A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1013: Feng Xingjue!

Wang Baole was a little dumbfounded, but no matter how he recalled the previous scenes, he couldn't find any flaws. Whether it was the Master or other brothers and sisters, his speech and deeds were natural, making it difficult for him to distinguish true from false.

Even now, he feels that this seems to be in line with the careful eye of the young lady, because of his previous words, the corporal punishment given, and at the same time thinks that maybe this is really a custom...

In short, he is very confused at the moment, and if there are no words from the younger sister, but he still can't distinguish the words, which makes Wang Baole sigh.

"Fuck, if I continue to hesitate, I'm afraid it will be more troublesome in the future, simply... I will be all the brothers and sisters are masters, then the fire ladybug is, the old cow in front of me is the same!" Wang Baole gritted his teeth fiercely, and after his thoughts were determined, he went to look at the huge old cow whose body had changed, and he also had a different view.

"Just now the old cow is a master, this is the master to hear me, punish me to bathe him!" Wang Baole took a deep breath, put a diligent smile on his face, and flew to the huge body of the old cow Beside, start cleaning from his hoof.

"It's not bad, little sixteen, pull the nail cover of my old cow."

"The energy is a little weak, little sixteen, work harder!"

"Yes, this is comfortable!"

With Wang Baole's hard work cleaning, Lao Niu's voice also echoed with a sense of comfort, and Wang Baole worked in his hands, and his mouth was not idle.

Under Wang Baole's constant flattery, time slowly passed, and soon half a month passed. During these half months, Wang Baole was particularly hard-working and had little rest time every day. Most of his energy was put on the old cattle, making Lao Niu is extremely comfortable.

As for the ancestor of flames, it also came once during the period, and then turned into a long rainbow in the face of Wang Baole and Lao Niu.

And after the ancestors of flames left, the old cow will also ask for some words like temptation from time to time.

"Sixteenth, although your master asked you to bathe the old cow, but you can do it as you wish. I actually don't need you to clean the old cow."

"Senior Bull Niu, you are wrong. The Master is in my heart. It is like a father. The words of his old man, I fully obey without hesitation. Let me clean your whole body for you, and I will never let go of any of them. The corner!" Wang Baole said righteously.

"Don't talk about these false ones, your master is out of flame galaxy, you can't hear them." Lao Niu smiled, and he knew Wang Baole very well.

Wang Baole blinked as he heard the words, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

"Senior Cow, you are wrong again. The orders of the Master and my customs of the Flaming Galaxy are only one aspect. There is also a reason why I am grateful to the seniors for their dedication and loyalty to the Master for many years. Just come, now I am in the flame galaxy, I must honor your elderly!"

"Come on, Senior Cow, please don't move first. There is a lice here. Let me deal with Senior Cow. You **** lice, dare to bite my Senior Cow. I am not at odds with you!"

"Senior Cow, come and lift your feet... I will clean the bottom of your feet for you."

Seeing this as Wang Baole, Lao Niu was obviously happier. Laughter was heard many times during this time, and he also changed different methods to keep trying Wang Baole, but under Wang Baole’s intentions, every time he was honest Discourse response, almost every sentence, expresses respect for the master.

In addition to Lao Niu, fifteen or other brothers and sisters, they also come here occasionally to see. Every time they come, no matter how they speak, Wang Baole’s answer is with respect and enthusiasm for the master, Even in the fifteenth time, there were times when he was spitting out, but Wang Baole was still perseveringly patting his ass.

In this way, time passed again, and soon a month passed. During this month, Wang Baole almost lived on the old cow. Apart from cleaning it, part of his energy was also used for the ancestors of flames. Research on Feng Xingjue.

This Feng Xing Jue is very bizarre. With Wang Baole's in-depth understanding, as well as the veteran's advice from time to time, he gradually became deeper from the initial ignorance, and finally when he studied the entire Feng Xing Jue, Because of this, the heart has already made a big wave.

In fact, this star tactic, with an unfathomable description, is not an exaggeration.

The principle is simply a seal!

The exercises are divided into four layers, corresponding to the four realms of the planet after junior high school and Dzogchen. Among them, the first layer of the early planet is called Feng Meteorology. Generally speaking, it can seal meteorites, and finally use a large number of sealed meteorites. Arrange the frame to create an imaginary ghost.

This phantom can be anything, and once fixed, it cannot be replaced. At the same time, the more realistic it is, the greater its power. In addition, the more meteorites that make up this phantom, the greater the power.

In this way, there are two problems involved, one is the need to seal a large number of meteorites, and the other is... The phantom of the layout needs to be selected, and the one who knows itself must be selected, so the whole body of the old cow is cleaned. During the process, Wang Baole naturally... chose the figure of Lao Niu as his shadow composition.

After all, with the cleansing of every inch of his body, his level of understanding has also continuously improved. In this way, the realism of the phantoms formed has basically reached the extreme.

So this became Wang Baole's motivation. How could he not work **** washing and bathing the old cattle... and this star tactic corresponds to the second level of the middle planet, and its power is greater.

It is no longer a seal meteorite, but can be used to seal the stars in the planets, and use the stars to arrange the phantom of the **** cow. According to Wang Baole's judgment, the power is terrible!

As for the third layer, it seems that they are similar to each other, and they are the two types of stars, the seal spirit and the immortal, which form the shadow of the divine cow, but the difference in power is so great that according to the description of the practice, if you can draw enough spirit, There are two types of stars in the fairy, so even if they are facing the cultivation of the high planet of the special stars, they can be battled and towned!

It’s just that before this, the method described the limit of this tactic, that is, to seal the immortal star. Special stars can’t be sealed, but the old cow told Wang Baole when he was pointing, according to his calculations, to master Wang Baole of Daoxing to practice this. The law may be able to break the extreme to an unprecedented level.

After all, Wang Baole itself is a fusion of Taoxing, so it is different from ordinary monks in personality.

This is not over yet. The fourth layer of Feng Xing Jue's exercises directly points to the way of breaking through stars. If you follow this Feng Xing Ju practice step by step, breaking through planets and stepping into stars, it will become easier!

The thing that shocked Wang Baole the most is that this technique seems to be the only one, which belongs to the planetary level of magical powers, but in fact, according to his judgment, the stars that make up the divine cow can be replaced by stars...

The thought of the horrible degree of the divine cow composed of a large number of stars is afraid of the gap between the real cow and the real cow, but as long as there are enough stars, the gap will not be too large. Wang Baole is also dumbfounded.

After fully understanding these, Wang Baole also had a profound understanding of Master Zu's Flame Patriarch's intention to allow himself to bathe the divine cow.

Regardless of whether the divine cow is a master's avatar in front of him, the meaning of the master is already very clear, that is, to let him understand the micro level of the fur of the divine cow in the process of bathing the divine cow, and This kind of subtle mastery will undoubtedly make him smoother and more powerful when practicing this star tactic!

After all, Lao Niu is the star power!

And a star power, let him go to understand the body and mind, such opportunities, such fortunes are basically extremely rare, even those big clans, it is difficult for a disciple or clan to achieve this level .

Therefore, this month, although Wang Baole did not make progress, but on the Feng Xing Jue, he made rapid progress, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a crash!

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