and handed it to Wang Baole.

"Sixteen brothers, this pill is named Xu Shen Ning. There are a total of seven pieces. It can be taken under critical injury. It can make your body and spirit in a burnt incense, continuous and substantial recovery."

As for the eleventh elder sister, it is also much more normal than the eleventh elder elder brother, but its character seems to be opposite to the elder elder sister twelve. The erupting volcano, and its stellar repair, can be imagined that once it erupts, it must be shattered!

The words are also in line with his character. After seeing Wang Baole, the first sentence he asked was extremely direct.

"Sixteen brothers, you have met those brothers and sisters in front of you, and want to come to have some understanding of my flaming galaxy, then you tell me, after reading these, how do you feel about the actions of respecting his old man?"

This remark made it difficult for Wang Baole to answer. Although I had asked similar words before in the fifteenth, the eleventh elder sister, regardless of personality or cultivation, put a lot of pressure on Wang Baole, especially the immediate problem, which was even sharper, making Wang Baole After hesitation, he could only open his fist clenched.

"When I return to eleventh elder sister, the master acted unpredictably, so profoundly, I didn't cultivate enough, I couldn't see through, but I could feel his love and expectation for his disciples."

Wang Baole still talks about clichés, not real thoughts in his heart. Although Lao Niu reminded him before, don’t flatter and say something here, but he feels that there is nothing in this world that doesn’t love flattery, even if it’s true Yes, it is also a question of the level of the speaker.

And this time when he came to this flaming galaxy, Wang Baole saw all the way, making him wondering and absurd, but he always felt that this was not what he saw, and it seemed to contain some taste that he now feels unclear.

There seems to be a layer of invisible light veil, covering everything, so that he can't see clearly and don't understand, so in such a situation, he should naturally speak more carefully.

After listening to Wang Baole's words, Eleventh Senior Sister looked as usual, without showing obvious emotional changes, but just took a deep look at Wang Baole, shook her head, and spoke lightly.

"Your personality should not come to the flaming galaxy." Then, Sister Eleven waved her hand, and immediately Wang Baole and the fifteen who did not speak after coming, were immediately rolled up by a heat wave, and immediately moved out of Sister Eleven. Tower.

After arriving outside, Fifteen glanced at Wang Baole, sighed, and murmured in a low voice.

"The eleventh elder sister hates the most, is insincere."

Wang Baole smiled bitterly and looked back at the eleventh elder sister's tower, shaking his head without speaking, and after fifteen years there, he didn't say much. He took Wang Baole to meet other elder brothers and sisters, perhaps because there were no more Too much communication, so the process of visiting naturally accelerated.

So after an hour, fifteen took Wang Baole and visited the ten brothers to the eight of the three brothers. Among these eight, there were more normal people, which also made Wang Baole’s heart feel strange about the flame galaxy. .

Brother Si is like a giant, like a giant. The strength of his physical body makes his blood vigorous to the extreme. Close to him seems to be close to a stove. Even in Wang Baole's feelings, this unspeakable Ten Brother, regardless of cultivation practice Still fighting, it seems to be much higher than eleven sisters.

He was also full of goodwill towards Wang Baole. Before Wang Baole went to visit, he gave Wang Baole a bottle of animal blood. According to his introduction, this is the blood of the fierce beast in the stellar realm. Use it to smear the whole body, so that the power of the flesh can be eternal. Promote.

Sister Nine is also normal, but the body is a bit dead. As for Sister Six and Sister Five, these two are seen by Wang Baole. Like Sister Twelve, the most normal classmates are all in the stellar realm, and are in While expressing goodwill to Wang Baole, he was also given a gift of meeting.

As for the four brothers who were not in the flame galaxy, they went to the outside world to try, so Wang Baole did not see it, but besides these people, several others made Wang Baole feel strange to varying degrees.

For example, Brother Eight is a dwarf, whose height is only at the position of Wang Baole's waist, and there are fluctuations all over his body that can affect people's minds, especially his smile and full of black teeth. Looking at Wang Baole's heart hair, instinct rises a strong crisis. sense.

There are seven brothers mentioned before fifteen...

This person is normal and abnormal, saying normal is because he is gentle and gentle, like a gentleman, even making tea for Wang Baole, and his words are all-encompassing, showing his understanding of everything in the world.

If it is not normal, he has a swollen nose and a swollen face, and his body is swollen, and he looks very embarrassed. After leaving after seeing him, he did not speak to Wang Baole all the way, he hummed a few words and spoke to Wang Baole.

"Sixteenth Brother, see. How handsome are the Seventh Brothers, just because they flattered the Master, they didn't say one thing, and then... you know, the Master is not happy, so he beat him up... basically , Brother Seven is beaten every month, so much so that I have forgotten what he looked like now."

"This..." Wang Baole sniffed.

"So, Little Sixteen, you have to remember that it is indisputable and must be said."

When Wang Baole heard that his heart was somewhat shaken, Fifteen took him to Brother Three's tower. Brother Three... can't be said to be abnormal, it can only be said that the image is too domineering.

It looks like a fire cow, and even looks like it is similar to Lao Niu Yan zero. If there is no blood relationship between them, Wang Baole does not believe it, especially the fifteenth after seeing the three brothers. As well as the tone of the meeting, Wang Baole also confirmed his judgment.

And Brother San's expression was lukewarm. He didn't say a few words to Wang Baole and left in a hurry, leaving Wang Baole no chance to get a deeper understanding. He could only visit Brother Two with the fifteenth.

After seeing Brother Two, Wang Baole walked all the way, and was surprised to see so many senior brothers and sisters in front of him. On the one hand, Brother Two’s cultivation behavior, Wang Baole could not feel it, the other party was not like a star, nor It’s like the star power you have encountered, not even a monk!

On the other hand, although the second brothers seem to be handsome and middle-aged, and they look like stars, they give people an extraordinary sense of magic, but Wang Baole has a strange feeling that the other party does not seem to really exist.

As if the eyes and the consciousness saw it, there was a cognitive gap with the real Second Brother, just like... What I saw was just what the Second Brother wanted to see.

This feeling made Wang Baole very uncomfortable. Fifteen on the side realized that behind this scene, although in front of the second brother, he still spoke in a low voice.

"The training of Brother Sixteen and Brother Two is different from mine. He cultivates the incense shinto. It can even be said that he did not exist in the world, but was born in the incense... To some extent, Brother Two is more like An immortal deity!"

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