A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1010: One-man show!

You have to know that Miss Sister used to call herself the palace. This is the first time that Wang Baole has heard that she actually claims to be an old lady... This name gives Wang Baole a worse feeling.

He can imagine that if a woman who pays much attention to herself doesn't even care about her image, it is enough to show that the other party is so excited and joyful to the extreme that she even dances to the point that she forgets her image.

In addition there will be celebrations...

In this way... Combined with the sentence "You also have today" in the other party's words, Wang Baole's breathing was a little messy, and he immediately asked carefully.

"Beautiful and kind, gentle and virtuous, and not lacking in integrity and integrity, that... can you tell the little, what happened?" Wang Baole looked at the initiative and jumped out of the mask where the excited little stomp on the foot Sister, depressed the crooked heart, sincere face.

"Want to know?" Listening to Wang Baole's words, although he looked sincere, it was hard to conceal the anxious expression in her heart. The young lady's heart was very comfortable. In fact, she has been proud of Wang Baole except for the first time after she followed Wang Baole. Every time I was hit by the other party.

If the blow was deliberate, she could still turn her face, but every time she was hit by an invisible blow, this made her mad about how many times she was inside, and finally saw the other person fall into the pit with her own eyes. In addition to the excitement, there was a strong sense of liveliness, so after asking the words, Wang Baole nodded quickly, and the young lady's eyes blinked.

"I will not tell you!"

Wang Baole heard his eyebrows raised, and he had a desire to escape, but with his understanding of the younger sister, how to use this desire to escape, still needs some skills, so he sighed in the bottom of his heart, and secretly calculated with a handsome man.

Thinking of this, his expression slowly emerged with emotion, and his eyes were more affectionate, staring at Miss Sister, and spoke softly.

"Miss Sister, do you know that in such a selfish, self-interested, ruthless starry sky, you can still hear your carefree, pure and lovely Miss Sister, like a natural laughter? , How lucky for me."

"So, sister, you can not tell me, Baole has only one request, you can laugh a little longer, and in your future life, you will be full of smiles like today..." Wang Baole whispered affectionately, slowly approaching the sister, Every sentence seemed to possess some strange power. When she fell into the ears of the younger sister, she was nervous for no reason.

This tension made the young lady very uncomfortable, so she stared.

"Fat man, do you think that this palace is a kind of flattering words, can it be bought, impossible!"

Wang Baole smiled softly and walked in front of the younger sister. When she raised her hand and dodged something in the other person's eyes, she shook the younger sister's virtual figure and gently twitched, murmuring.

"Sister, do you know that this world has no stars in my eyes, but every time I miss you, there will be a star, so there will be a lot of stars..."

As soon as the words came out, the younger sister obviously shook her body and took a few steps backwards, her heart was extremely tense, but she looked like she was disgusted and waved her hands.

"Stop, stop!"

"Fat man, I didn't find this palace before. You are so curious." Miss coughed, and after concealing her nervousness, she glanced at Wang Baole.

Wang Baole heard the words and said in the bottom of his heart that this is not what you want to see. It hurts me to have to show the beautiful men's plans, but on the surface, it put on a bitter smile and gave a fist to the younger sister.

"Also ask Miss Sister to solve the puzzle."

After calming down the tension in her heart, she saw Wang Baole's attitude was sincere, so the younger sister sat aside and raised a wave with her right hand. I didn't know where she actually grabbed a bottle of ice spirit water and drank it and drank it. , Her eyes blinked, with undisguised schadenfreude, after sweeping around Wang Baole, she put down the ice water and coughed.

"Alas, my shoulders are a bit sore..." As soon as the words came out, Wang Baole, who was shocked by the young lady taking out the ice spirit water, her face twitched, and her body disappeared instantly. When she appeared, she was behind the younger sister. Got up.

Enjoying Wang Baole's service, drinking ice spirit water, the younger sister was satisfied and told the whole story.

"Fat man, do you think this place is full of weirdness and more confused when you come to this flaming galaxy?"

"You see your brothers and sisters. Although they are normal, most of them still make you feel that your personality is wrong. It seems that your head is not right, is it?"

"Even the old cow feels weird in my heart, am I right?" said Miss Sister with a smile.

After Wang Baole was silent, he sighed and nodded.

"I tell you fat man, the ancestors of the flames are not small in the entire Weiyang area, and there are many rumors in his stories. Some people say that all his former hometowns were wiped out by the Weiyang tribe, and all the disciples were There were deaths, but some said that his disciples were not dead, but were seriously injured and slept. Others said that the Patriarch Patriarch later accepted some disciples."

"There is even a saying that the disciples of Flame Patriarch are indeed dead, only that he collected the remnant soul with great mana. The flame galaxy arranged is actually a huge trapped soul formation, specially for him. The place where the disciples prepare so that they can continue to exist here."

These words passed into Wang Baole's ears, and let him give a hand to the younger sister's shoulder.

"Various opinions, there are divergent opinions, which one is true, no one can see through except the cultivation level to the level of your brother Chen Qingzi, even because the flaming ancestor's eccentric character makes it a taboo, who can see the truth, Most will not spread."

"But...I should be the only person who knows the truth except those who are capable!" Sister Miss said here, her expression appeared complex and emotional, she put down the ice spirit water, and did not continue to let Wang Baole squeeze her shoulder. , But what seemed to come to mind, his eyes revealing memories and muttering whispers.

"Bao Le, actually Patriarch Blaze is very pitiful... His story is that my dad used to pass by this star field, and after talking to him, he murmured and was heard by me."

"Actually, all the rumors outside are incorrect. Your brothers and sisters in the flaming galaxy are not seriously wounded and slept, nor are they left behind, nor are they falsely illusioned... The real answer is, every one here People are all avatars of Flame Patriarch!!"

"Except for his second disciple, all disciples are his avatars, and even the old ox that takes you is also the avatar of Blaze."

"My father also said that Blaze is a lonely person. He has used countless avatars throughout his life to accumulate the world to accompany himself..."

Upon hearing this, Wang Baole felt a sudden shock in his heart. The strangeness and confusion in his mind were instantly lifted, turning into waves in his heart and impacting his soul.

It was this truth that made him unable to calm down, and he never expected that all this was not false, nor a residual soul, but a... unicorn drama.

"Not only your brothers and sisters were transformed by the ancestors of the flame ancestors. In the entire flame galaxy, there are grass and trees, but everything that lives is basically... his avatar, there are trees and fire ladybugs just outside. , If I guessed right, it’s one of your master’s avatars."

Sister Sister said here, it seemed that her emotions had recovered from the short depression before, and there was agility and cunning in her eyes, looking at Wang Baole.

"So, fat man, you are smart, but you are clever and mistaken, thinking that if you open your mouth deliberately, it will show your integrity. But I used to hear from the old patriarch when I was in the vast Taoist palace. It is said that Patriarch Patriarch is strong, but he is careful, even if you say impossible in the second half of the sentence, but the first half is enough."

Wang Baole was a bit stunned. On the one hand, he was still immersed in the story told by the younger sister, the grief of the ancestors of flames, on the other hand, he had to distract himself from thinking whether he was clever or not.

This dual purpose gave him some headaches. At the moment, he raised his head and rubbed his brow, just thinking about how to solve it, but soon he raised his brow.

"No, Brother Seven was really beaten up miserably. This can't always be fake. Isn't Master Zun playing with him in his spare time? Also once a month?"


Ask everyone for a day off, there will be private affairs tomorrow, and make up for it on the weekend

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