A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1022: What now?

While expressing such a contrast, the more and more the master's kindness was highlighted, while Xie Haiyang was also emotional, and determined his own goals for a period of time in the heart.

The goal is...must let Wang Baole, who is in front of him, be happy and comfortable. Only in this way can things be ensured as planned.

Even if it is quantified, in the heart of Xie Haiyang, a progress bar should appear on the head of Wang Baole from one to one hundred. If this bar reaches one hundred, it represents the crisis of his father, which can not only be resolved, but also very likely Will usher in a new life experience.

This is true even if you are here.

With such a quantification, Xie Haiyang is more persistent, because after secretly calculating, he feels that his progress bar with Wang Baole is only about thirty at the moment. Thinking of this, Xie Haiyang smiled on his face and raised his right hand. , Took out a box of ice water from the storage bag.

"Uncle Sixteen, this time I came here, I specially asked people to purchase your favorite drink from the Federation and put it here for you." Then, Xie Haiyang put the ice spirit water down.

"In addition, I think that the figure of eight thousand Fanxing is auspicious figure in the perception of the Federation, but it is still a bit worse. So, Uncle Sixteen, I think of a way to give you the fastest time. Eighty-eight-eight-hundred stars were brought in!" After that, after noticing Wang Baole's expression with obvious joy, Xie Haiyang accompanied him to say something, and the words were full of flattery.

What is the first handsome, what a thousand gold, what a peculiar style, etc... These words are all up and down, and Wang Baole is also a little helpless to hear.

Obviously Xie Haiyang was a little rusty in this respect, let alone compared with Wang Baole, even Liu Daobin could not compare with him, and finally he felt embarrassed. After seeing Wang Baole yawning, he retired.

Xie Haiyang, who walked out of the tower, immediately gritted his teeth and quickly removed the jade jade. On the one hand, he let himself be purchased by Fan Xing, and on the other hand, after hesitation, he explained it and let people collect good. Talented people are ready to learn this skill.

"No way, then Wang Baole just like this..." Xie Haihai felt with emotion, and after thinking about it, when recalling the Federation, Wang Baole seemed to have no shortage of women around him, and each of them looked good. Its subordinates, searching for beauties outside...

Just as Xie Haiyang was trying his best to prepare to please Wang Baole, Wang Baole, who saw the other party leaving at the moment, also smiled after the blink of an eye.

"Master is kind to me..." Wang Baole coughed, thinking that after he came to the flame galaxy, the practice of Feng Xingjue had a superb observation, and after the cultivation was completed, it was the compensation of Zijin civilization to let him practice. Many, now need Fan Xing, and Master sent Xie Haiyang over again.

This step by step, if it is not prepared in advance, Wang Baole naturally does not believe, so from the bottom of my heart, I am more aware of the flaming galaxy, and I have more respect for my master.

Days passed like this day by day, and half a month later, because of the arrival of Xie Haiyang in the flaming galaxy, it also became more and more lively. Basically Xie Haiyang came to Wang Baole every day to say hello. If Wang Baole went out of the tower, then basically in him Less than half a stick of incense after walking out of the tower, Xie Haiyang's figure will surely come along with enthusiasm for trotting along the way.

His words are also growing in an amazing way every day. From the beginning, the flattery was a little embarrassing until it became smooth, and at the same time, it was quickly changed from a straight horse to a lightly described. It can make Wang Baole very comfortable. Even with all these improvements, even Wang Baole has to praise Xie Haiyang's learning ability.

In addition to the changes in words, Xie Haiyang's cleverness also makes Wang Baole very satisfied. Basically, as long as he has a look, the other party will instantly understand and explain the things he deals with clearly.

For example, Wang Baole just coughed, and Xie Haiyang, who was behind him, immediately took out a bottle of ice spirit water that was calmed with mana ice and added with spirit liquid and medicine liquid.

Or Wang Baole just stretched out his arms, Xie Haiyang would immediately step forward and knead it, with moderate strength, which made Wang Baole comfortable.

In addition, Xie Haiyang's daily gifts are also given constantly. One magic weapon today and one medicine tomorrow, he invited Wang Baole to visit the Xing family's newly-developed tourist star the day after tomorrow...

It can be said that Xie Haiyang has done quite well in the work of classmates. At the same time, his master, that is, Sister Wang Baole, is even more diligent. As for his other uncles, Xie Haiyang has not After falling down, all the gifts were given, and with their grand family background, gifts were used for life, which piled up a harmony of the flame star...

Wang Baole was naturally very satisfied with this, but he still persuaded Xie Haiyang many times.

"Ocean Brothers, you don't have to do this, I said I will help you, I will definitely help you..."

"Uncle Sixteen, please call my nickname in the future. Only then will I feel more intimate!" Xie Haiyang looked sincere.

"This...you don't really need to..."

"Sixteenth Master Uncle! This is Yanger's heartfelt move. Please also ask Sixteenth Master Uncle to deprive his disciples of filial piety!"

After Wang Baole persuaded several times without success, he stopped talking, but he could still see that Xie Haiyang did everything deliberately. Occasionally, the unnatural expression in his expression was obviously Xie Haiyang comforting himself again and again.

In fact, Wang Baole is not wrong, Xie Haiyang is indeed so. As a family of Xie, he was very proud before coming to the flame galaxy. After coming here, due to various things, he had to be like this. Unwilling.

Therefore, every time he returned to his tower, Xie Haiyang would blame it on himself for the purpose. Although Wang Baole had persuaded him not to do so, his master also implied that this was not necessary, but thank Haiyang for not being assured, he I feel that in this world, except for the blood relationship, all other relationships need to be drawn by interests if they want to maintain it well.

This inherent Xie family's thinking makes him follow his own way of networking in the following days. Wang Baole sees it and slowly lets the other party go. After all, he is still very comfortable in this process At the same time, I have to admit that Xie Haiyang's approach can indeed bring the relationship closer.

At least it is only one month now, and Wang Baole looked more and more at Xie Haiyang and was prepared to persuade Brother Chen Qingzi more...

If things have been developing so smoothly, I am afraid that it will not be long before Xie Haiyang can stand firm in the flame galaxy completely.

Xie Haiyang should never deserve it... Apart from slipping the beard, Wang Baole and filial respect for his master, he and his fifteenth uncle slowly got the same smell and hooked up together.

Perhaps it was Xie Haiyang’s own behavior, or perhaps the intentional approach of the fifteenth, creating a sympathetic situation. In short, after this month, the relationship between the two has almost reached the point of nothing.

The fifteenth did not have any shelf, making Xie Haiyang restore his former identity. The two of them got along with each other and made him feel more intimate.

Seeing this scene, Wang Baole has a strange look, and you can play too well with Master Underworld...

"This is the rhythm of Xie Haiyang's bad play..." Wang Baole rubbed his eyebrows and could guess the ending in an instant. Seeing his relationship with Xie Haiyang, he also hinted that Xie Haiyang, but Xie Haiyang obviously did not Understand.

Therefore, in the increasingly better relationship with his fifteenth division uncle, at the fifteenth time he repeatedly took the initiative to say bad things about the ancestors of flames, and at the same time induced the Xie Haiyang again and again... Finally, one day, in the tower of Wang Baole, with the ten Fifth, when a pot of wine arrived, Xie Haiyang took a few sips, and at the time of the fifteenth initiative vomiting the flame ancestor, Xie Haiyang finally told his fifteenth division of his dissatisfaction with the flame ancestor. uncle……

"Fifteen, you are right. The ancestor is really very yin. I was pitted here by him all the time. I dare not talk to others. I can only talk to you... I used to I heard people mention that the ancestor is careful and likes to dig pits. I still don’t believe..."

Fifteen sat opposite Xie Haiyang and squinted. There was a deep meaning in his eyes that Xie Haiyang could not see. He poured a glass of wine to Xie Haiyang and asked with a smile after passing it.

"What now?"

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